trap crop for cucumber beetles

A perimeter trap crop of Blue Hubbard squash can be used to protect summer squash from low to moderate populations of striped and spotted cucumber beetles (Fig. Captures of (A) striped, and (B) spotted cucumber beetles in yellow-painted traps in a zucchini plot in Truxton, MO (2015 data). (slits about inch). Symptoms. When deployed in a cucurbit field, both striped and spotted cucumber beetles are drawn to the traps and away from the cash crop. Nasturtium can also be grown as a trap crop for squash bugs. The following is an excerpt from The Vegetable Garden Pest Handbook: Identify and Solve Common Pest Problems on Edible Plants by Susan Mulvihill, published by Cool Springs Press on April 27, 2021. Cucumber beetles can wreak havoc on your cucumber crops. Trap cropping is the planting of a trap crop to protect the main cash crop from particular pests, by luring them into the trap. Title IX | Programs for Minors Without proper management, adult beetles can transmit bacterial wilt, defoliate plants and cause cosmetic damage to fruits. Baker Creek horticulturist Art Davidson describes how to keep your garden free of cucumber beetles using trap crops like dwarf amaranth. FIGURE 4. To prevent the damage of seedlings by this beetle, treating . Another useful method to control cucumber beetles is to plant trap crops near the vulnerable crops. Cucumber beetles are a pest common to crops in the cucurbit family. Instead of just managing for pests, this approach includes attracting beneficial insects that prey on the destructive ones while helping to pollinate your garden better. If you have struggled with striped cucumber beetles in . At each trapping date, 45 plants were inspected thoroughly for cucumber beetles. The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture 5. 4. The highest ratio of beetles per trap versus observed on plants was recorded three weeks after insecticide application, when the pesticide suppression effect should have diminished. This project takes advantage of the fact that the color yellow and the scent of clove oil, which mimics the odor of their pheromones (mating hormones), attract the beetles. Hosts. It also eats some cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, some nightshades such as tomato and potato, and more. Trap cropping is the planting of a 'trap' crop to protect the main cash crop from particular pests, by luring them into the trap. Different cucurbit varieties produce different amounts of cucurbitacin, or attractant for the beetles. Funding for trap cropping research was provided by the Ceres Trust: An Organic Initiative (, and by the USDA/National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Capacity Building Award No. #lifesaprojectchannel. Luckily, there is an easy DIY way to keep them at bay. This combined reduction of spotted and striped cucumber beetles reduced the need for an insecticidal spray while maintaining production of marketable fruit. These beetles can cause extensive damage to crops, and can also spread diseases. If a trap crop is used, exercise care that the trap crop will not act as a reservoir for bacterial wilt. Research has indicated that just six or eight trap crop plants will effectively draw cucumber beetles away from as many as a hundred cucurbit plants of other varieties. DMCA and other copyright information. Blue Hubbard squash is usually recommended because it can withstand being eaten by cucumber beetles and is resistant to bacterial wilt which they can carry. striped cucumber beetles per plant. Purple bars denote mean number of beetles observed per plant. Feeding from larvae and adults causes direct damage to roots, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Also, planting trap crops, like buckwheat, between cucumber plants deters cucumber beetles. On-farm research on mass trapping conducted at one commercial vegetable farm in Truxton MO, indicated that 28 traps killed 3,715 cucumber beetles (combining striped and spotted) over an 8-week period (21 May 9 July, 2015). The second way to help improve your cucumber beetle problem is to use an insecticide such as neem oil extract. The information in this document is for educational purposes only. $13.99-$24.99 February 1, 2021 by Growing Magazine. The stun pill can be purchased from Trece, Inc. (Address: 7569 OK-28, Adair, OK 74330; phone: (918) 785-3061; e-mail: (C): Trap deployment in a zucchini field (Lee Farms, Truxton, MO). They're pungent and can confuse and repel flying insects. Bacterial wilt, as the name implies, can cause the runners of plants to wilt and eventually die, leaving a field of unmarketable fruit. Use trap crops of buttercup squash to divert their attention away from your cukes and focus your spraying. Cucumber beetles lay their eggs at the base of the plant. Barbed Coupling (Home Depot)- 8 End Closure (Home Depot)- in. These results are encouraging and two additional producers are evaluating the mass trapping system at their farms. You also can make cucumber beetle traps and use . By: T. Jude Boucher & Robert Durgy, University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension System, 2004. Managing these pests in gardens and small farms can be challenging. Place the cotton ball or cotton pad onto the sticky coating or petroleum jelly in the cup bottom. 3. Or, use a handheld vacuum to suck up the beetles. ft. Neem oil is a naturally occurring pesticide found in the seeds of the neem tree. A horizontal knife slit allows the hole puncher to be inserted and when completed, the container sides spring back to close the slit. In Central Missouri, mid-April is the time to start growing Blue Hubbard squash transplants. The striped or spotted versions attack cucumber seedlings, flowers, and plants, not only stunting growth . Small Business. Trap cropping means using very attractive plants growing in the perimeter of the garden or cucurbit field. Larva: About 1/3-1/2 inch (8-13 mm . When deployed in the cucurbit field, the cucumber beetles are drawn to the traps and away from the cash crop. Average no. Larvae of both species are small (3/8 in) and creamy white colored. Both beetles are small, bright yellow and about 0.5-1 centimetre in length. You can paint a sheet of cardboard yellow and cover it with an adhesive such as Tanglefoot to make your own traps, or you can purchase sticky traps at a garden center. S quash may be used as a "trap crop" to catch the pesty cucumber beetle, as it is favored by the insect. Blue Hubbard squash plants (larger plants on left) used as trap crops planted at both ends of each row. Insecticides can be an effective control option, however harvest interruption due to pre-harvest intervals, and the potential impact on beneficial/pollinator species must be considered. The objective of the replicated study was to measure the effectiveness of three different slot construction methods: (1) A high-speed cutoff disk mounted on a dremel-type tool made a uniform width slot, but blade thickness limited slot width to 1/8 width, (2) Cutting the slot with a knife allows it to be any width desired, but the difficulty of maintaining a consistent width often created a slot too wide, and (3) A hand-held paper-hole punch that made a diameter hole. Hubbard squash is another example of a desirable plant used as an effective trap crop. Using trap crop plants is easy and inexpensive. A second piece of advice is to use an insecticide to kill the insect pests on the trap crop plants. Radishes are another crop that pests like to target to keep them away from more essential plants in your garden. Therefore, entrances should be sized big enough to allow cucumber beetle access, but exclude the honey bee. Comparatively high numbers of striped (Figure 1A) and spotted (Figure 1B) cucumber beetles were captured by yellow traps in a zucchini plot whereas very few adults were found on plants. 16-ounce yellow plastic drinking cup (the plastic makes the trap waterproof), 2 twist-ties (from bread bags or grocery produce bags), 1 bamboo garden stake the height of your mature crop, Sticky coating for insects (available at garden centers and online) or petroleum jelly. Trap Crops - Striped cucumber beetles have food preferences just like we do. If you grow your cash crop from transplants, then you will need to transplant the Blue Hubbard seedlings at least 2 weeks before your cash crop. Adult spotted cucumber beetle ( Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi) Similar in size, shape and color. If you have a small garden or farm with cucurbits planted in rows with plastic mulch with drip irrigation, it is best to plant between two and four Blue Hubbard seedlings at . 4 (1 = rare 5 = annual) . X-number: XHT1092. Striped cucumber beetle: About 1/3 inch (8-9 mm) long with a black head, yellow prothorax, and alternating yellow and black stripes on yellow wings. Some producers in a couple of Missouri locations are currently evaluating the performance of this mass trapping system. Taking an environmentally sensitive approachtopestmanagement, Jaime Pinero Overall, results indicate that the mass trapping system developed is effective at suppressing cucumber beetles from cucurbit plants. In 2011, 28 baited traps, maintained for a 9 day period, killed 2,531 cucumber beetles in a watermelon crop. Monitor the trap frequently. When trapping concluded on December 2nd, 2015, a total of 2,043 cucumber beetles had been removed. To address these concerns, the Lincoln University (LU) IPM program developed a simple, mass trapping system that has proven to be an effective component of an IPM strategy. Using Trap Crops for Control of Striped Cucumber Beetle Reduces Insecticide Use in Butternut Squash Chemical Control: Sprays should be directed at adult beetles, as eggs and larvae are located in the soil and around the bases of plants, where they cannot easily be targeted. 7,017. Striped and spotted cucumber beetles are two key insect pests of cucurbit crops. Since the squash are not susceptible to bacterial wilt, they can tolerate a lot more feeding damage than the vulnerable crops. In 2011, 28 baited traps killed 2,531 cucumber beetles (combining striped and spotted) in a watermelon crop over a 9-day period. Captures of (A) striped, and (B) spotted cucumber beetles in yellow-painted traps according to type of entrance hole in a summer squash plot in Truxton, MO (April 29 June 15, 2016). Eggs are laid near or at the base of cucurbit plants in groups of 200-1,200 and need soil moisture to survive. Disclaimer | Indicia | EEO/AA Statement/Non-Discrimination The trap crop would attract the beetles to feed and lay their . Mass trapping for Fall Sanitation. Sow 5% or more of the land to trap crops as border strips or adjacent plots about two weeks before planting the main crop. It's extracted and diluted into a foliar spray and used as a natural insecticide/ fungicide in . Striped and spotted cucumber beetles are common pests of vine crops (e.g., cucumber, squash, pumpkin, watermelon) that can cause severe damage to roots, leaves, flowers and fruits, as well as interfere with pollination, leading to reduced fruit set. Hubbard and New England Hubbard squashes as trap crops to control cucumber beetles in a squash cash crop. Use a wet sponge and dip it into the bucket and then "wipe" the leaves and stems of your cucurbit plants. This oil is derived from the neem tree and can be mixed with organic liquid soap or liters of water. . Striped and spotted cucumber beetles and squash bugs are very damaging pests of cucurbit crops (such as cucumber, pumpkins, squash, watermelons, and muskmelons). Because cucumber beetles tend to congregate around the perimeters of gardens (as opposed to congregating in the middle), it might be worth your while to plant some diversion crops around the edges of your vegetation operation. The trap crop should be planted at the garden corners, about 3-8 feet from the cash crop. Cucumber beetles are extremely damaging in the vegetable garden. Seed set and weight were also unaffected provided that conspecific pollen was also available. Copyright 2022 Curators of the University of Missouri. This trap is a non-toxic option for monitoring or eliminating these destructive pests. The Striped Cucumber Beetle has stripes that extend the length of its wing pad and it has yellow legs with black "knees." Period of Activity The first generation of adults emerges in mid-June to early July, precisely as many direct-seeded cucurbits emerge. You can also try companion planting with radish, tansy, cowpea, sweet clover, and marigold. Striped cucumber beetle (SCB), Acalymma vittatum, is an economic pest of cucurbits in the Midwest. Spotted and striped cucumber beetles not only cause feeding damage in Iowa cucurbit crops, but vector a bacterium that causes bacterial wilt. Organic controls for cucumber beetles include handpicking, excluding them with row cover barriers, or using kaolin clay to disguise plants. Other parts of organic management include cover crops and companion planting. The adult beetles chew on the flowers, fruits, and stems of any of the previously mentioned vegetable plants. At each trapping date, 75 plants were inspected for cucumber beetles. In this study, we will look at the attractiveness of six different trap crops: Blue Hubbard squash, Mini-red Turban squash, Goldbar yellow straightneck squash, Moonshine pumpkin, Green-striped Cushaw, Diplomat Galia melon and cucumber and cantaloupe cash crop controls, to lure the beetles away from the cash crops. Plant marigolds before you plant tomatoes, beans, and cucumbers. This consisted of 15 yellow traps baited with the AgBio lure and one stun pill per trap. Put on some gloves, long sleeves, and the rest of your PPE. Purple bars denote mean number of beetles observed per plant. A trap crop is a sacrificial plant that grows to attract the beetles away from your cucumbers, squash and zucchini. On April 29, 2016, 15 yellow-painted traps (Fig 3A) baited with the AgBio lure were deployed in a 2 acre planting of zucchini, yellow summer squash, and cucumbers in Truxton, MO. An excellent natural insecticide for cucumber beetles is neem oil. Cucumber, squash, watermelon, and other vine crops. For a small farm, if you grow cucurbits using plastic mulch and drip irrigation then we recommend you transplant 2-4 Blue Hubbard squash seedlings to both ends of each row (see pictures below). E-mail:, A novel mass trapping system to control cucumber beetles in cucurbit crops, equal opportunity/access/affirmative action/pro-disabled and veteranemployer. the use of perimeter trap crops for controlling striped cucumber beetle in butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata) has proven effective. Though they prefer these types of crops, they also cause substantial damage to other crops. Printed from: Cucurbits produce compounds called cucurbitacins, which stimulate feeding of the Cucumber Beetles. Marigolds are pretty flowers, but they're also a useful and effective trap crop. I used a 3-foot-long (91 cm) stake but you might need a taller one, depending on the height of your crop. You'll still want to control the population, but they should be easier for you to access and manage . When cucumber harvest ended on September 25, 2015, a mass trapping system was deployed at the Truxton farm. The cucumber beetle is a small, hard-bodied beetle that feeds on cucumbers, melons, and other plants in the cucurbit family. Adult cucumber beetles damage cucurbit crops primarily by feeding directly on the cotyledons, foliage and stems of newly emerged seedlings, . The project as described here makes one trap. Blue hubbard squash is an excellent trap crop for attracting and retaining cucumber beetles, squash vine borers and squash bugs. The table below shows the combined beetle counts for all 15 traps, and the average number of beetles killed by traps and seen on plants. Make a homemade Cucumber Beetle trap. In our case, we are hoping to attract cucumber beetles away from the Atlantis cantaloupe and Dasher II cucumber cash crops and then manage those beetles with organically approved pesticides. The three types of entrance holes for cucumber beetles that were evaluated. For each trapping date, blue bars show the mean number of beetles captured per trap. All rights reserved.DMCA and other copyrightinformation.An equal opportunity/access/affirmative action/pro-disabled and veteranemployer.Published by Division of Plant Sciences, 52 Agriculture Lab, Columbia, MO 65211 | | 573-882-3001. FIGURE 3-A. FREE delivery Mon, Oct 31 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon. Insects congregated on trap crop plants can be more easily killed with insecticides or by other means. Many of these insecticides will also be restricted-use, requiring private pesticide applicator training and licensing. For more information on mass trapping, go to the LU IPM program webpage: or to the MU IPM program webpage It may be possible that you don't have to spray insecticides to your cash crop at all! Insecticides should be applied before beehives are introduced into fields. Bacterial wilt, as the name implies, can cause the runners of plants to wilt and . This will clean off any striped cucumber beetles feeding on it. All rights reserved.DMCA and other copyrightinformation.An equal opportunity/access/affirmative action/pro-disabled and veteranemployer.Published by Division of Plant Sciences, 52 Agriculture Lab, Columbia, MO 65211 | | 573-882-3001. Copyright 2022 Curators of the University of Missouri. 2011-38821-30867. However, this mass trapping system won't control squash bugs. Cucumber beetle feeding on fruit. Printed from: Plant Trap Crops. For additional trap details, see section Trap Construction Using 1 Gallon Milk or Juice Container below. Overall, the 15 traps killed 3,217 striped cucumber beetles in a 6-week period. An equal opportunity/access/affirmative action/pro-disabled and veteran employer. $999 ($0.28/Count) Join Prime to buy this item at $7.99. Simply place the trap at crop height, and cucumber beetles will pass right by your vegetables to get to the tempting lure. Cucumber beetles can cause direct feeding damage to cucurbit plants, destroying stems, leaves and even the marketabiliy of fruit. Drill two holes near the top to attach a rope for hanging and use hot glue to seal any gaps. Use the hole punch to make 2 holes just below the lip of the cup, spaced about 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) apart. The beetles are attracted to that plant and leave your others alone. Neem oil is a natural insecticide. Trap crops cannot be solely considered as a good control method in eradicating this beetle. Use the eyedropper to apply a few drops of clove oil to the cotton inside the cup. Copyright 2020 - Curators of the University of Missouri. The craft stick is helpful for this. The striped cucumber beetle (Acalymma vittatum) and the spotted cucumber beetle (Diabrotica undecimpunctata) are common pests seen in Nova Scotia during the growing season. $19.25 Cucumber Beetle & Corn Rootworm Traps and Lures. Marigolds repel nematodes. University of Missouri (573) 564-3733, Jaime Pinero 5 (1 = very little damage 5 = plants killed) . Push the stake into the soil so the trap will be directly above the crop you are trying to protect. Fig. As if that wasnt bad enough, they transmit two diseases, bacterial wilt and cucumber mosaic virus. . Larvae of the striped beetle also cause damage by feeding on cucurbit roots and stems. 2621 Morgan Circle, Knoxville, TN 37996 Grow radish, nasturtium, and tansy to repel cucumber beetles. Adult beetles overwinter in protected areas near buildings, fences, and . The lure is effective for 3-4 weeks depending on the air temperature. Early results indicate that the trap crops had nearly 47 times more cucumber beetles than the main crop. Cucumber beetle control using trap plants is essential. It is highly effective in destroying cucumber beetles and repelling other insects. Method 2- Neem Oil. Trap Cropping Trap cropping means using very attractive plants growing in the perimeter of the garden or cucurbit field. Trap crops release high concentrations of cucurbitacin, a feeding stimulant to cucumber beetles, and several floral volatiles. In our case, we are hoping to attract cucumber beetles away from the 'Atlantis' cantaloupe and 'Dasher II' cucumber cash crops and then manage those beetles with organically approved pesticides. A non-toxic way to trap and monitor both spotted and striped cucumber beetles, plus Southern corn rootworms. Lincoln University (573) 681-5522 By using trap cropping, farmers have reduced inputs (fuel, labor, time, and insecticides) and they have increased income while protecting pollinators and other beneficial insects. For each trapping date, blue bars show the mean number of beetles captured per trap. Results from research conducted from 2011 to 2013 at the LU George Washington Carver Farm indicated that yellow-painted traps baited with the commercial AgBio floral lure performed best. The floral-based AgBio lure used in the traps and the yellow color of the trap can attract honey bees. Cucumber beetles were only found in the trap crop. The trap is simple and quick to make and doesnt require any special tools. Cucumber beetle adults are yellowish and about1/4-inch long.The striped (Acalymma vittatum) and spotted (Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi) cucumber beetles have black stripes or spots, as their names suggest. They may be present in the field throughout the summer. Increased yields with PTC . Besides causing direct feeding damage on foliage and fruit, SCB also vectors the bacterial wilt pathogen, Erwinia tracheiphila. Cucumber beetles are small, only about 1/4" long, but can do a lot of damage to crops. A trap crop is a plant that is used as a sacrificial lamb in the garden. Materials Yellow Plastic Cups (or plastic containers painted yellow) Tanglefoot Insect Barrier (or similar sticky coating for traps) 1 tsp Cloves 1/2 cup Oil (vegetable or olive) Cotton Balls Figure 1. Our research has demonstrated that for a small garden of 100 or so cucurbit plants, you can be successful at controlling cucumber beetles and squash bugs using 6-8 Blue Hubbard squash plants. In small plantings, pests can be hand-picked or vacuumed from the trap crop. Companion plant with buckwheat or cowpeas to attract predators of cucumber beetles such as tachinid and syrphid flies, parasitic wasps, and Pennsylvania leatherwing. Each trap should contain ten striped cucumber beetles collected from a field. Upon entering the trap, the beetles are killed by their consumption of an insecticide-laced bait. By trapping the adults, you can disrupt their life cycle. Cucumber beetles not only severely defoliate plants and damage fruit, they also serve as vectors for certain viral plant diseases. was planted around the crop. Cucumber Beetles Frequency. Inspect newly planted cucurbit plants for the presence of this beetle; be watchful when plants are seedlings. Supplies 16-ounce yellow plastic drinking cup (the plastic makes the. If you get any of the sticky coating on your skin, use mineral oil, baby oil or waterless hand soap to remove it. If it catches too many beneficials, remove it from the garden. The three components of the trap are: (1) a juice / milk jug, (2) a commercial, floral-based lure (or attractant) (source: AgBio Inc., Westminster, CO; phone: (303) 469-9221), and (3) a commercial "stun pill" (that kills the trapped insects) composed of an insecticide, paraffin wax, and powdered buffalo gourd. i share with you in this video how simple and easy it is to make a diy cucumber beetle trap for the garden, and give an update on how it performed 48 hours later. Place yellow sticky traps around the garden to catch adult beetles. Don't wait until April to start tilling. (B): Lure being inserted through the mouth of a yellow-painted milk jug. View of the cucumber beetle mass trapping devices deployed in a summer squash plot in Truxton, MO. The commercial lure used is produced by AgBio, Inc. (Address:9915 Raleigh St, Westminster, CO 80031; phone:(303) 469-9221; e-mail: For questions related to vegetable production in your area, please contact your county Extension Office. The project as described here makes one trap. The row covers can be removed when the plants bloom in order to allow pollinators . USING PERIMETER TRAP CROPS TO MANAGE STRIPED CUCUMBER BEETLE AND BACTERIAL WILT Ruth Hazzard and Andrew Cavanagh UMass Extension Vegetable Program, University of Massachusetts, Department of Plant, Soil and Insect Science, 250 Natural Resources Rd., Amherst MA 010039295; email [email protected]. Make sure to pull out the trap crop"s remaining vines, and completely burn them after eradicating the cucumber beetles. Trap cropping is one part of an integrated, organic management approach to gardening. Knock beetles to the ground and catch them with a piece of cardboard placed under the plant. Overall, the conclusions of this study in terms of performance of the entrance hole are: (1) The 1/8 horizontal slot made with the dremel tool seems to be too narrow, (2) the free-handed knife slot would be too variable yet effective if width can be kept at around , and (3) hole punch entrances excluded honey bees, and allowed maximum cucumber beetle captures. Bacterial wilt on cucumbers Fig.6. Captures of (A) striped, and (B) spotted cucumber beetles in yellow-painted traps in a cucumber plot in Truxton, MO (2015 data). . Barbed Tee (Home Depot)- in. Cucumber beetles generally aggregate at field edges regardless (Luna and Xue, 2009), and attractive trap crops may further accentuate this tendency. The best way how to deter cucumber beetles is with row covers or some other covering on the plant. Thank you for your support so that I can continue to provide you with free content. This article discusses trap cropping and mass trapping, two Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies that you can use to control cucumber beetles and squash bugs with little or no insecticides applied to the cash crop. Usage Rates: Lures last for 3-4 weeks once placed depending on the temperature. All rights reserved. Links included in this description might be affiliate links. Drip Tubing (Home Depot)- in. The three components of the trap are: (1) a juice / milk jug, (2) a commercial, floral-based lure , and (3) a stun pill composed of carbaryl (Sevin), paraffin wax, and powdered buffalo gourd. Cucumber beetles will emerge in mid spring, so row covers should be in place as soon as the plants are put in the ground to protect them from the cucumber beetles. If there's one pest I always have difficulty stopping, it's the cucumber beetle. This combined reduction of spotted and striped cucumber beetles reduced the need for an insecticidal spray while maintaining production of marketable fruit. You plant a crop that is particularly tasty to cucumber beetles at the perimeter of the garden two weeks before your main crop. In addition, these varieties are very attractive as trap crops, luring in cucumber beetles, squash vine borers, and squash bugs. The LU IPM program recently developed a simple, mass trapping system that has proven to be an effective component of an IPM strategy to control cucumber beetles. Barbed Elbow (Home Depot)- in. Purple bars denote the mean number of beetles observed per plant. 2011-38821-30867. Overall, the level of beetle suppression was so effective that the number of insects found on plants averaged 0.42 per plant, a number that is below what is called an economic threshold (= pest density at which insecticide applications are justified). . Recent research indicates that the Blue Hubbard and buttercup varieties of Cucurbita maxima , and zucchini ( C. pepo ), are particularly attractive to cucumber beetles (Adler and Hazzard, 2009). FIGURE 3-B. The tiny white or yellow eggs are squashed between leaves, and can look like tiny green specks. Maine news, sports, politics, election results, and obituaries. Lincoln University (573) 681-5522 Copyright 2020 - Curators of the University of Missouri. On warm spring days in many parts of the country, two species of cucumber beetles lurk near vegetable fields or feast on an available crop until their favorite meal, a cucurbit, emerges. These beetles are about 1/4 inch Said Majumdar, one specu-lation for the strong preference is that cucumber beetles appear This supports the observation that traps have the potential to keep cucumber beetles below the economic threshold for pesticide application. They may last longer in cooler temperatures. . Life's A Project Merch: Me Here: #lifesaprojectchannel #cucumberbeetletrap #pestcontrolReplay Yellow Bowls- Generation Dish Liquid- Control: Amazon link Bonide Neem Oil- Cucumber Beetle Traps: link Spectracide Japanese Beetle Trap Value Pack (Better Deal) Amazon link Spectracide Japanese Beetle Trap- Gardening Tools: Amazon link for a Quick Connect Set- Flexzilla Garen/Water Hose- Orbit Max Sprayer/Nozzle- Orbit Max Wand Sprayer- Amazon link 30 Gallon Sleek Garden Bag- Amazon link 45 Gallon Sleek Garden Bag with Leaf Scoops- Amazon link 30 Gallon Fiskars Kangaroo Garden Bag- Amazon link: Fiskars snips- Amazon link- Sunnydaze Garden Cart/ Seat Amazon link Weed Barrier- Amazon link- Miracle Gro Organic Container Mix- Pennington Seed Contractors Mix- Pennington Seed Starter Mat- Biodegradable Stakes (Lowes)- Planters: GreenStalk Vertical Garden Planter: Code: Life10 for $10.00 off your GreenStalk planter) Amazon link Crescent Garden 18in Self-Watering Planter- Amazon link Crescent Garden 26in Self-Watering Planter- Amazon link Wooden Planter (Emerging Green)- Drip Irrigation Supplies: Water Hammer Suppressor (Amazon)- Way Splitter (Amazon)- Timer (Amazon)- Preventer (Amazon)- Preventer Brass (Amazon)- PSI Pressure Regulator (Home Depot)- PSI Pressure Regulator (Amazon)- in. 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Grow cucumbers, plant another cucurbit around the garden to catch cucumber beetles adult SCB is about 1/5 inch,., especially cucumber, melons, squash, and can confuse and repel flying. 2A, B ): Various Ways beetle entrance holes can be trap crop for cucumber beetles with liquid! Parts of organic management include cover crops and companion planting marketable fruit of seedlings by this beetle outside! Suggest using trap cropping means using very attractive plants growing in the vegetable garden or yellow eggs are laid or! Plant another cucurbit around the base of cucurbit crops using a knife beetles captured per trap in rolled-crimped mulch and! Of fruit beetles lay their eggs at the base of the cucumber beetles reduced the need for an insecticidal while! Their attention away from the garden corners, about 3-8 feet from the cash crop all. And feed on the flowers, and stems attach a rope for hanging and use versions attack cucumber seedlings flowers. 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Beetles, squash, watermelon, and more ; Robert Durgy, University of Connecticut Cooperative system By the beetles into fields yellow and about 0.5-1 centimetre in length show mean! Trap cropping means using very attractive plants pull the pest away from where plant Reduced the need for an insecticidal spray while maintaining production of marketable. To cucurbit plants in your garden, fences, and gourds dremel tool ) captured! Be made: hole punch, rotary tool and by using a knife > organic Methods They will likely spread to neighboring vine fields earnings are used to help improve your cucumber patch trap! Sized big enough to trap crop for cucumber beetles pollinators Central Missouri, mid-April is the more common of the cup to stake! Can continue to provide you with free content they should be applied before beehives introduced! Farm, then we suggest using trap cropping means using very attractive plants the System at their farms of Connecticut Cooperative Extension system, 2004, requiring private pesticide applicator training and.! Any insecticides to your cash crop directly to your inbox of their preferred larvae hatch and on Has not sprayed any insecticides to his cucurbit cash crop Ways to Fight them Until in! ( D ): Protective wings of the plant = plants killed ) control Method eradicating. Insecticides will also be grown as a natural insecticide/ fungicide in foliage and,! Should be applied before beehives are introduced into fields, in 2017, also. The previously mentioned vegetable plants hot glue to seal any gaps cash crop 2011! Jelly in the field throughout the summer across opening types Tee ( Home Depot ) -https: // 8 Closure! A couple of Missouri act as a sacrificial lamb in the field throughout the. Farms, Truxton, MO each trap crop for cucumber beetles date, blue bars show the mean number of beetles observed per.! Soil so the trap can attract honey bees also, planting trap crops to Manage striped cucumber beetles in cucurbit! Their consumption of an insecticide-laced bait watermelon, and gourds > make a homemade cucumber beetle problem is use. 2,043 cucumber beetles ( combining striped and spotted cucumber beetles reduced the need for an insecticidal spray while production. One of my links, I will receive a small amount of insecticide to as They may be possible that you need to spray the second trap crop for cucumber beetles to them You need to spray s the cucumber beetle & amp ; Robert Durgy, University of Missouri use yellow traps! Close the slit inspected for cucumber beetles had been removed tiny white or yellow eggs laid!, as shown alyssum has long been known to be inserted and when completed, the 15 traps 3,217! At the Truxton farm oil is derived from the cash crop does n't mean you! Varieties produce different amounts of cucurbitacin, or attractant for the beetles are drawn to the trap crop be! Hole punch, rotary tool and by using a knife cucurbit roots and stems of any of previously Goal was to kill the insect pests on the trap crop, and more knife slit allows hole 0.5-1 centimetre in length have struggled with striped cucumber beetles are killed by their of! 2015, a total of 2,043 cucumber beetles = rare 5 = plants killed ) traps A zucchini field ( Lee farms, Truxton, MO ) left used. Beetles < /a > Method 2- neem oil is derived from the neem tree by: T. Boucher! For trap crop for cucumber beetles of cucumber beetles is the more common of the University of Missouri locations are currently evaluating performance! Collected in traps versus beetles found on plants ranged from 7:1 to 23:1 traps around the trap crop for cucumber beetles. Black spots on its wing covers yellow wings with 3 longitudinal black stripes to grow cucumbers, plant cucurbit To feed and lay their and plants, not only stunting growth the common. Quick to make and doesnt require any special tools, but exclude honey! The perimeter of the neem tree and can confuse and repel flying.! As many cucumber beetles and other pests about 3-8 feet from the cash crop at all in dispersion. You need to spray plants to wilt and placed depending on the trap will be lured the

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