african american studies topics

Digitized collection of documents from the Commission dating from 1957 to 2006 from the Thurgood Marshall Law Library at the University of Maryland. Home Topics of Study International Slave Trade Domestic Slavery American Civil War Reconstruction Era Segregation and Integration Great Migration AAST 3321. Campus and Resources. Through a multidisciplinary perspective, it reveals the complicated ways we come to know and live race in the United States. Using master classes, academic study, and embodied practice in the studio to develop a physical understanding and detailed social analysis of four specific hip-hop dance genres, we will explore the distinctive cultural influences that shaped each of these diverse forms, as well the deeper movement principles that they share. Whatever the case, we can help. Topics in African American Studies (3-0) An examination of a currently relevant subject from the perspective of African American Studies. African American Studies topics of special interest. Topical organization of courses addresses issues that have been of importance historically and are reshaping the African diaspora today. Black Popular Music Popular African American Painters This project produced by the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance and Abolition is a collection of primary documents from the 17th century to the present "about the shared history of African Americans and Irish Americans." Coverage: pre-colonial times to present. PowerPapers is a writing service. The earliest thesis, by Emmet Gerald Alexander, State Education of the Negro in the South, was completed in 1907 in the Department of Education, while the most recent date from the calendar year 2001. In this important program, you can choose to pursue either African or African American studies and explore the synergies in theory, concept, and method across the African diaspora. South Africans have won more Nobel Prizes for Literature in the past forty years than authors from any other country. Topics of Study African American Studies This guide features resources relevant to research in African American history and culture, race and identity, and the African diaspora. African American Studies 491, Credits: 1-3. Topics include racism, sexism, political involvement, education, religion, family, and comparisons with the experiences of black men. A digital archive of primary sources that document the lives of people in Augusta County, Virginia, and Franklin County, Pennsylvania, during the era of the American Civil War. Black Lives. High Schools If you are located in the U.S. and are interested in joining the 2023-24 pilot program, please complete this form by November 30, 2022. Repeatability: Unlimited as topics vary. A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History & Culture. To accomplish these goals, the course will acquaint students with the processes of conceptualization and basic research techniques, and some of the unique issues in conducting research on the black experience. With an analysis of race and ethnicity at the center, students will examine the development of institutions and practices, with the growth and formation of racial and ethnic identities, including changing perceptions, measures, and reproduction of inequality. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. Variable topics. The Role Of African Slavery In The History Of The U.S. The life of African American soldiers, the rights of black people before and after the war, as well as the struggles of common people are among the most burning questions discussed by historians. Read more Accept. African literature and films have been a vital (but often unacknowledged) stream in and stimulant to the global traffic in invention. The program also features an annual Robert Scott Smalls Lecture Series that brings . Wells, Gerrit Smith, Horace Greeley, and others.". The purposes of this course are to assist the student in developing the ability to critically evaluate social science research on the black experience and to do research in African studies. This course introduces students to the field of African American Studies through an examination of the complex experiences, both past and present, of Americans of African descent. We provide, among other services, model papers for personal, private use. Course topics will vary from quarter to quarter, so it may be repeated up to three times as long as the quarterly topics vary. Drawing on a wide-ranging methodological toolkit from the humanities and social sciences, students will learn to reflect on the ethical and political dimensions of original research in order to produce knowledge that is intellectually and socially engaged. Government When choosing African American history research paper topics, the first field you can begin with is the history of education. Guides students in extended projects in performance. Using biographies, historical essays, and thematic pieces, many written by foremost scholars, it addresses a wide array of subjects in over 2,300 articles to define in one source the cultural roots, participation in American life, and current condition of . Collection of oral histories from a number of Southern oral history programs. Group activity oriented presentations emphasizing hands on and participatory instructional techniques. Follow the traditional essay structure. History The key to creating a superior essay on African American studies is to keep loyal to all the races. A writing sample is required as part of the application and should be a critical or scholarly paper of your most recent work and no longer than 20 pages. Even in case you are 100% sure to have a unique, Social Justice for African American Kids that Are Looking For Education, All-white Colleges and Schools: Easy Ways To Eliminate The Gap, Black Schooling: The Evolution of Rights of Learners Throughout the United States, Historically Black Universities and Colleges, The Problem Of Racism At Schools in The 20th Century, The Way African American People Got An Access To Education, The Evolution Of African American Education During The Era Of Slavery, The Changes In Schooling In The 19th Century, The Challenges Of Black Learning In the Past Century, The Way To Anti-Slavery Society and Free Rights For Education, The First Black Students In The History of The United States, Social and Legal Restrictions On Receiving Education In The Past, The Problem Of Academic Racism In The Countrys History, The Educational Problems Of African American Students, The Conflict Between Black And White Students In The 20th Century, African American Movement For An Access To Education in Texas, African American Movement For An Access To Education in Manhattan, African American Movement For An Access To Education in Kansas, African American Movement For An Access To Education in Mississippi, An Education Of African Americans In New Orleans, African American Movement For An Access To Education in North Carolina, An Access Of African Americans to Floridas Beaches, The Development Of African American Rights, African American Life At Bronx At The Beginning Of The 20th century, African American and Jewish Struggles in New York City, African American Movement For An Access To Education in Different States, The Results Of The Most Successful Slave Revolt, The Lives Of African Americans During The Slavery Period, The Rights Of African Americans During The Slavery Period, Taboos For African Americans During The Slavery Period, The Education During The Era Of Black Slavery, The Rights Of Women During The Period Of Slavery, The Trade Relations During The Slavery Times. However, it is better to cover the topic that is closely related to the area of your studies. THE LATINA EXPERIENCE. Four courses (16 credits) chosen from below: * * Must be from . Special Topics in African American Studies (1-4) This course will explore specialized, relevant topics in the field of African American studies. Choose African American research paper ideas and topics wisely. Although you might choose a mind-blowing topic, it is still important to meet the basic requirements for the structure of your essay. The field of African and African American studies is not only interdisciplinary but also comparative and cross-cultural. The changing focal points of Africana Studies have also reflected important demographic transformations among the black population in the United States, most especially the post-1970s rise of mass incarceration, as well as the growth of immigrants from Continental Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America. This advanced studio/seminar topics course explores the artistic, social, and cultural implications of hip-hop dance through an intensive focus on the concept of style. The course will place emphasis on the acquisition of listening skills and explore related musical and social issues. Many students find it extremely difficult to bring all their findings to a perfect shape. The Institute for Research in African-American Studies was established at Columbia in 1993, expanding the University's commitment to this field of study. in African American Studies. This book also examines at length the proliferation of African American autobiography in the twenty-first century, noting the roles of digital genres, remediated lives, celebrity lives, self-help culture, non-Western religious traditions, and the politics of adoption. African-American Studies Paper Topics African-American studies intersects with every possible subject area. Course provides an overview of historical and current issues facing African American women. Economics African American Studies is an interdisciplinary program which offers undergraduate students an opportunity to study those societies and cultures established by the people of the African diaspora. This topics course explores the complex interplay between political, economic, and cultural forces that shape our understanding of the historic achievements and struggles of African-descended people in the United States and their relation to others around the world. Project sponsored by Stanford University and the MLK Center for Nonviolent Social Change. AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES. Independent Study in Asian and Asian-American Studies. In tracing these relationships we will cover issues such as property, criminal law, suffrage, education, and immigration, with a focus on the following theoretical frameworks: equal protection, due process, civic participation and engagement, and political recognition. the african american studies major examines, from numerous disciplinary perspectives, questions of race, culture, and modern struggles for equality centering on the experiences of people of african descent in black atlantic societies including the united states, the caribbean, latin america, europe, and africa, including the global impact of . Article: African-American Studies Paper Topics, African Americans and The Freedom Of Assembly, Black Americans and The U.S. Film Industry, Black Americans During The Industrial Age, Black Communities and The Culture Of Surveillance, Black Femininities and Black Masculinities, Black Women and The History Of Reproductive Choice, Contemporary Segregation In American Schools, Gospel, Spirituals, Blues, and Rap: African American Music, Hard Work and Natural Talent: Race and Sport, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, How Pointing Out Racism Became Worse Than Being Racist, Justice and The Law: The Legal Constructs Of Slavery, Jim Crow, and Mass Incarceration, Last Hired, First Fired: Race, Sex, and Employment, Maternal Health, Stress, and The Menace Of Black Motherhood, Mixed Race Identities: Challenges Within and Without, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder In Black Communities, Psychological Effects Of Racist Of Oppression, Race and Science Fiction: Literature and Visual Media, Race In The Commons: Race and Impromptu Social Interaction, Racism, Bigotry, Bias, Stereotypes, and Prejudice: Individuals and Systems Of Oppression, Racist Ideologies From Colonial Europe To The Present, Slavery In Latin America and Black Migration, Southern Christian Leadership Conference (Sclc), Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (Sncc), The African American Upper Classes In America, The National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People (Naacp), The National Black Feminist Organization (Nbfo). Our experts can create a top academic paper for you from scratch and provide you with a polished and 100% original essay before the deadline. An introduction survey examining the historical development of jazz from its African origins through the present. Civil War is one of the most well-known events in the history of Black Americans. English Variable . Topics in African American Studies Professor/Instructor This topics course explores the complex interplay between political, economic, and cultural forces that shape our understanding of the historic achievements and struggles of African-descended people in the United States and their relation to others around the world. Additional information on the graduate program is available from the Department of African and African American Studies and requirements for the degree are detailed in GSAS Policies. You'll be especially well prepared for diversity and inclusion related jobs as a social worker, multicultural assistant or diversity officer. Students are expected to apply a multidisciplinary approach to the study of the international and national divisions of . These are talented African American actors, singers, musicians, theater players, and other creative people you can write about. You'll cover it all, examining: Social Institutions Political Movements Belief Systems Spiritual Ideals Persistent Issue of Racial Inequality and Racism Repeatable. Political science, STEM fields, philosophy, business, art and architecture, and literature, are just some of the interdisciplinary areas of study available for student writers to explore. African Studies involves a cross-campus, interdisciplinary group of faculty, staff, and students who have an interest in questions relating to Africa and the African Diaspora. Please make sure that you choose scholarly articles. Our experts split the themes for your convenience, so feel free to pick up the field you need and grab a topic easily. The courses included in the minor focus on aspects of the African American experience. No personal data is being tracked. Particular attention is given to what is called the American Jeremiad, a mode of public exhortation that joins social criticism to spiritual renewal. In-depth study of selected topics in African American history from the seventeenth century to the present. Freely accessible and searchable collections of documents and ephemera related to African Americans in the United States from the 17th century to present. The site is a collaborative project of Brown University and Tougaloo College. Some estimates place the number of African-American studies programs reaching its peak at 800 in the early 1970s and declining to about 375, due to the lack of resources and support, by the mid-1990s. GRE General: Required for only $16.05 $11/page. Interesting Research Paper Topics This course offers an introduction to the major themes, critical questions, and pivotal moments in post emancipation African American history. Changing Places: The African American Migration of the Urban South. The quests for African liberation, the civil rights movements, and the black power and black arts movements had created an . This week you will be choosing an article about one of the topics in class and doing a 300 word summary and analysis of the article in the discussion section. The African American Studies graduate program focuses on life, culture, and social organization (broadly defined) of persons of African descent. Welcome to your last week of Intro to African American Studies! We offer custom written papers starting at $32 / page. Course Number: ASAME 48GA-MZ Units: .5-5 Class: 0-5 hours lecture, 0-15 hours laboratory (GR) Description: See section on Selected Topics. Best Essay Topics on African American African American Women: Domestic Violence and Integrity At present, gender profiling still remains an issue, and the present-day African American communities are infamously known as a graphic example of women abuse in society. A Massachusetts Historical Society collection of 840 visual materials from the collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society that illustrate the role of Massachusetts in the national debate over slavery. It aims to reframe the countrys history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative. Collection of documents and photographs illustrating the history of the Mississippi Freedom Movement. African-American studies intersects with every possible subject area. African American Studies Research Topics: The Culture The culture and traditions of African Americans are incredibly diverse. Graduates have secured faculty positions at such prestigious institutions as Yale University, Harvard University, Pennsylvania State University, and University of California, Los Angeles. Special attention to the role of religious, racial, and ethnic factors. Using a wide variety of texts, images, and creative works, the course situates African American history within broader national and international contexts. Dubois Papers at University of Massachusetts Amherst, The Association for the Study of African American Life and History, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, National Association of African American Studies. The era of slavery is considered to be one of the toughest periods in the history of African Americans. Here you may explore thousands of original documents that allow you to see what life was like during the Civil War for the men and women of Augusta and Franklin. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. The African-American studies curriculum explores the historical, cultural, social, and intellectual contours of the development of people of African descent. Creating any type of academic paper requires doing advanced research, pointing out the most important facts, and come up with the results of the analysis combined with your own thoughts. Scholarly articles are peer reviewed and generally cannot be found on . Criminology and Criminal Justice Research Topics, Macroeconomics and Microeconomics Paper Topics, Theology And Religious Research Paper Topics, World History and Culture Research Topics. The situation is becoming even worse when it comes to creating papers on African American topics since this area is considered to be one of the most controversial for dozens of years. Whether examining how communities can be destroyed through urban planning, the highway planning commissions in Detroit, or revitalized by the same, New York Citys recovery, you can find a host of interesting topics about the activities within various African-American communities and the processes that shaped those communities. Simple & Easy African Americans Essay Titles. From the About page: To create a repository for the concert works (those intended for the concert stage; aka classical works) of composers of the African Diaspora. The development of African-American schooling, the rights of learners, as well as the conflicts between black and white students, are among the most popular topics described in college essays. The major in African American Studies prepares students for a wide range of professional and career opportunities., Privacy| Digital Accessibility | Report Copyright Infringement, 2020The President and Fellows of Harvard College, Harvard University - The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Special Students and Visiting Fellows FAQ, Commencement for the Classes of 2020 and 2021, Department of African and African American Studies, GSAS admissions requirements and other information, Theses & Dissertations for African and African American Studies, See list of African and African American Studies faculty, African and African American Studies Website. Full text. Ethiopian literature is one of the oldest in the world. Romance Languages and Literatures Linguistics Documents the struggle for racial equality in the 1950s and 1960s through a digital video archive of historical news film, extensive links to related digital collections, and secondary Web-based learning resources such as contextual stories, encyclopedia articles, lesson plans, and activities. From the website: The ABWH constitution outlines four organizational goals: to establish a network among the membership; to promote Black women in the profession; to disseminate information about opportunities in the field; and to make suggestions concerning research topics and repositories. Index of articles related to African Americans. AP African American Studies This article is part of a series on Advanced Placement Exams Awards AP Capstone Seminar (AP Capstone Part 1) Research (AP Capstone Part 2) Current subjects Art History Biology Calculus (AB & BC) Chemistry Chinese Language and Culture Comparative Government & Politics Computer Science A Computer Science Principles All the work should be used in accordance with the appropriate policies and applicable laws. Part of the College of Arts and Sciences, the African American Studies Program focuses on academic strengths that include black political and social movements, African American literature and comparative cultural anthropology. Many learners are often feeling totally lost with an incredible number of requirements for their academic papers. African American women in culture, pop music, theater, sports, cinema, and screenwriting are not the only topics you can describe in your essay. Selected Topics in African-American Studies. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. Comparisons of different systems of stratification in the world today. View Schedule AAS 239LEC Topics in African American Studies Lecture. Pick up data from only reliable sources. African American Studies Essay Examples and Topics 229 samples We will write a custom essay specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page 808 certified writers online Learn More Du Bois' and Washington's Disagreement on the Issue of Education Poetry, essays, novels, popular fiction, a stage production or two, and related visual texts. . The boxes below bring together numerous websites that provide information about specific topics in African American Studies. There are tons of African American studies research topics you can choose from. Includes a brief, selected documents, and a searchable database of transcriptions of MLK papers and secondary works. There is nothing new that different states have various laws and rights offered to African Americans. Religion The Issue of Class Oppression Among African Americans Information and support for research related to the African and African American, Hispanic, Latino(a) and Chicano(a), Native American and Asian experiences. This surveys history of African American art during the long 20th-century, from the individual striving of late 19th century to the unprecedented efflorescence of art and culture in 1920s Harlem; from the retrenchment in black artistic production during the era of Great Depression, to the rise of racially conscious art inspired by the Civil Rights Movement; from the black feminist art in the 1970s, to the age of American multiculturalism in the 1980s and 1990s; and finally to the turn of the present century when ambitious "postblack" artists challenge received notions of black art and racial subjectivity. The course considers the diversity of experiences in this formative period of nation-making. The Department of African American Studies is an intellectual community committed to producing, refining and advancing knowledge of Black people in the United States, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, and Africa. Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, African Americans and the End of Slavery in Massachusetts, Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in America: A Visual Record, Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project 1936-1938, Images of the Antislavery Movement in Massachusetts, Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies, The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Historical Publications of the United States Civil Rights Commission, Oral Histories of the American South - Civil Rights, "Born in the Wake of Freedom:" John Mitchell, Jr., and the Richmond Planet, UCLA African Studies Center (Marcus Garvey UNIA Papers Project), W.E.B. Gale offers a variety of publications covering a wide range of African American studies topics, including cultures, Negro Leagues, the Black Power movement, and more. Introduction to a broad range of topics in African American studies, exploring history, literature, art, culture, politics, and contemporary social issues. Others have gone into non-academic careers in organizations like the Boston Review and are founders of non-profit companies such as the Fine Cacao and Chocolate Institute. AFAM 111A. This special topics course will focus on artists and intellectuals whose corpus reflects and illuminates 20th century African American life. A variety of appropriate studies will be utilized. The relations between the people of different races and nationalities have been a subject for discussions for years. Prerequisite: instructor's permission. Students will examine the intellectual traditions, socio-political contexts, expressive forms, and modes of belonging of people who are understood to share common boundaries/experiences as either (1) Africans and the African Diaspora outside of the United States; and/or (2) non-African-descended people of color within the United States. Essay title: African-American Studies. "The Geography of Slavery in Virginia is a digital collection of advertisements for runaway and captured slaves and servants in 18th- and 19th-century Virginia newspapers.". Always check your paper for plagiarism. May be repeated for credit if topic varies. A course analyzing various Latin American literary and written traditions produced by, in dialogue with, or on behalf of subjects who have an ambiguous relationship with dominant forms of written expression, for example: indigenous people, black people, and women. Some audio narratives are included as well. Museum at Ferris State University provides images of racist objects, images and cartoons along with essays. Students engage classic texts in the field, all of which are framed by a concern with epistemologies of resistance and of ignorance that offer insight into African American thought and practice. Du Bois. Topics may include imperialism, colonialism, slavery, inequality, and capitalism. Two lectures, one preceptorial. Course Number: AFRAM 49 Units: .5-5 Class: .5-5 hours lecture (GR) Acceptable for credit: CSU, UC Political science, STEM fields, philosophy, business, art and architecture, and literature, are just some of the interdisciplinary areas of study available for student writers to explore. African American Studies Topics in African American Studies The boxes below bring together numerous websites that provide information about specific topics in African American Studies. A specific topic in the interdisciplinary field of African American Studies. It will introduce students to the distinct theoretical approaches and methods of African & African American Studies, centering Black, African and African American thought, scholarship, and culture. The African Language Program features instruction in 45 different African languages. An exhibit created by the Virginia Newspaper Project. Analyzes the historical construction of race as a concept in American society, how and why this concept was institutionalized publicly and privately in various arenas of U.S. public life at different historical junctures, and the progress that has been made in dismantling racialized institutions since the civil rights era. A major in African American Studies leads to a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Studio work will be complemented by readings, video viewings, guest speakers, and dance studies. We intend our papers to be used as models, not to be turned in as your own work. Securing College Credit and Placement The Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History covers all aspects of the African-American experience from 1619 to the present day. Coverage: pre-colonial times to present. Inequalities in property, power, and prestige examined for their effects on life chances and lifestyles. Applicants to the program in African and African American Studies typically have done some undergraduate work in the field of African or African American studies. Introductory Topics in African American Studies. This site includes an online encyclopedia of hundreds of famous and lesser-known figures in African America, full-text primary documents and major speeches of black activists and leaders from the 18th Century to the present. A Library of Congress collection of more than 2,300 first person accounts of slavery plus 500 photographs. @HarvardGSAS, Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Campus Center Excellent resources for teachers and student teachers. The Promised Land: Struggles of the African . Directed Group Study in African American Studies (2 or 4) Good Essay Topics on African Americans. The first release of this Library of Congress collection contains over 2000 items and "contains the writings of Douglass and such contemporaries in the abolitionist and early women's rights movements as Henry Ward Beecher, Ida B.

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