learning a foreign language at primary school

I also believe that it has several advantages. Children who learn a second language at an early age show higher performance in overall basic skills in primary school. On the one hand, children at a young age are fast learners. The choice of language(s) to be taught in primary schools also merits discussion. This makes it an opportune time to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of an early start, and what challenges it poses. Secondly, the cognitive benefits of learning a foreign language. This policy was primarily based on the belief that young children learn foreign languages faster, and that teaching foreign languages early to young children could therefore close the gap which currently exists between our young people and their European counterparts in terms of foreign language capability, making them more competitive on the global market. Meet new people 2. However, it would need to be thought about differently with expectations matched to what research has shown about the way in which young children learn and what motivates them. Consequently, many models of language teaching delivery are currently used in schools, ranging from the employment of one dedicated language teacher for the whole school (only viable in larger primary schools), the use of a peripatetic specialist teacher going from school to school, or, in many schools, the class teacher teaching the language, and perhaps learning it at the same time as the children. The very small number of studies which have found a small advantage for an early start were in instructed contexts with many hours of instruction per week. First European Survey on Language Competences: Final report. The common belief that learning a foreign language early equates with it being easy to learn does not really match their experience, and the popular belief that the English are not good at learning foreign languages is reinforced, when in fact the likely cause is the lack of time and effort spent on language learning. A one size fits all model might not be the most appropriate. Here, opportunities are more for employees who know more than one language. Firstly, young children learn a language faster. In addition, they pick up the pronuciation better and enjoy copying and learning through games. Learning a second language is easier as a child. The collection provides a significant and important contribution to this often overlooked domain and aims to provide research-based evidence that might help to inform and develop pedagogical practice. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Remember that one of the problems in having your children learn a foreign language at primary school is the lack of follow-up and the learning process's continuity. Kroll, Judith F, and Ellen Bialystok. Learning in the primary school increases the opportunity to choose the better path and develop carrier. To sum up, some parents concern that beginning their children on a foreign language will interfere with the developing mother tongue skills, the opposite is actually true. This popular view has its theoretical foundations in the so-called Critical Period Hypothesis, which claims that children are born with an innate language faculty which atrophies with age, and that it is therefore important to tap into these innate mechanisms before the critical age when they disappear. In other words, they are not intellectually mature enough to assimilate the richness of a foreign language. However, this enthusiasm clearly requires nurturing if it is to persist. What is needed is a clear vision of the purpose of introducing young children to foreign languages, and of how the teaching of primary foreign languages can be integrated successfully within the Foreign Language curriculum as a whole, all the way through to GCSE, paying particular attention to evolving learner motivation and to the transition from primary to secondary school. Looking at the points discussed above, we can come to a conclusion that advantages of learning a foreign language at an early age outweigh the disadvantages. Present a written argument to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic: Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your experience. Carmen Muoz and her team capitalized on the fact that the government changed the age at which English was introduced in the classroom in rapid succession, creating a natural experiment whereby they were able to compare second language learners having started at ages 8, 11, 14 and over 18. Foreign language can be easier to learn at a young age.So learning a new language offers many advantages to children especially cultural aspect. The studies have shown that the children between 4-9 ages have a great opportunity to learn new languages. Overall, a median of 92% of European students are learning a language in school. In disagreement with the given statement: Babies, toddlers and preschoolers are being enrolled in the foreign language classes by a growing number of parents and the numbers are expected to rise. See our Privacy Policy, Learning French from ages 5, 7 and 11: an investigation into starting ages, rates and routes of learning amongst early foreign language learners, https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-languages-progammes-of-study, Strand 5: Language learning across the lifespan: the role of age, language-specific factors & learning experience on language acquisition, Policy review: The role of assessment in European language policy - a historical overview, Healthy linguistic diet: the value of linguistic diversity and language learning across the lifespan. Therefore, making kids to learn a new language at an early age will help them in their mental growth. Second language learning in the early school years: Trends and contexts (Oxford: Oxford University Press), Myles, Florence and Rosamond Mitchell. Early language learning may improve cognitive abilities In various cognitive skills tests performed by K.M. We discuss evidence from the primary school context in German-speaking Switzerland. Although, it should be considered that the method and atmosphere of the school play a key role in learning. Languages, Society & Policy https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.9806. The most important one is about recent research. To summarise, by analysing both sides of the view, it is clear that both sides present solid evidence. It, indirectly, increases the burden of a primary school pupil who is supposed to learn new things in a stress-free environment. This study found that the older children learned faster, as they were better able to use a range of cognitive strategies to aid their learning, and they also used their more advanced literacy skills to support their foreign language learning. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. 9IELTS is dedicated to providing free materials and resources for IELTS conquerors. Contrasting Effects of Starting Age and Input on the Oral Performance of Foreign Language Learners. 2009. Research shows, however, that children are slower at learning a foreign language than adolescents and young adults. Input and long-term effects of early learning in a formal setting, in The age factor and early language learning, ed. Three misconceptions about age and L2 learning, TESOL quarterly 34.1: 934, Muoz, Carmen. 2014. For instance, it can be clearly seen that children who bear the extra pressure of studies eventually get affected by health related issues. In secondary level a students maturity grows and s/he can learn the language more accurately. Transition in modern foreign languages: a longitudinal study of motivation for language learning and second language proficiency Oxford Review of Education. I agree with this view. 2014. Not forgetting to mention that, they will have the ability to express things more clearly as they have a better vocabulary than those who start late. 2009. Additionally, learning a foreign language helps children with their literacy skills in English, as well as offering other recognized cognitive benefits. The research evidence we have discussed, and the challenges it raises for the implementation of the primary language policy, do not mean that this initiative is not important and that it cannot be a success. Young children, however, eventually catch up with older learners and typically become indistinguishable from native speakers, which is usually not the case for adults. I also believe that it has several advantages. The team then compared their learning on a wide range of measures testing all 4 macroskills: speaking, listening, writing and reading. In the case of immigrant children, there is much research evidence that young children are actually slower than older learners at the beginning of the learning process. It is only once children realise that proficiency targets need to be met that their motivation wanes. I firmly believe that there is a defensible basis for this argument. If better means faster linguistic progress, the research evidence tells us that older children outperform younger children; their greater cognitive maturity helps them make the best of the limited input and of explicit instruction. a French caf for parents in one primary school; revamping learning in a secondary school to focus on cultural and linguistic knowledge across the whole-school curriculum. To conclude, high school pupils are better accommodated to learn a foreign language than primary level . Total Words: 314. First, children's brains are like sponges, they can absorb new information quickly and easily. It is proven that children who learn a new language tend to make fewer mistakes in writing an essay. 2013. Language Learning at Key Stage 2: a longitudinal study. The first is the belief that the younger the better, the idea that young children are intrinsically better language learners, and will therefore become more proficient more quickly. It could be difficult to compel children to learn something else besides their curriculum subjects. One option could be for all children to start a new language at secondary school from scratch, avoiding the transition problems we mentioned above and which are so demotivating for children. It is clear that learning a foreign language at primary school brings children two particular advantages. Researchers say that lack of foreign language . the disappearance of regional languages coordinators. On the other hand, this is a fact that children, who are approximately between five and nine years, have the capacity to remember things twice as fast and effectively than people from other age groups. transition from primary to secondary schools: the transition from primary to secondary school has consistently been flagged up as a major challenge to progress in foreign language learning, ever since the first pilot introducing french in primary schools in england in the 1970s, and recent evidence suggests that the problem endures (ofsted 2015; Some experts claim that primary school is the best place for learning another language instead of secondary school. Required fields are marked *. Stay constantly updated with a wide range of ultimate tips, strategies, and practice tests to crack the high-stakes IELTS exam! All in all, understanding foreign speaking in primary school can be achieved through maximising the golden period of students. (London: Department for Children Schools and Families), Coleman, James A. Carmen Muoz and her team capitalized on the fact that the government changed the age at which English was introduced in the classroom in rapid succession, creating a natural experiment whereby they were able to compare second language learners having started at ages 8, 11, 14 and over 18. 2012. And almost 8 times as many students take Latin, a so-called "dead language". To sum up, the minor disadvantages will never prevent us from concluding that knowing foreign phrases will be never excessive. You should spend about 40 minutes in this task. At the rate of one hour per week, it would take 425 years for children in a classroom to match the input of children learning their native language! To illustrate, most cartoons are watched in the English language which is what children are ready to learn easily. The most commonly taught language is French, in over three quarters of schools, but other languages may have greater resonance with the experience of school children. Visits to and from foreign countries; internet exchanges with foreign schools, projects about some aspect of the foreign country/people, possibly linked with some other aspect of the curriculum, reflections on positive reasons for learning languages, and on the strategies which will help learners progress, would help foster an enduring enthusiasm for language in its cultural and social context, and thus support gradual linguistic progress. Department for Education. On the other hand knowing a foreign language at a young age is easier and need less time than learning at an older age. On the other hand, more subjects open in secondary school is the other main reason that a second language study should be started at a young age. In their comprehensive survey of the state of language learning in English schools, Tinsley and Board conclude The vast majority of teachers responding to this years Languages Trends survey are very clear that there are many benefits of teaching languages to pupils at Key Stage 2, especially widening pupils cultural understanding and confidence, improving their literacy and preparing them for a world of work. This needs to become central in the articulation of the primary foreign language policy. 2014. Required fields are marked *. This policy was primarily based on the belief that young children learn foreign languages faster, and that teaching foreign languages . Thus, some professionals encourage the children nowadays to start learning a foreign language at primary school and claim that it will be too late for children to learn it in secondary school. Input and long-term effects of early learning in a formal setting, in The age factor and early language learning, ed. Therefore, children should learn a foreign language at primary school, instead of secondary school. As a result, it increases the grasping and learning-power of a child. In press. So primary school should offer the class of foreign language studying for children. 9 Advantages of Learning a Foreign Language (+ Resources!) Research shows that learning a second language boosts problem-solving, critical-thinking, and listening skills, in addition to improving memory, concentration, and the ability to multitask. Since the 1960s, studies have shown that the best time to begin the study of a foreign language is in elementary school. We will never send spam and you can unsubscribe any time. Moreover teaching young children foreign language has a positive impact on their personality as it broadens their horizon and improves their social skills in dealing with foreign people and exposing them a wide range of cultures. As a result of this, learning a foreign language at an early age has become a controversial issue in the global village. Generally, the grammar in this essay does not have errors that would cause strain for the reader. In press. That depends on what we understand by better. If one day they become a scientist or a doctor, they may contribute endlessly to our nation by inventing essential drugs in combating diseases. To conclude, despite certain disadvantages, a vast amount of benefits should be considered by society and individuals while deciding whether their school going children should learn a foreign language or not. This does not make for an ideal learning context, and it can be demotivating for learners, as well as for the teacher who typically has to assume children do not have any language skills. Many studies have shown that adolescents and young adults are faster learners on all measures of language proficiency. The current one hour weekly, well below the several hours of teaching in many European countries, is insufficient to meet current expectations about achievement. The process of learning another language may have some benefits. 2010. There are broader cognitive, cultural, societal and literacy benefits to learning foreign languages besides linguistic proficiency. Bolster, Allison, Christine Balandier-Brown and Pauline Rea-Dickens. At this point, many educators and linguists contend that children will be more beneficial from second language acquisition in elementary school rather than the high school level. Years ago people believed that learning a second language would confuse a child. In a recent study we compared how children aged 5, 7 and 11 learn French in the classroom in England. Children To Begin Learning A Foreign Language At Primary School IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The rationale behind the introduction of languages was firmly that earlier is better in terms of developing proficiency in the target foreign language. So, in the case of immigrant children, earlier does seem better, but only in the long run, and only where children are given plenty of time and opportunity to make the most of the abundant language input they are exposed to. (Paris: OECD Publishing), Please cite: Myles, F. (2017). A flagship AHRC-funded project to revitalize Modern Languages and shape UK language policy by showing how multilingualism can empower individuals and transform societies. For many people learning a foreign language is a challenge because they maybe use it in work, travel, family/friends, study, required course, food or as a secret language. Reeves in 1989, elementary age students who studied a foreign language for an extended period of time scored significantly higher on evaluation tasks than their counterparts who had not studied a foreign language. Furthermore they will benefit from knowing a foreign language in their upcoming studies and work career as well, and still, they could find learning new language enjoyable for example: use some games and illustration for them as a teaching method. Learning a foreign language has two cultural benefits on children in primary school which are developing global understanding and social interaction. It can be any modern or ancient foreign language and the focus should be on enabling pupils to make substantial progress in one language. All Rights Reserved. Research Report DCSF-RR198. Getting a tutor will help address this problem. Unless the curriculum incorporates several hours a week of foreign language teaching these aims are likely to be over-ambitious, as the limited amount of input will not allow for the implicit learning mechanisms typical of early childhood, that is, learning by doing, to engage with the input in a meaningful way. Cable et al. Second language in many countries is very important and the earlier a student can learn it the better it is for their future growth. However, it would need to be thought about differently with expectations matched to what research has shown about the way in which young children learn and what motivates them. Also, they learn with no shy and talk freely without any fear of making mistakes. A few of them are of the view that children should learn a new language at primary school instead of secondary school. If on the other hand, better means developing an enthusiasm for learning languages, as well as changing cultural perceptions about the centrality of languages to education by embedding them in the curriculum from the start, then much of the evidence suggests that younger is better. It goes without saying, having a strong basis in a new language can uplift us towards prosperity. Expand creativity - Cognitive function and creativity are linked. The learning method The speed at which students learn Keeping initiative out of students' hands can have a disastrous impact on the way students acquire language. Spanish might be a stronger motivator for children, as many have been to Spain on holiday, and its orthography and pronunciation are more transparent. 141159, Muoz, Carmen. The younger children, however, were the most enthusiastic, as reported by many studies (e.g. Transition from the Primary to the Secondary phase Part 2. The information on this site is for informational purposes only. 2004. There are several advantages of studying a foreign language from primary level. This trend boosts up the brain and enhance the performance of a student. Modern languages in the secondary school curriculum 2. Learning a new language puts extra cognitive strain on children. But, if they try to learn in their secondary level, they cannot follow rules and regulations of other languages easily due to the greater influence of mother language. In conclusion, it seems to me that the benefits of teaching children foreign languages as soon as possible outweigh the drawbacks. Second language learning in the early school years: Trends and contexts (Oxford: Oxford University Press), Myles, Florence and Rosamond Mitchell. The growth of an individual brain and increase in opportunities will support the argument. However, there is another side of a coin always. For some kids in China, they can even start three different languages, such English, French and German together when they are six years old. Despite, the gain, there can be a lack stumbling learning an international language in elementary schools. In this case, as the first study institution, primary school should offer the class of the foreign language studying for children. They are, obviously, become more knowledgeable and more open-minded which help them to look at a specific issue from different perspectives. There are, certainly, some consequences of teaching foreign language in primary school, both positive and negative results. By continuing to use this website, you agree to our. Courtney, Louise. On the other hand, I think that children learn faster at a young age because they are less self-conscious and shy. After all, it is estimated that children learning their native language are exposed to 17,000 hours of input by age 4. Learning a second language influences the gray matter of the brain, the part that processes information. The 2014 Primary National Curriculum once again made learning a foreign language compulsory at Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6).

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