rebellion example sentence

(736) A rebellion broke out among the legions of Moesia, and Decius, who was sent to quell it, was forced by the troops to put himself at their head and march upon Italy. Order and group conformity through bureaucratic systematization became the rule of the day; disobedience and open rebellion the rare exception. (222) All the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. (212) Vespasian s son Titus remained in Judaea to deal with the Jewish rebellion. (787) For Christian writers, religious faith is not a rebellion against reason, but a revolt against the imprisonment of humanity within the cold walls of a rationalist dogmatism. (197) 2The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion. When we come to the end of ourselves, we find Jesus. (138) The reintroduction of conscription sparked off a major rebellion. In such a reading we can find not only war but resistance to war, not only injustice but, The strict military discipline of the school lay heavily on Schiller, and intensified the spirit of, Basnage had welcomed the revival of the Protestant church due to the zeal of Antoine Court; but he assured the regent that no danger of active resistance was to be feared from it, and, true to the principles of Calvin, he denounced the, Further, the Megillath Ta'anith ( roll of fasts ), an old source with a collection of miscellaneous legends, c.; Megillath Antiokhos, on the martyrdom under Hadrian; Seder`Olam Rabbah, on biblical history from Adam to the, He here breaks with Augustine and the Westminster Confession by arguing, consistently with his theory of the Will, that Adam had no more freedom of will than we have, but had a special endowment, a supernatural gift of grace, which by, If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what ", Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word ", English Sentences with Audio Using the Word ", Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word ". (460) Learning is always rebellion Every bit of new truth discovered is revolutionary to what was believed before. (354) Fonseka led the Army to its victory over the Tamil Tigers ending three-decade old armed rebellion. (886) 1Chapter four will explore the profound implications behind the sadomasochism, reveal the deconstruction against the female mythology and mother image, and the rebellion against and sought after power. (1018) About this time the king seems to have perceived the necessity of living and ruling in closer union with the church, a change of policy due perhaps to the influence of his brother Bruno, or forced upon him when his plans for uniting the duchies with the royal house brought rebellion in their train. Examples of Rebellion in a sentence Because many workers feel they are underpaid, they sometimes participate in acts of rebellion like organized "no shows". How could you turn away from the LORD and build yourselves an altar in rebellion against him now? (72) The Bretons rose in rebellion against the King. (813) Edward ordered young Nigel Bruce and many other captives to be executed; for he was provoked to great wrath by the rebellion of a magnate who had given him every assurance of loyalty. (934) Tacitus describes him as brave in action, ready of speech, clever at bringing others into odium, powerful in times of civil war and rebellion, greedy, extravagant, in peace a bad citizen, in war an ally not to be despised. (129) and the kind of character i needed was the taiping rebellion. (158) does that child remember nothing of the rebellion from 10 years ago? (1040) And know that among you is Allah's Messenger: were he, in many matters, to follow your (wishes), ye would certainly fall into misfortune: But Allah has endeared the Faith to you, and has made it beautiful in your hearts, and He has made hateful to you Unbelief, wickedness, and rebellion: such indeed are those who walk in righteousness;-. (343) Akbar paid the price in an abortive rebellion by his son, claiming to be a defender of the faith. The leaders of the rebellion are hated in the North. (695) They depict revolutions as willful acts of rebellion that inevitably produce terrible results because of the evil inherent in the very idea of revolution. Roman citizens could be crucified, however, if the crime was so grave that it essentially forfeited their citizenship. Whitney Young showed a way which will work when he stated, what good does it do to be able to sit at the lunch counter when you can't afford the price of the food? Maybe hating on Holden has turned into its own form of adolescent. (1070) Among Romans, crucifixion originated as a deterrence against revolt of slaves, probably as early as 200 B.C.E. Around 1345 rebellions, economic crisis and financial mismanagement of the paper currency destroyed the public's confidence in the bills. (180) 1They are in rebellion against the conservative hierarchy of the Church. (577) It 's difficult to discern if this is a crazy work of disturbed genius or merely 90 minutes of post-adolescent Electra rebellion. (184) Some suspected that the rebellion was backed and financed by the US. (305) Early in his life, he had converted to Catholicism, as a kind of teenage act of rebellion . (28) a rebellion against those in authority. (739) 7 sqq. Fans were not consulted before the group of European clubs launched the closed European competition to replace UEFA's open access Champions League. (156) 1The severe punishment was meted out to the leaders in the rebellion. (446) The militancy of sectarian party orthodoxy is fused with the militancy of rebellion against personal oppression. (587) In 198Margaret Thatcher squeezed sight-test charges through Parliament only after a Tory rebellion that shrank her majority by votes. A compound-complex sentence with "rebellion" contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Hope requires personal risk. (1050) Shortly after the edict by which the king had proclaimed his alliance with Thebes, and the conditions of the general peace which he was going to impose upon Greece, his weakness became evident, for since;56 all the satraps of Asia Minor (Datames, Ariobarzanes, Mausolus, Orontes, Artabazus) were in rebellion again, in close alliance with Athens, Sparta and Egypt. (579) The mountains stand as defiant outposts of tradition yet have also always been the homeland of rebellion, dissidence and resistance. (573) He reproached the soldiers for their insubordination against their officers, and the army for its rebellion against the parliament. (335) Contrary to official myth, however, the Cuban revolution was not primarily a peasant rebellion. Examples of 'rebellion' in a sentence Go to the dictionary page of rebellion Examples from Collins dictionaries The British soon put down the rebellion. - How to use "rebellion" in a sentence. (531) Arthur Schopenhauer a pessimistic philosopher a rebellion against rationalism, stressing the importance of will and intuition. ), and only returned - laden with spoils, images captured from Egypt by Cambyses, and captives (Jerome on Daniel loc. (392) When successive governments tried to reverse Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz's tax policies it created rebellion. That's the real rebellion. (568) Will his rebellion be accompanied by patriotic exhortations - the kind which we associate with the freedom struggle that followed? (106) He headed the troops to crusade against the rebellion. All classes 1 For the Christian rebellion - and its causes, see A. Usage examples for "in rebellion" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Nay, it was ye who were a people in obstinate rebellion! The thing they fear even more than being perceived badly is a voter. We want to sin without misery, just as the prodigal son wanted inheritance without the father. (251) The rebellion took six months to suppress, with heavy loss of life on both sides. (555) In 68 the rebellion of Vindex in Gaul and later the acclamation of Galba in Hispania LRB Spain RRB drove Nero from the throne. (549) If you have any desire to address the rebellion in the underworld, you know how to summon me, Darkyn said with a cunning smile. (1117) What is the origin and root of "rebellion". (569) But, just as Edward Longshanks failed to quell the rebellion that led to Scottish independence, William Wallace's legacy lives on. (821) We get a glimpse of the horror and desperation of psychiatric illness, but for the most part the film is about girl-bonding and mild rebellion, like a slumber party for the certifiable . (583) These American settlers established a permanent foothold in the area and ignored Spanish officials. (672) No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels. The chiefs were drawn from widely different classes. Elulaeus was followed by Baal, who in 672 consented to join Tirhaka, the Ethiopian king of Egypt, in a, In 184the suffragist movement under the leadership of Thomas Dorr developed into an armed, But, while his own rebels threaten a mutiny to dwarf the, Laud was a prodigy of parts and learning over whose tomb Art and Genius still continued to weep. (65) Oppression provoked the people to rebellion. (567) Controls are needed because of the immaturity and foolishness of children, but also because of the natural tendency for rebellion. (39) 1Leading troops, he quelled a rebellion. Then, as now, major household names announced one by one that they would reject YouTube's platform over concerns that its algorithms were placing ads beside hate speech. (91) Piercings can be a form of rebellion for teenagers. (1114) Define "rebellion" in one sentence, define "rebellion" in one word. (911) If one evil thought, if one evil word, if one evil action, deserves eternal damnation, how many hells, my friends, do every one of us deserve, whose whole lives have been one continued rebellion against God! (681) Her performance moves between heartbreak and rebellion as she continually tries to accommodate to fit in and gain the unconditional love she seeks. (231) Gonzalo Pizarro rose in rebellion, and entered Lima on the 28th of October 1544. (452) After the Romans left, Britain was invaded by Anglo-Saxon peoples. Where did Henry travel to. (59) Oppression provoked the people to rebellion. The rebels hang around for a while after the fight. Now nationally the unemployment ranks have filled to 13 percent of the population in a country that a month ago was at record-high employment. Example sentences with: rebellion| Make a sentence| Make Sentences| Using words in sentences. still remain separated. (487) The Chinese People's Revolutionary Military Commission will be responsible for suppressing the ringleaders of rebellion. (270) It was the only act of rebellion I knewto be worthy of such an insult as butterfly. (99) Who was vice president of Yale during the rebellion. What percentage of Armenia's total population protested on February 25? (433) 1Mindful, perhaps, of the events of 18And 18he feared aristocratic recalcitrance more than a peasant rebellion. (441) Her all-out rebellion against dance convention not withstanding, Streb came to modern dance via the usual route. (874) But soon these two, along with Ayesha, the mother of the faithful, who had an old grudge against Ali, succeeded in making their escape to Irak, where at Basra they raised the standard of rebellion. (306) The substance of his rebellion was as facile as the mischaracterized scream that undid it. (977) The rebellion, therefore, had failed either to abolish villeinage in the countryside or to end municipal oligarchy in the towns, and many lords took the opportunity of the time of Decline of reaction in order to revindicate old claims over their ~be bondsmen. (951) It seemed that rebellion must have an unassailable base, something guarded not merely from attack, but from the fear of it: such a base as we had in the Red Sea Parts, the desert, or in the minds of the men we converted to our creed. (760) 1In 185Brown and of his followers attacked and occupied the federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry. Counter-insurgency operations are common during war, occupation and armed rebellions. (78) (1) Oppression provoked the people to rebellion. (453) The evil tyrant sought to extinguish the flame of rebellion among his people so he could rule with an iron fist. That is a complete misunderstanding. (532) Two more were spurred into it through outright rebellion against their mothers' ideas, with more than a touch of stubbornness. (466) Her all-out rebellion against dance convention not withstanding, Streb came to modern dance via the usual route. (234) The Aboriginal rebellion is as tragic as life aboard the Sincerity is hilarious. (953) Pagans earn their reputations for relaxed sexual mores, often in rebellion from the repression of their religions during adolescence. (557) The Boxer rebellion of 1900, led by a secret society with mysterious and terrifying rituals, was motivated solely by xenophobia. (647) Little theatre drama rises from Europe and has several hundred years history, it has the inborn quality of rebellion, exploration and experiment. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. Since to a degree I both believe in evolution and have faith, I can only conclude that, as prophesied, to have faith will someday be an act of rebellion. (562) The government even began legal proceedings against the survivors, indicting them for rebellion and damaging public property. (353) The rebellion of fellow Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh had an immediate effect in Armenia itself. Conformity or, i have placed information vital to the survival of the, In early 1831 she left her prosaic husband and entered upon a four or fiveyear period of romantic, A Christian tells you that willful sin is open, The lack of forethought demonstrates that they were so set on, 1Mindful, perhaps, of the events of 18And 18he feared aristocratic recalcitrance more than a peasant, She lived in the present tense of the school with its totally absorbing pattern of routine and minor, Coarse and mischievous - but never too much - his is the good-natured. (703) None the less, after the Essex rebellion, Elizabeth told the antiquary William Lambarde, with whatever ironic reference, I am Richard II, knowe ye not that? (407) The End Room was the scene of my most overt act of schoolday rebellion, when I threw a chair at the teacher. There is no victimless crime, and all creation is subject to decay because of humanitys rebellion from God. (54) 1Simon de Montfort rose in rebellion in 125, (55) Simon de Montfort rose in rebellion in 125. (118) 1They staged a rebellion against British rule in Ireland. It does not require a PhD in religious studies to understand. (1015) Pride, willfulness, and rebellion against what is written are the causes of the Bible being hard to understand. "There was nothing left for me there, I was surrounded by death and destruction. (416) I think it is ironic, humorous , Ms. Spanberger said of Mr. Brat being on the receiving end of a rebellion. The past year has been one of sackings, very often, and rebellions in the majority party. (782) But, while his own rebels threaten a mutiny to dwarf the rebellion of last week, he will at least argue that he did attempt to bring the international community along with him. (1073) The willingness to undertake such action cannot be based on certainties, but on those possibilities glimpsed in a reading of history different from the customary painful recounting of human cruelties. (1079) He here breaks with Augustine and the Westminster Confession by arguing, consistently with his theory of the Will, that Adam had no more freedom of will than we have, but had a special endowment, a supernatural gift of grace, which by rebellion against God was lost, and that this gift was withdrawn from his descendants, not because of any fictitious imputation of guilt, but because of their real participation in his guilt by actual identity with him in his transgression.

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