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she asks. He wonders aloud if there might be a connection between his "floater" and the 13 bodies, no missing-persons reports have been filed since the body was found in the water. His speaking out has earned him a demotion to the copy desk, while Alma finds herself booted to a bureau office in Carroll County. A California judge has ruled in favor of a bakery owner who refused to make wedding cakes for a same-sex couple because it violated her Christian beliefs. Out of Burrell's eyeline, Rawls shakes his head tellingly - a gesture noticed by Royce and Parker both. A copycat has picked up in the place of McNulty's lie. "If you have a problem with this, I understand completely," he says, urging Sydnor to leave now if he has any doubts. The junkies have noticed, naturally, and are either complaining or taking their business elsewhere.

McNulty studies wind and tide charts of the day he found the dead body in the harbor and calculates that in fact the body was in Rawl's territory when it entered the water. [87] The southwest side of the Anne Loftus Playground contains a one-story stone fieldhouse with a rooftop observation deck that is set into the cliff, and the northeast side contains an entrance to the Dyckman Street station. [9][39] The work provided many jobs during the Great Depression. Like I pretendin' I ain't been a dope fiend my whole damn life." He begs to be locked up, but Landsman, hearing how it went down, thinks it over, walks out into the squadroom, and tells Norris he wants to throw this one back. Ignoring him, Valchek replies that Prez will take the sergeant's exam. Michael asks him back: Wouldn't you have stood tall for a friend? He admits that all of the charity money did go into his bank account but insists he didn't keep a dime, it all went back out in cash, because that's how it works in his district: It is strictly cash and carry. And surveillance of the warehouse has turned up no traffic entering or leaving it, either. They soon figure out that it's not bombs he's interested in making but drugs, since the chemicals he wants are all used to process cocaine. Feel my tits or somethin', y'know. Sergei nods, and as the meet ends, Avon flashes a west-side gang sign at Marlo from across the room.

Bunk and McNulty arrive at the homicide scene, where the first-responding officer waits for them, babysitting the corpse of a homeless man whose life of drugs and booze mark the likely suspect in this "homicide." But McNulty, still pickled in Jameson and carrying a pint in his pocket, has other plans. Michael takes Bug home and sits him down to do his homework, ignoring the rambling comments of his obviously drugged mother. When Massey observes the mess he's made, she asks him what in hell he's doing. Sonja Sohn, Wendell Pierce, and more offer insight. Disgusted, Michael refuses.

Freamon and McNulty track down Freamon's former patrol partner, Ofc. Dukie Weems heard that the girl who wielded the razor in Prez's class had a father who killed three police and that her mother boils cats and serves 'em. A federal appeals court has ruled the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy violates U.S. immigration law. As Colvin sees it, there are two kinds of kids: stoop kids (who hang out near home and obey their parents) and corner kids (who don't and go down to the corners). Knowing he's lost the opportunity, Templeton hands over the Daniels photo as Twigg takes over what may be his final story for the Sun. As for what she'd do? Still, she takes Daniels' file with her when she leaves.

As his parting gift to the Baltimore Sun, Police Reporter Roger Twigg makes a call when no one can get any traction on the Burrell rumor.

Michael Lee's mother bails him out (from Colicchio's round-up) and asks for some money in return. (9-24-22). When Cutty leaves, noncommittal about his intentions, Barksdale speculates that "the joint mighta broke him."

Daniels, in a meeting with Burrell, learns that the promotion Burrell promised is being held up by the Mayor. [97] In 2019, to draw attention to the park, NYC Parks added 20 temporary signs with humorous messages in both English and Spanish.[98][99]. Bunk tells him repeatedly to stop, and once the job is done, refuses to take responsibility for any part of it. [32][39] To preserve the views from Fort Tryon Park, Rockefeller had purchased land on the opposite side of the Hudson to keep it from being developed; this was donated to the Palisades Interstate Park. Marlo will get to walk, but if he shows up on the street again after the elections, Pearlman promises to reopen the case against him. "They monitor what comes in and out of the port Like with that can full of dead girls."

Nick appeals to Vondas for help in resolving Ziggy's problem with Cheese, who has now doubled the amount Ziggy owes him. Nervous, Freamon tells his accomplice that Pearlman and Daniels have figured them out. When Nick hands Ziggy the cash for his car, Ziggy buys everyone a round and lights a cigarette with a $100 bill. I f**king love this town."

Opening the door to his squatter's lair, Bubbles calls out hopefully for Sherrod. Enraged, Ziggy takes the money and leaves, but once outside, he stews. Implicitly, he is criticizing Burrell. When Prez realizes he's locked his keys in his car, the boys call Donut over. The people they've been monitoring seem spooked. "I just ran a clean-up-the-streets campaignand I just got done promising the world to every cop in the city." Campbell has the inevitable answer: "Annapolis," she says, referring to the Governor's office and the possibility of a state bailout. As they all depart, leaving the shipment to be picked up, Butchie warns Omar that when you steal this much, "it ain't over."

Carcetti and Wilson burst into the office late night, back from Annapolis. "You need to take the test so you can move on to the next level," Ms. Duquette explains. Realizing Burrell is under pressure from Valchek, Daniels bargains hard, agreeing to stay and take the assignment with two provisos: Burrell will let him pick his people and should the unit actually mount a case against Sobotka Burrell will make the squad a permanent, major case unit. The cottage is NYC Parks' northern Manhattan headquarters and is closed to the public except for one weekend per year. But she becomes upset when he tells her that if his wife would take him back, he'd be gone.

Valchek gets his detail, but the unit is made up of useless cops, with Prez being the one exception. "If I was a police, I don't think I could hang back on it," Bunk says to Freamon, for McNulty's benefit.

Dukie arrives at his first day of Frederick Douglass High School, but as a group of bigger kids pushes by him aggressively, he loses his nerve, and turns back. Ellis Carter run the surveillance team. A panicked Templeton, shocked to get an actual call, rushes to alert the other reporters and editors to what's going on and to get Det. [60], The Castle Clinton National Monument was formally dedicated on October 24, 1950. They race to get him down; he's still alive.

In an alley outside of some vacants, a sign on the plywood door reads: "If animal trapped call 844-6286." But these empty rowhouses are now swarming with cops, crime scene investigators and public works crews. "National party has to take notice, young and pretty as you are," he tells the councilman. Castle Clinton stands slightly west of where Fort Amsterdam was built in 1626, when New York City was known by the Dutch name New Amsterdam. ; Disputed Title to Castle Garden", "A Walk Around Battery as the Sun is Setting", "Steamships & Immigration; How Steamers Are Drawn to New-york. Alfonso Hernandez's customers call him the Piata Man. "Which one of y'all still needs your September day?" his round-up partner asks the kids in an abandoned lot. After Demper and Burrell exit, Watkins points out that Carcetti has a point about the Royce administration failing to claim matching funds that Carcetti had Watkins secure a year earlier during the previous legislative session in Annapolis. Greggs is as surprised as everyone else, thinking at first that this is more hazing.

On the way home from school, Namond says he heard someone's snitching on the wall taggers. Meanwhile, Mayor Carcetti attends a fundraiser for the Ella Thompson Fund, a part of the Parks and People Foundation of Baltimore that helps sponsor inner-city recreation programming, where he meets and greets these very men - who are rushing to ingratiate themselves to the new city administration. "Why ain't in your repetoire no more."

Back in the sixth-grade lunch period, Randy's former teacher spots him and drags him back to the main office, where Donnelly accuses him of using hall passes to spray paint walls during classes. Under offer. It turns out the man is an undercover detective, and he tells McNulty that Templeton's story is bogus no man, no gray van. To illustrate bravery, she asks Namond to stand on a box and do a trust fall, relying on his classmates to catch him. Cheese throws him a disposable cellphone. Greggs picks up her first message: a call to a Mr. Lyon about something known as the methane probe protocols. Or fun. He reports an abandoned car that needs towing to Public Works, a leaking hydrant to Wastewater Management and a playground that needs cleaning up to Parks and Recreation - but gives no locations, forcing the agencies to spring into action citywide.

Meanwhile, as they enjoy a round of late fall golf, Commissioner Burrell and State Sen. R. Clayton "Clay" Davis discuss Daniels' decision on the Minister's complaint against Sgt. Prez can tell the boy is lying, but promises to meet him in the parking lot to find a bank machine.

At the homicide unit, Sgt. Haynes doesn't believe the story can be told without addressing parenting, drugs and economics, but Whiting worries about getting bogged down in details and prefers to boil the story down to something straightforward. [104] In the early 21st century the terrace was renamed after John D. Rockefeller Jr's last surviving child David, who had donated $1 million toward the park. You got hard eyes, you staring at the same tree, missing the forest." Greggs isn't impressed with his zen, but watches as they measure, order tests, use obscure technical terms - and fails to notice as Bunk slips a note inside the dead man's hand. [145] Additionally, the M100 and Bx7 buses serve Broadway on the park's eastern border. You're the one that's got to live with it, is all."

In the Missing Person Unit, Freamon sifts through photos, mug shots and family shots of all the young black males - more than he expected. Their truck's driver, impressed, notes that Cutty could run his own crew and suggests they team up, but Cutty demurs, saying he has other obligations that matter more.

Returning to Bodie's corner, Namond tries to talk Bodie into hiring his friend Michael Lee. James "Jimmy" McNulty for letting the serial killer case go cold. Analysts say the billionaire will move to slash costs after overpaying in his $44 billion purchase of the social media company. Cause I know that money was in the budget." Carcetti again suggests he can help.

In a vacant West Baltimore warehouse, a collection of local dealers including Prop Joe, Cheese and others gather for an evening of dogfights. They head inside, but Greggs isn't up for a one-on-one visit. In the Salinas Valley, home to some of the most fertile land in the world, Julian Estrada is growing the next generation of mariachi musicians. She guesses that Prez and his wife don't have kids. Greggs looks almost convinced.

Bunk tells Ilene Nathan about the Omar situation, showing her the card she gave him. As Marlo leaves the meeting, he crosses paths with Cheese and tells him to hunt down Michael Lee once he gets out on bail.

McNulty, at home with Beatrice "Beadie" Russell and her kids, catches a call from Landsman about a man in a gray van who tried to abduct a homeless man. "Bam, bam," he says, giving a one-two punch, "do that to whoever be snitching'." Randy keeps his head down. For more than 20 years, a North Bay woman has helped low-income families look good, feel good, and take confident steps toward self-reliance, from welfare to work. [286] Following a series of thefts and break-ins at Castle Clinton in the early 1980s, the NPS stationed several armed guards outside the fort. He gives Namond, Kenard and Donut a warning: "I see you out there a second time and everyone takes a beating and goes to Cheltenham." Dennis "Cutty" Wise fills Carver in on Namond's lineage, surprising Carver, who years ago locked up his father, Wee-Bey. Herc makes the mistake of asserting to Kevin that they have a witness to his involvement, and when Kevin invokes Randy's name, Herc compounds the mistake by failing to feign curiosity about the name. A Gold Piece for the First Foreigner Registered -- the Ward's Island Matter Settled", "Historic Battery Park; Its Traditions Cherished by Every Loyal New-Yorker. Frank Barlow that he'll be able to capture pictures and voice the next time the serial killer calls. "Had no incentive to listen," says the fat man. Caught between loyalties, Bunk admits that he can't tell her what to do.

When McNulty makes it to work, Landsman tells him that his serial killer called the Baltimore Sun with a message. Glekas hands him his payment, but it's half what he had promised, and when Ziggy protests, Glekas laughs at him. Campbell replies that's she'd wondered where that information came from, given Daniels' solid reputation. They do not realize that he is visiting The Greek at a hotel in downtown Baltimore to discuss how much effort should be put into killing Nick, who, having realized they've killed his uncle, is more inclined to spill his guts to the police. When Sydnor hears over the police radio that the call has been traced to the Inner Harbor, he switches off the cell, wraps it in foil, and pockets it. Suddenly frantic, Bubbles kneels next to him and reaches for his hand, finding an empty vial. [153] The Board of Estimate authorized mayor Seth Low to lease the aquarium to the Zoological Society in July 1902,[154] and the Zoological Society took over on October 31, 1902, with Charles Haskins Townsend as the aquarium's director. Through another reporter, Haynes heard that people in the neighborhood were saying that the dead woman's sister, who has a history of fraud, gambled away the scholarship money that his article had generated for the woman's children. [19] American soldier Margaret Corbin became the first woman to fight in the war and was injured during the battle; the southern entrance to the park bears her name. And on a smaller scale, if Carcetti moves overtly to have Sgt. At The Beach Rentals Inc. 881 Point Brown Ave N. W. Ocean Shores, WA 98569 . He was in jail for a long time, he explains, but "I didn't mean no disrespect." He doesn't want to get in the way of them learning the sport and bettering themselves.

Bunk takes Omar's case to detectives Holley and Crutchfield, and asks them what they ran on the witness, Old Face Andre. Carcetti insists it's State's Attorney Bond's call and Bond has decided to keep the case local. Ellis Carver arrives on the scene and tries to ease the escalating tensions, but Colicchio loses his temper with an innocent motorist. The teachers insist he has to; if their students don't pass the test in April, the school gets taken over by the state. It'll blow over in a week or so, Carver assures them. Andre claims he was put on medication that made him groggy, and worked over by Holley when he was first interrogated - he didn't know what he was saying. Leander Sydnor at Major Crimes and get him working their drug stuff in exchange for their help.

Renaldo and Omar stake out Andre's gated store. "They can pick up their writ and talk to their snitch on Wednesday," Rawls says.

As Grace Sampson hands out the list of the ten students being pulled for the University of Maryland study, the teachers are genuinely relieved to lose a few of their knuckleheads. The reason: Daniels wife, from whom he is now estranged, wants to run for City Council, which means she'll be running against a friend of the Mayor's, Eunetta Perkins. [8][40] Under Rockefeller's proposal, the park would be deeded to the Palisades Interstate Park Commission, which operated the Palisades Interstate Park in New Jersey. After Klebanow leaves, Gutierrez admits that she wishes she'd kept the story to herself. When they ask about young Michael Lee's whereabouts, he tells them he's not a regular, just a kid working the corner long enough to pay off a debt. And the girls I mean the ones we locked up, they're probably back in Europe right now getting into another shipping container."



Directed by Ed Bianchi
Written by David Simon
Story by Robert F. Colesberry & David Simon

"Don't matter how many times you get burnt, you just keep doin' the same." - Bodie

The Franklin Terrace housing project the infamous Towers where the Barksdale drug gang operates are razed, with a promise from Mayor Royce that low and moderate-priced housing will eventually replace them. [135][136] Julius F. Munckwitz Jr. drew up preliminary plans for an aquarium, which he presented to New York City's board of park commissioners in mid-1892. His stepfather gives him a warning, "You're big, but not big enough," before pressing him for the D.S.S. The fourteen homicides solved at last, the cops press Serge for details on the whereabouts of Vondas and The Greek. Unaware they're followed by Stringer Bell's soldiers, the pair sticks carefully to the plan and picks up a rental car in which the drugs are supposedly stashed. It's probably natural, says Brown, stepping aside for McNulty, who guesses that she died in her sleep.

Back at the Sun offices, an editorial meeting is underway, and Executive Editor James C. Whiting III explains the education story he has in mind, telling the editors and reporters that he wants to illustrate how the school system has failed the city's children. They are told not to hustle, lie, cheat, steal, he declares. He get to thinking he can't do the years, he might coulda rolled again." Maybe, Wee-Bey suggests, 'DAngelo's death might have been for the best. In the project class, Ms. Duquette quizzes the group on what takes courage outside of being on a corner. No weapon, no drugs. [155], Fort Tryon Park also hosts several annual events. Barely able to sit behind the wheel, he leaves the bar to drive home and sideswipes a bridge abutment while making a turn. Those are the orders currently, Rawls explains, but he suggests he'd be interested in having the opportunity to change things.

Walking in on Namond thinning out his remaining vials, stretching them for additional sales, De'Londa Brice lets him have it for bringing his work home. When Tilghman's car is searched and drugs are found, he is arrested. All enjoyment from learning - and teaching - effectively squashed, he spoon feeds them the verbatims of what they need to write on their No Child Left Behind mandated tests.

Marlo and Chris hand over payment for a package to Proposition Joe and Slim Charles, but Proposition notes they are $25,000 short. Rawls suggests that they let Col. Daniels handle it, since the sergeant is under his command now, and the ministers might be more inclined to accept the decision of a black commander.

The corner has taken its toll and Sherrod stumbles into Bubbles' garage late at night, admitting to having messed up the count on a package, and asking to be taken back in. Goodnight to one and all. Intimacy can be a quiet conversation. Bunk points out the futility of his silence the kid's own running partner has already rolled in exchange for some lunch. Michael steps in and gently pushes Monk's arm away, until Monk and the others step off. Dukie hustles over the barbed-wire fence, snagging his hand as his new boss urges him on. When Vondas leaves the hotel with his lawyer, however, The Greek trails behind, and neither Russell nor any of the more seasoned cops pick up on his presence. James "Jimmy" McNulty calls Alma Gutierrez at the Baltimore Sun to pass along the latest details regarding his fabricated serial killer. A Mission District restaurant has been serving up Latin flavors for years and a California organization is helping the family keep their doors open post-pandemic. "On the camera. Suddenly, the group comes alive with opinions: This is the world, after all, that they are learning for.

Staring up at the The Board at the homicide unit, Det. [68], The New York state government formally transferred Castle Garden to the city government on December 31, 1890. The state of emergency that San Francisco Mayor London Breed declared for the Tenderloin last December has a lot of people talking but no one is paying closer attention than the people who live there. "If you support me, you will have a voice within my administration simply because I'm gonna need it." Watkins says he's heard Royce is ahead by seven points. Gavin Newsom to sign a union election bill. Snoop, Michael and Chris race onto the balcony and look down expecting to see his body, but Omar has disappeared.

Freamon monitors Marlo's phone from the detail office on Clinton Street, but when a call comes in, he hears a click, a strange hiss, then nothing. Rawls's reply: "Let's be clear Detective Freamon. And when he asks them which gun is his, they answer incorrectly.

The Greek, Vondas, Eton, George and the Russian Madam meet for dinner in a restaurant, and The Greek tells George that the FBI was making inquiries about him. Cheese has led them to a meet with Marlo and Marlo's lieutenants at their outdoor lair. The National Park Service took over the fort in 1950. Carver gives Bodie and the others a light teasing for not greeting him properly - and demonstrates his intimate knowledge of their activities - when McNulty arrives on the scene, greeting Bodie as "Mr. Entrapment." "You know how he beat the wiretap a year ago?" McNulty tells the other police. [232] The American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society continued to advocate for the fort's preservation, asking the New York Supreme Court to restrict the city from demolishing Fort Clinton in July 1948. When he spots Marlo approach a woman arriving on a southbound Metroliner - who Marlo clearly does not know and who is clearly confused - Herc sends the Amtrak police supervisor to make the collar so he can surprise him at the interview. "There's never been a paper bag for drugs. About one-eighth of the circle had a straight wall instead of a curved wall. KPIX 5 Noon News headlines for Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022. Summer Cabin Names. KPIX 5 Noon News headlines for Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022. He hits the streets but among real homeless people he finds more mental illness than usable quotes.

At a secluded spot in the woods, Michael and Dukie stand in front of a row of bottles, each holding a 9mm semi-automatic. When Daniels reports the prevailing suspicion is that the deaths are all related to the rise of Westside drug trafficker Marlo Stanfield, Burrell wants to know what his police department has on the target. "Don't do nothing for me," Kimmy tells him sullenly.

The drug dealer who shot Officer Dozerman while doing a buy-and-bust is apprehended and-beaten by the police-makes a full confession. Tommy claims he never met the guy, much less represented him. "It ain't what you takin', it's who you takin' it from," he explains to Renaldo. [19], By 1820, Fort Clinton was being used as a paymaster's quarters and storage area. Cutty is due for release after 14 years in prison, and Avon wants to recruit him. They do so, but not before Namond is quick to call both Chris and Snoop by name - a subtle indication that they are known to the boys in case they are thinking about hurting Michael. He storms out, leaving Freamon to play good cop. meeting, Walon approaches him outside the church and asks why he clammed up in front of the group. View latest weather forecast & winds reports for United States. The incarcerated gangster says that he's an authority figure in the prison, explaining how he figures that Marlo plans to bypass Prop Joe's Co-Op and get the same product by dealing directly with Sergei's boss, Spiros "Vondas" Vondopoulos. When he and Norris return from cleaning up, they find Bubbles, hanging from his belt. Burrell's response: "If the gods are fucking you, you find a way to fuck them back. He's just another nigger with a gun. [20][24][25] The Dutch referred to the park site as Lange Bergh (Long Hill), a name first given by Dutch settler Joost van Oblienus in 1691. Steintorf says they'll keep their pledge for systemic reform, from Annapolis if need be, but unless the department becomes creative enough to effect a 10-percent drop in crime by the end of the quarter, Carcetti's ability to help will fade with his shot at the state house. He lifts a clean print from the picture, and tells Greggs there's no van available.

At the University of Baltimore, Stringer is commended by his economics professor for a recent paper. [137] The state government voted to allocate $150,000 for the construction of an aquarium within Castle Garden. The Superintendent can see the benefits, but with the new administration and the sudden budget deficit, they're under too much scrutiny. A small section at the park's southwestern corner is located between Cabrini Boulevard to the east and Henry Hudson Parkway to the west, and is bounded to the south by 190th Street. [40][50][51] Rockefeller also offered to improve the grounds for $2 million,[51][52] though the city would be responsible for improving utilities in the park. Donnie affirms that this is so. The fort was to operate every day of the week, year-round,[252] though the NPS subsequently decided to close all national monuments in Manhattan on Sundays. [31][33][35] The mansion also contained boat docks on the Hudson River and a garage to house his collection of 13 automobiles.

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