isu language assassin's creed

Ending the reign of terror on Thasos from Cult guards would need one last push. To get to the truth, however, he sought a private audience with the former. [56], In the early Middle Ages, the Order of the Ancients had spread through the Roman expansion. He asked Atexios to retrieve it without the woman finding out. Once Alexios absorbed their power, the Staff would be mastered, and Aletheia's trials would be complete. This quest will be available if you decided to save the child and did not kill Chrysis while doing Ashes to Ashes quest. The Division concept art. " To get this quest, check the Message Board in Sami. The Order of the Ancients, also known as the Order of Ancients,[19] the Snake,[20] and derisively as the Order of Heretics,[21] was a secretive religious collective which operated throughout the ancient world. 6 preset - realistic, pure, original, cool, warm, vivid. [22] During his time in a Chinon prison, de Molay hid in the walls of his cell the Heart, an Isu artifact which increased the power of the Sword of Eden. To reach the Spartans, he would have to smash his waythrough. In order to start this quest you should talk to your friend Anais at her farm in Forest of Soron in Arkadia. Using a child to lure the misthios to a swamp containing a tree filled with numerous hanged individuals, Pactyas attempted to manipulate Kassandra with the family members of the victims. Founder(s) Loki was later remembered as the god of mischief in Germanic and Norse mythology. To begin this quest you have to go to the Skyros island and release the Prisoner you will find in the Pirate Hideout. During Kassandra's quest to locate her family and destroy the Cult of Kosmos, Kassandra regularly Original works inspired by Assassin's Creed Valhalla warpaints. Diese Fhigkeiten beinhalten einen Regen von Pfeilen und einen kraftvollen Tritt, um Gegner aus dem Gleichgewicht zu bringen,[5] und sind hnlich wie die in Origins eingefhrte Overpower-Mechanik, die einen mchtigen Finishing-Zug im Kampf ermglicht. The priests were helpful, but the man he needed to speak to the most was the man who could not speak at all. It will become active when you finish all previous support quests: Mysterious Malady, Revealing the Recruiter, and Whimpers Through the Fog. Den Anfang machte die Story-Erweiterung Das Vermchtnis der ersten Klinge, die in drei Teilen verffentlicht wurde. Games. [30], Maegesters are marked with an asterisk. Alexios agreed to free him and escort him to his destination, a ship waiting off the coast of Attika. Alexios found a letter from Amorges demanding respect for his soldiers sent to Aipeia. 87 (Xbox One). [27] Germain also set out a plot, using the popular movement during the French Revolution to arrest King Louis XVI of France,[28] leading to Louis' execution in 1793 and so avenging de Molay's death. A lumber merchant in Chios city hired Alexios to kill the leader of Lesbos, who some claimed had been exploiting the island's resources to line his own pockets. Games. Kassandra bekmpft die Angreifer, kann jedoch nicht verhindern, dass Perikles von Deimos kaltbltig ermordet wird. Alkibiades asked Alexios to deliver a small package to a man named Bardas at the Korinthian military fort. This is a support quest for A Town in Need, Indeed quest. [5], At some point during the 9th century, a member of the Order of the Ancient of foreign origin unified various Sogdian tribes under his rule, creating the Snake-Eaters. Both Anthousa and Brasidas had opposing solutions, but it was up to Alexios to make the right choice. 117 have been filtered out. [21] In 1652, a new Sage appeared in the British colonies, Thom Kavanagh, a carpenter who moved to Jamaica to work for Peter Beckford in 1673. Bayek knocked out Rudjek's personal bodyguard Hypatos, cornering Rudjek in the tomb. Nikolaos had ominously warned Alexios about snakes in the grass. The time had finally come to take Kleon down. All made to be lore-friendly! god is the origin of all language wisdom's foundation and wise man's comfort and to every hero blessing and hope Odin is also a major influence in the 2020 Ubisoft game Assassin's Creed Valhalla in the form of an Isu (a godlike, humanoid species within the Assassin's Creed universe) of the same name. It was said to cure the saddest condition known to man: a broken heart. You will get it automatically when you approach the Cave of Pan while doing the Throw the Dice quest. His aim was to take control of the riches, new ideas and technological innovations passing through the Silk Road, which at the time was the main way of exchange between the Occident and the Far-East. And so, with guards in the way, Alexios was hired to infiltrate the warehouse. Posing as an elderly merchant named Orontas, he tracked Darius and his son Natakas to Achaia, where they planned to depart east from the port city of Patrai. Halgari joins Nexus Mods to help shape the future of Vortex. Created by the Isu scientist Hephaistos during the War of Unification, the Sword of Damokles and other Pieces of Eden like it seemed to grant their bearers great power and leadership, and were later used by influential humans in battle. The rapacious pirate queen Xenia asked Alexios to find a Makedonian bracelet left by a foreign dignitary for the gods at one of several sanctuaries. Enticed by the mysterious Elpenor, Alexios accepted his request to retrieve the mythical Penelope's shroud. Es ist der elfte Teil der Hauptserie von Assassins Creed und der Nachfolger des 2017 erschienenen Assassins Creed Origins. [7], Individuals speculated to be Sages by Abstergo Industries or others are marked with an asterisk. Auf dem Weg dorthin kommt sie jedoch dahinter, dass es sich bei dem Wolf von Sparta tatschlich um ihren Vater Nikolaos handelt. The Order also penetrated high parts of Makedonian leadership and began to command local troops. Die Haupthandlung startet schlielich im Jahr 431 v. Chr. Privacy policy | Terms of service | Contact us. A stray mongrel from Moscow, she was selected as the occupant of Sputnik 2 which launched into low orbit on 3 November 1957. The leader of a group of Scandinavian Isu called the sir, he was known in Norse mythology as the king of all gods, associated with wisdom, healing, death, knowledge, and war. According to Lyra, she was no murderer. To some, like the Worshippers of the Bloodline, Kosmos lived in the blood of Deimos. Please update the article to reflect recent releases and then remove this template once done. Alexios agreed to aid his return. A most worthy discovery, indeed! Charon spoke of a legendary set of armor that allowed its wearer to bypass the Tartaros Veil. In der letzten Episode des DLCs mit Namen Das Urteil von Atlantis trifft der Spieler Poseidon im sagenumwobenen Reich Atlantis. In removing Spartan Leaders, he hoped to make clear his cunning. But she had been gone too long, and he grew worried. The Assassin's Creed media franchise, which primarily consists of a series of open-world action-adventure stealth video games published by Ubisoft, features an extensive cast of characters in its historical fiction and science fiction-based narratives.The series also encompasses a wide variety of media outside of video games, including novels, comic books, board games, animated films, a With the General's distraction, Kassandra was able to reach Amorges. This takes place during the Abandoned By the Gods quest. Thespis, was nowhere to be found. Using the Sword of Eden, Germain killed lise in a powerful blast, but injured himself in the process. [2], Despite the friction in 9th century England cause by the Viking invasion, the Order accepted members from all walks and classes of life, whether Anglo-Saxon or Norse, but adopted a hierarchy system of being led by a Grand Maegester with five Maegesters, while the remaining members were either of the Palatinus or Preost rank. The Order of the Ancients were also known for their strict supremacist view of the Isu and these views allows them to make a fetish out of searching for and using the Pieces of Eden. This allowed the sir reincarnate once in the 9th century[19][20] and Aita to reincarnate in human form again and again throughout the eons. Alexios would have to pick his battles to help a captain in need. To start this task you need to talk to Elpis again after you have completed all the previous Dikastes' quests. The Order had figured out that the Apple was one part of the key, and apparently believed the Medjay bloodline to be the other part. A most worthy discovery, indeed! Left unopposed, Flavius combined the Apple and Staff, successfully unlocking the Vault and caught a glimpse of a globe projected within. Kassandra ttet Deimos, woraufhin Myrrine den Kontakt zu ihr abbricht, da ihre Tochter zuvor versprochen hat, ihn zu retten. Like their older Persian brethren, the members of this Order branch also symbolically wore identical masks, headdresses, and robes when they met in congressa visual display of their loyalties. [23], Eventually, their existence and activities were discovered by the Persian elites Artabanus, Amorges, and Pactyas during Xerxes I's reign. This is a support quest for The Athenian Leader quest, to help you lower the nation power in Megaris. April 2019 verffentlicht. Source [22], Within time, their influence grew beyond Egypt and expanded into nearby Persia, where they influenced the reigns of generations of Achaemenid Emperors, including Darius I and his son, Xerxes I. Every Cultist wore a strange Fragment which, when returned to the ancient forge, would augment the spear of Leonidas. Kassandra then hunted down the rest of the Order of Dominion.[34]. These memories which usually manifest themselves as visions at some point during adulthood and later throughout a Sage's life, although it is not uncommon for these visions to manifest during childhood. Juni 2019, geht es hier in die griechische Unterwelt, die nach deren Herrscher Hades benannt wurde. With Kleon's reign finally brought to an end, the only thing left to do was to return home to Myrrine. Given said belief, several of the Order's members journeyed to the vault in 49 BCE and attempted to unlock its mysteries. So when Barnabas suggested he consult with the Oracle of Delphi to help find his mother, he did so with great reluctance and skepticism. The reach of their members extended to military leaders, religious elders, scholars, nobles, ealdorman and philosophers, political leaders as well as criminal masterminds. After spending time getting to know both brothers, Alexios decided to check in on Lykinos and Timotheos at their house. Having saved a panic-stricken Bryce from an angry mob, Alexios unknowingly became part of a tragic tale involving two star-crossed lovers Alexios met Bryce at - such was Bryce's claim - the lair of the Writhing Dread. Enhances the grapchics and improves the colors. Despite the subtitles showing Kassandra quote the passage "By any means necessary" from the note regarding Odessa's estate, the document does not use that exact line. However, Persephone would have her own agenda to attend to, too. Puts the Isu lines on Kassandra and Alexios' default flesh. [18] Throughout Eivor's time in England, the Order's presence and influence across England was seemingly eradicated. [8], Assassins Creed Odyssey wurde mithilfe der Game-Engine Anvil erstellt. Daraufhin beschliet sie, Athen mit Aspasia zu verlassen. To enter the symposium, Alexios needed to find him. This file removes the 'ACP' logo from the top right corner of the screen when using the "Animus Control Panel". Even if he hadn't. [16] Desperate for the "Mead", Juno investigated their research sites and eventually encountered the abandoned project meant to receive the Mead when ready. What would Alexios do? There, he was confronted by Bayek, who had learned of his location with the help of Praxilla and Diocles. In his grand finale, Markos needed Alexios more than ever - the vengeful Cerberus brothers were at his door. Origins Effects and Interface Customisation Mod. He escaped and worked for the slaver Laurens Prins in Jamaica. To this end, the Order of Hunters made its way to Makedonia, Greece around 429 BCE in order to eliminate the Spartan misthios Kassandra, whom they correctly suspected of being such an individual. It lay hidden, so it was said, far to the northeast. Works for Alexios and Kassandra. The freed prisoner begged Alexios for help, claiming he was on urgent business for Athens and needed to reach his ship safely. [61] Likewise, members of the Chinese sect of the Order known as the Golden Turtles carried a turtle badge as their symbol. Anschlieend springt die Handlung ins Jahr 2018. [45] A year later, Pothinus and Septimius joined Ptolemy XIII in a battle at the Nile Delta in a final attempt to rid Egypt of Cleopatra. Far better to take Spartan lives than lose Athenian ones. To start this quest, go to Kirrha in Phokis and visit the Sokrates' House. Als Kassandra Testikles zu den Olympischen Spielen nach Elis begleiten will, fllt dieser versehentlich ins Meer und wird von Haien gefressen. To draw out Kassandra, the Order of Hunters sent an anonymous letter to Kassandra to visit the village of Potidaia in Makedonia, a plan which succeeded. In February 1722 near Prncipe, Kenway, then an Assassin, attacked the Royal Fortune which was battling with both the British and Spanish Navy. But the true mystery was yet to come. The relic, so claimed the locals, was to be found in Krete. The hybrids were a humanoid species directly descended from those Isu who chose to interbreed with their human workforce. The problem was his new target was in Megaris, which meant Alexios would need a boat. With Hades and his chaotic underworld world behind him, Alexios followed Poseidon to Atlantis. The wealthy pirate queen, Xenia, offered Alexios more riches in exchange for Triton's legendary conch shell. A simple reshade,it changes the graphic color more natural , add AO ,DOF,and so on,hope you enjoy. Religion His wife, the Isu scientist Juno,[13] tried to replicate some of Consus' work[14] by transferring Aita's consciousness into a more resistant synthetic body, but Aita was rendered catatonic in the attempt. This is a support quest for Place in the Kosmos quest. Assassin's Creed Valhalla is an open-world action-adventure game structured around several main story arcs and numerous optional side-missions, called "World Events". lvaro Gramtica wanted to have him kidnapped and dissected for study, but Isabelle Ardant immediately refused, believing it would be better to put the boy in an Animus for fifty years and study his lineage. [9], In 1715, Bartholomew Roberts, a Welsh Sage, was captured by the Templars in Cuba to be interrogated on the location of the Observatory. After one of her crews was attacked and its cargo lost, Xenia implored Alexios to recover her precious coffer and, if possible, rescue her imprisoned crew. Alexios traveled to Pilgrim's Landing in Phokis to confront the mysterious Elpenor and collect his reward for the Wolf's head. In Amphipolis kommt es schlielich zur finalen Schlacht zwischen Kleons Armee und den von Brasidas gefhrten Spartanern. In order to receive this quest, you must complete the Pay the Ferryman quest and then talk to Charon again, who will be waiting for you in the new place. With shield in hand, Brasidas was ready to confront his greatest enemy and sail to Elysium. Pythagoras enthllt, dass der Stab des Hermes der Schlssel zur Versiegelung von Atlantis ist. Assassin's Creed Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Farmer Menalkas feared the gods had cursed him. Furious with this decision, Pothinus and Septimius planned to trap Caesar and Cleopatra in Alexandria with secret orders from the Flavius, while also imprisoning Roman emissaries at the Akra Garrison. Proving loyalty to Sparta would be hard, but the bigger task would be proving loyalty to Archidamos. [37], Eudoros and Pothinus plan their next move, At the same time frame, Bayek's wife Aya of Alexandria also began her own quest to hunt down her son's killer. It was his hope that completing the puzzle would avenge his lost friend. How would he ensure the muses and the audience were satisfied? It was said to be paradise, after all. Assassin's Creed Mirage has promised to take Ubisoft's long-running series back to its humble origins. In order to appease him, Markos asked Alexios to deliver his best wine to the Cerberus as a peace offering. Pythagoras's records told of a powerful ancient Artifact in Korinth that could grant powerful focus and singular vision. Assassins Creed Odyssey ist ein Action-Adventure-Computerspiel mit Rollenspielelementen, das von Ubisoft Quebec entwickelt wurde und von Ubisoft verlegt wird. Das Ziel ist auch hier, dem entgegenzutreten und ihre Plne zu stoppen. Without the coins, Charon couldn't allow them passage into the underworld, so Alexios had a mystery to solve. A priestess was concerned when a ship of military supplies sank despite her omens of safe passage. To be victorious in the Battle of One Hundred Hands, Alexios needed to crush all those who stood in his way. Did the punishment fit the crime? The reach of the Order of the Ancients had extended deep into the heart of Greek naval operations. Under his rule, the Sogdians reached new prosperity and his organization came to rule the city of Chang'an. Having met the key players in the bid for liberation against Persephone, Alexios realized that not all was as it seemed in this "paradise". This is a support quest for Call to Arms quest. A serialized manhua series titled Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Blood Brothers was released a few days before the game in China and will receive an official English-language release on August 10, 2021. Thespis's villain was nowhere to be found. Laika (c. 1954 1957) was one of the first animals in space and the first animal to orbit Earth. This quest will appear in your questlog after completion of the Debt Collector quest. There, her past, as well as Alexios's, awaited. They were, The True Story was a virtual representation of one of Kassandra's genetic memories, relived by Layla Hassan in 2018 through the Portable Animus HR-8.5. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. But how could such a glorious place be anything but bliss? They appointed Medunamun, who used the cryptonym the "Ibis" and served as the Oracle of Amun in the temple, to remain in the village, giving him the Apple in order for him to learn more about the relic. When Alexios met Drakios, the man behind the great Battle of One Hundred Hands, he would have to prove his strength before competing. Kassandra ttet Deimos in einem letzten Duell, nachdem sie zuvor Myrrine mehrmals klarmachte, dass er nicht mehr gerettet werden kann. Oracles and prophecies had destroyed Alexios's family. If, like me, you have long since completed the main story of the game, this quest will appear in your journal as soon as you log into the game. Myrrine was known as Phoenix. So when Elpenor tried to kill him in Pilgrims Landing, he'd finally shed his skin and revealed his deceitful and deadly nature. With Pactyas' death, the Order's influence in Makedonia was eliminated. This is a support quest for Minotour De Force quest. Members of the Order believed their work to be divine and that few hundreds had to be sacrificed for tens of thousands to achieve long lasting peace and prosperity. Dabei muss sie sich jeweils mit Kreaturen aus der griechischen Mythologie messen und tritt so gegen einen Minotaurus, einen Zyklopen, der Medusa und der Sphinx an. Allows you to change Myrrine's appearance. Alexios was finally given access to Perikles's fabled symposium. Combined, they'd unlock some great mystery, but first they'd need to be retrieved. Alexios's "usual" business as a misthios could wait. This is a support quest for The Fall of Deianeira quest. Ever had a problem looking for a quest/secret location/shop? He would find him and get the sword. With Neema's help, Alexios discovered the Huntsman's lair was located in an ominous Makedonian glade. But before this could happen, Alexios had to help his old friend feel like a true Spartan again. Assassins Creed Valhalla. Mitten im Gefecht erscheint Deimos, der daraufhin seine Schwester attackiert. But would he be the only deity involved in the mercenary's quest? Alexios, now the reigning champion of the Arena, was surprised by Skoura's offer to fight one last mystery opponent who was said to be the best fighter in the Arena's history. How could they know the sea had long since claimed that ancient place? ), (If "How did one of your suitors die?" After solving each puzzle you will unlock a new engraving. When tasked with picking the first strike against the Sons of Xerxes, Alexios had to side with either Periktione or Thyia. He changed Sparta forever when he accused one of them of being a Cult member. They did believe in a spiritual afterlife where their devotion to the Isu will be rewarded and their strict reverence of three deities, namely, the Father of Understanding, the Mother of Wisdom, and the Sacred Voice. In this perspective, the Order was looking for means of control, be they political, religious, military or cultural, to regain what had been lost. Eines Tages begegnet Kassandra einem mysterisen Fremden namens Elpenor, der sie dazu beauftragt, in Megaris einen Feldherrn, der als der Wolf von Sparta bekannt sein soll, zu tten. The Assassin's Creed franchise is mostly known for its open-world action-adventure stealth games, published by Ubisoft. He asked Alexios to deal with the menace before he could do any more damage. This time you will her near the Atlas palace. He believed Kyros of Zarax was the perfect choice, but the warrior was captured by humans. After Odin sacrificed his left eye in payment in order to use as catalyst, the machine accepted this sacrifice and the "Mead" was finally synthesized, much to Juno's delight. In the grand story of life, there were many tales of friendships forged by violence or broken by bloodshed. When would it slow down? [36] Later that year, Bayek went on a quest of vengeance against the Order, seeking revenge for his son's death. Unsurprisingly, Markos got himself into trouble after failing to pay his debt to the Cerberus. Alkibiades left an olisbos at a woman's home. Beides fhrt dazu, dass sie erfhrt, dass Nikolaos nicht ihr und Alexios leiblicher Vater ist, und darum gebeten wird, ihre Mutter Myrrine zu finden, die noch am Leben sein soll. Sokrates asked Alexios to help find information at the Akropolis that could turn the people against Kleon. To start this quest you must complete the Theatrics and Espionage quest and then talk to Parmys. This quest will be available for you to take when you complete Brothers in Arms quest. Nach dieser Begegnung begibt sich Kassandra nach Phokis, um das Orakel von Delphi aufzusuchen in der Hoffnung, mehr ber den Verbleib ihrer Mutter herauszufinden. Please update the article to reflect recent When would he be able to take time for himself? decided to go and find his friend himself. Anthousa's information about Myrrine would not come without a price. With Khemu's aid, Bayek freed himself and attempted to fight off the Order, though Khemu was killed in the process. In order to start this quest you need to find a Mysterious Letter. [1] Der Spieler ist in der Lage, das Geschlecht der Hauptfigur zu whlen und die Rolle des Alexios oder der Kassandra anzunehmen. To further ensure their safety, he hired Alexios to retrieve his sword from the Blacksmith. You can also toggle off other effects like swords trails, arrow trails, enemy outlines etc. The Mayan civilization and Tano people revered the Sages, and the Mayan ruins in Tulum, Mexico contained a statue resembling a Sage's head. Kassandra and Darius, with the help of an Athenian general, worked to destroy the Order's influence in Messenia. Sages, classified as Hyper-Hominids by Abstergo Industries, are human reincarnations of Aita, an Isu who passed away shortly before the Great Catastrophe. [2] Es besteht zudem die Mglichkeit, romantische Beziehungen mit nicht-spielbaren Charakteren beiderlei Geschlechts zu entwickeln, unabhngig vom Geschlecht der gewhlten Spielfigur. Alexios received a note from Odessa, apologizing for her abrupt, mysterious departure and requesting he return to her father's estate to figure out exactly who was trying kill her, and why. The Sword of Damokles was one of the Swords of Eden. Dieser offenbart sich als Kultmitglied und Strippenzieher bei Perikles Mord. This is a support quest for the Three Symbols Entombed quest. Most of the Order members present left, leaving Bayek and Khemu within the chamber, telling them to open the door. Amorges foiled Artabanus' plan and had him branded a traitor, which forced Artabanus and his family to flee. Because of his paternal lineage, Elijah possessed a markedly higher concentration of Isu DNA in his genome than other Sages,[10] which enabled him to resist Aita's personality from taking over, while taking advantage of Aita's memories and knowledge. Alexios and Sokrates had gone through many things together, both good and bad. After the Athenian soldier was granted his glorious death, Charon asked Alexios to recover a rare Asphodel flower to help heal a woman who believed she was still afflicted by a deadly plague. Ever the watchdog, Hermes didn't like the sounds of lawlessness coming out of Deukalion's Heritage. November 2022 um 18:08 Uhr bearbeitet. In Gortyn, Alexios came across grieving families who'd fallen victim to the Followers of Ares. Phila escaped her destroyed ship and was defeated by Kassandra. Assassin's Creed Valhalla is a 2020 action role-playing video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator (69 BCE 30 BCE), or simply Cleopatra, was the last effective pharaoh of Egypt, ruling from 51 BCE to 30 BCE. The underworld was shaping up. Active Nach einem Tauchgang gelangt sie in die Ruinen von Atlantis, kann hier jedoch nicht den Stab des Hermes finden. Odin, also known as the All-Father by worshippers and Havi by the sir, was an Asgardian Isu who became a widely revered god in both Norse and Germanic mythology. She enlisted the aid of Cleopatra's follower Apollodorus to locate the members. Alexios agreed to find out what had happened to the ship and its crew. The challenges of being a pirate are substantial in both number and danger. Alexios pursued him to the Order's foothold in the Greek world, Messenia. You will receive this quest after completing the quest "No Rest For the Misthios" in which you will find and solve the first of Ainigmata Ostraka's puzzles on Korfu. Sages, classified as Hyper-Hominids by Abstergo Industries,[1] are human reincarnations of Aita, an Isu who passed away shortly before the Great Catastrophe. [40] Meanwhile, Taharqa sought to expand the Order influence in Sapi-Res Nome by reclaiming the city of Letopolis from the consuming desert, using his role as steward as a faade. Ezio Auditore da Firenze (1459 1524) was a Florentine nobleman during the Renaissance, and, unbeknownst to most historians and philosophers, a Master Assassin and the Mentor of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins, a title which he held from 1503 to 1513. Alkibiades gave the name of Anthousa, a hetaera in Korinth who sees all. [6] Die drei Fhigkeitsbume umfassen Jger, der das Bogenschieen des Spielers verbessert, Krieger, der auf Kampf setzt, und Assassine, der sich auf Tarnung konzentriert. This is a support quest for Blood in the Water quest. Would this finally bring the respect the young archeologist craved? Seeing something rare in Alexios, Elpenor gave him a chance to prove himself. The Order of the Ancients were also aware of Juno's imprisonment as well as the existence of Aita's Sages. With a newfound ally in Alexios, he sent him there to find out what all the commotion was. She recovered a letter on the second floor. Arriving on Thasos, Alexios found himself caught in the middle of a family drama that included his trusty ship captain Barnabas, his nephew, and an overly friendly caretaker. He used the theorems to prove his Atomic Theory for the same reason fools do anything - love. If Alexios wanted to fulfill his role as Keeper, he had quite the job ahead of him.

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