Browse Through the Endless List of Salt Lake City Personals. There are hotshot shortages across the country, but California hotshots are getting hit harder, according to Jonathan Miller, chairman of the National Forest Service Firefighters Union.
Here you will find intelligence reports, geographical situation reports and all wildfire related news within the geographical area. The purpose of this website is to collect, preserve and share the rich history and tradition of the California Interagency Hotshot Crews.
Silver City, NM 88061, Justin Romero, Superintendent Tonto National Forest
Jan 20, 2007. (928) 535-5972 (Fax), Blue Ridge IHC
PO Box 0 Staffing is based on patient acuity, census, patient flow processes, availability of support resources and physical facility .1,2The perianesthesia registered nurse uses clinical judgment and critical thinking to determine nurse to patient ratios, patient mix and staffing mix that .
2009 Stephan Patten/ Samuel Meade Jr.
The arduous duties and specialized assignments required of IHC personnel require staffing, certification, training, equipment, communications, transportation, organization, and qualifications that are uniform, and adhered to by all IHCs. Veteran hotshot DJ McIlhargie fights a wildfire in the Klamath National Forest in 2009. INTERAGENCY HOTSHOT CREW INFORMATION, Critical Incident Stress
I will often come in to 1 nurse in the PACU with one or 2-3 patients and 3 nurses in the day surgery area preop'ing pts. Nurses are assigned to slots in one of the two areas and don't move with patients. Sometimes this means sharpening hand tools and saws or replacing broken handles. (505) 235-7617(Cell), Silver City IHC STANDARD II. They are the most experienced, fit, and highly trained of any of the Type 2, or Type 2 Initial Attack hand crews.
Job announcement
Return to GBCC Crews Great Basin IHC Out of Area Rotation (928) 338-6170 (Fax), Geronimo IHC (505) 438-5644 (Office)

(928) 535-7331(Office), Nate Dierking, Squad Leader Email Geronimo Hotshots, Jeffrey Belvado, Squad Leader
(520) 678-9518 (Cell), Ryan Hagenah, Assistant Superintendent
On June 29, 2008 Michael MacDonald, a crewmember of the Chief Mountain IHC died in a mid-air collision between two medical helicopters at Flagstaff, AZ.
save search. Have IHCs ever lost anyone in the line of duty? They were called "Hotshot" crews because they worked on the hottest part of wildfires.