risk communication strategies for public health preparedness

Clinical Characteristics of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infection in China. Dynamic Situation of Outbreak Management. Those with serious mental illness may have cognitive deficits that limit their ability to comprehend messages. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Further, by only including peer-reviewed literature published since 2000 in our database search, we may have eliminated books or other reports that include information relevant to the review. California emergency response planners have 45 partners actively participating on committees to reach everyone in the state. The RAND team conducted interviews with 50 individuals via site visits in four states/regions across the country. We provide several examples of functional needs of at-risk individuals. The purpose of using this data is to reveal how the government manipulate information of actual infected cases. Risk Assessment and Risk Communication Strategies in Bioterrorism Preparedness Editors: Manfred S. Green, Jonathan Zenilman (Professor of Medicine), Dani Cohen, Itay Wiser, Ran D. Balicer Scarcity of relevant evidence-based resources Practical approach for coping with current bioterrorism threats These included (but were not limited to) barriers related to the specific characteristics of vulnerable populations, such as cultural beliefs, interpretations, or language barriers,[24, 28, 61, 70] literacy,[34, 35] and specific issues related to disabilities, such as provision of written information for the hearing-impaired. In particular, it is important to consider the likelihood that certain factors need to be addressed for successful emergency risk communication. The interim reports use the term vulnerable populations instead of at-risk populations. For example, the faculty, students, and staff of Tulane Medical School benefited greatly from a recovery website that was created to facilitate communications in the days and weeks following Hurricane Katrina.[53]. Informants from Oklahoma indicated they would like to develop more messages in a graphic form for those with limited ability to learn (e.g., those with intellectual disabilities, children). The most pertinent finding from this evaluation was that emergency planning for at-risk populations is limited; for example, less than 25 percent of urban area plans were rated as having sufficient ability to provide expedited warning to custodial institutions or to provide pre-scripted, hazard-specific warnings. A survey with 27 questions was developed. Additionally, there is evidence to suggest that some vulnerable populations may prefer to rely on social networks to receive information and to guide decision making during a public health emergency. Specifically, exercises and drills should include community-based organizations (CBOs), agencies, and other partners in the training itself as a way to aid mutual learning, increase cultural competence, and strengthen the capacity of health departments and other agencies/CBOs. ), Thinking with Data. Informants said that the range of messages that need to be communicated to at-risk populations is broad because different at-risk populations may face different issues during emergencies. Webcast (recorded) CDC ASPPH UCLA . The source of the message, including whether the organization is a government or non-government organization. Also, risk communication should be tailored to the developmental abilities of children and adapted for adults with intellectual disabilities. Sandman, P.M. (2003). A Fact Sheet for People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Wildfires-- Are You Ready? Fordis, M., Alexander, J.D., & McKellar, J. Health Promotion Practice, 9, 18S-25S. To inform this gap, RAND researchers, under contract by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) (Task Order 07EASPE000074), sought to understand the communication needs and to identify strategies with potential for improving risk communication with at-risk populations. Psychiatric Annals, 34(9), 710-716. As described in the literature review in Task 3 of this project,[3] vulnerable populations face specific challenges in their ability to access, process, and act on risk communication and may have particular needs before, during, and after emergencies. Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci, 364(1845), 2191-2216. Once the acute stage of a disaster has subsided, communications can focus on after-action reports and other evaluation activities, including sharing experiences and lessons with other counties and states. Drawing upon decades of experience, RAND provides research services, systematic analysis, and innovative thinking to a global clientele that includes government agencies, foundations, and private-sector firms. The Tennessee Fire Marshals Office Offers a Course for Safety Educators in Reaching People with Hearing Disabilities in the Event of Fire, State of Tennessee, Department of Commerce and Insurance, Readiness Training and Materials for Individuals with Disabilities and Other Special Needs, Center for Disabilities and Special Needs Preparedness (DPC), Look Hot! Additionally, we searched all references dated 2000 or later in the National Cancer Institutes Risk Communication Bibliography2 and we reviewed publications posted on the Center for Risk Communication website (http://www.centerforriskcommunication.com/home.htm). Finally, we describe gaps in the literature related to the methodological approaches of and the vulnerable populations addressed in the literature. We reviewed the literature pertaining to the use of risk communication strategies for at-risk populations in any stages of emergency preparedness, response, or recovery (see Appendix A). As an example, it is insufficient to recommend evacuation without qualifying how someone in a wheelchair might comply; they might need to be advised to ask for help. For additional information about this subject, you can visit the DALTCP home page at http://aspe.hhs.gov/_/office_specific/daltcp.cfm or contact the ASPE Project Officer, Emily Rosenoff, at HHS/ASPE/DALTCP, Room 424E, H.H. (2) Information about governments and experts responses and other actions come from Chinese authoritative media and mainstream Internet media including Xinhua News Agency, Caixin News, and Sina News [12,13,14]. [(accessed on 22 February 2020)]; Xu X., Chen P., Wang J., Feng J., Zhou H., Li X., Zhong W., Hao P. Evolution of the novel coronavirus from the ongoing Wuhan outbreak and modeling of its spike protein for risk of human transmission. Only 40 citations--20 percent of the peer-reviewed literature on public health emergency risk communication--contained a substantive focus on vulnerable populations (i.e., vulnerable populations were referenced in the title or abstract). These specific examples may not be news to some individuals, but were to the reviewers, and may also be to other individuals. Strengthen training activities by directly addressing the needs of at-risk populations. Report on Special Needs Assessment for Katrina Evacuees (SNAKE) Project. It enables risk assessors and managers to appraise the potential impact and all possible outcomes based on the available information. Many people used extreme methods for self-protection. Designing risk communications: completing and correcting mental models of hazardous processes, Part I. However, there is limited knowledge about how to best communicate with at-risk populations in emergencies. Low-literacy is another limitation that may be a communication obstacle for children, the mentally impaired, individuals with poor literacy, and non-English speaking populations. Program and abstracts of the American Public Health Association 132nd Annual Meeting; November 6-10, 2004; Washington, DC. Free text entries were entered into the SPSS database, cut, and sorted into thematic categories. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Then, Dr. Zhang used quite straightforward language to explain how Shanghai is coping with the outbreak by integrating resources. If any links led to sites that were themselves rich sources of information, we added those organizations to our existing list of organizations and returned to them later for thorough searches. In her review of risk communication activities during public health emergencies, Glik (2007) also noted the need for systematic evaluations of the effectiveness of risk communication, particularly during actual events. This suggests that most risk communication messages and dissemination strategies should be designed to match the abilities and resources of individuals, rather than their disabilities. We learned from informants in California and Florida that they are developing messages in pictorial format in order to reach the broadest audience. Survey findings also revealed concerns about privacy among constituents, which may explain the limited use of registries to track PWD in the community. Report from a regional meeting of countries of South East Asia; Bangkok, Thailand, 21-23, November 2005. Wingard, J.R., Leahigh, A.K., et al. They have developed a DVD that is distributed to all schools in the state and includes Oklahomas First Lady, a popular weather reporter in the state, and the Oklahoma Gas and Electrics mascot talking about preparedness issues. A single-page SAMHSA handout entitled Alcohol, Medication, and Drug Use After Disaster (#92) very clearly and concisely spells out substance abuse risks after a disaster and provides strategies for managing these risks. Lovett & P. Shah (Eds. People can also stop the spread of incorrect information when they see it. New York, NY: Plenum Press. Clearly, there is a commitment to public health education and a recognition that communication is essential to coping with the methyl parathion situation. That is, the information does not simply describe the nature or consequences of a risk, but rather provides information on how to prepare for, protect against, respond to, or recover from the risk. The WHO introduced a range of activities with the purpose of enabling the public to avail verified and timely information on COVID-19 . This strategy is consistent with findings from the literature review suggesting that risk communication needs to be locally relevant in order to achieve effectiveness. To identify relevant guidance documents and other reports, we relied upon direction from the Task Order Monitor and a targeted web search (Federal Government sites and sites of organizations focused on vulnerable populations) to identify appropriate statutes, regulations, and other reports for review. While translation is an obvious first step towards effective risk communication with non-English speakers, several studies we reviewed indicated that translation is not enough. Risk communication, risk perception, and public health. Many, at-risk populations are face specific communication challenges (Wingate, Perry, Campbell, David, and Weist, 2007). The literature reviewed here, specific to public health emergency risk communication with vulnerable populations, echoed these general recommendations. The second section takes a more quantitative approach, identifying gaps and commonalities in the coverage of materials across vulnerable populations, emergency types, and other key characteristics. Communicating the risks of bioterrorism and other emergencies in a diverse society: A case study of special populations in North Dakota. This wont be the last pandemic, says Viswanath. Designing and conducting tabletop exercises to assess public health preparedness for manmade and naturally occurring biological threats. Which at-risk populations are your focus? Non-English speakers will require language translation and bilingual spokespersons with the appropriate social and cultural competencies and those from diverse cultures will also have a high likelihood of mistrusting authorities. The COVID-19 cases have covered all provinces in China and have also been reported in other countries, severe areas including Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, and the US, and all of these cases were exported from Wuhan [16,17]. Disinformation is more insidious, with certain groups trying to sow seeds of distrust towards institutions.

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