method of restraining animals

Deacon RMJ (2006). 3. 5. All animals benefit from being first accustomed to being handled, and this can be done during the period of acclimatisation needed before they are used in a research procedure. 1. Reward training methods (also known as positive reinforcement), usually using food treats, work very effectively in dogs and non-human primates and can remove the need for restraint during procedures that animals would normally avoid. Dairy cows should be restrained as little as possible. Action: Using the correct procedure, lift the dog on to a stable examination table covered in a non-slip mat. For further information on tunnel handling, see our pages on mouse handling, which includes a video tutorial. Action: Straighten your legs, so raising the dog off the ground. Action: If appropriate, apply a tape muzzle. Avoid scruffing cats as a routine restraint method. There are many ways to restrain equine depending on their familiarity with human contact. Common Marmoset Care Handling and training, EUPRIM-Net - Positive reinforcement training, CCAC - Guidelines on amphibians and reptiles, RSPCA - Housing and care in aquatic species, CCAC Guidelines on care and use of fish, American Fisheries Society Guidelines for the use of fishes in research. The present review evaluates traditional restraint techniques of laboratory non-human primates and discusses possible methods of refinement. -Remember don't shout but softly speak. Rationale: If the head is held close to you the dog cannot turn its head round to bite. A second embodiment `of my invention is shown in FIG- URE 6 wherein the parts of the apparatus corresponding to those elements already described are designated by the same reference characters bearing prime exponents. FIGURE 6 is a side elevation of a second embodiment of the restraining apparatus. Action: Gently lower the body down to the table. Procedure: Restraint for an intravenous injection using the cephalic vein Rationale: This will prevent the dog from falling or jumping off the stretcher as you lift it, with the risk of further injury. This chapter primarily focuses on capture and restraint techniques for free-ranging North American mammalian species, with more limited coverage of reptile, amphibian, and avian species in other parts of the world and in captive situations. Action: Place the dog on its side as previously described. Rationale: Raising the head makes the lower jaw relax, making it easier to open. Use of a handling tunnel is recommended for less confident mice and handlers. Procedure: Applying eye medication Actuation of the latter relay starts the timing period of motor control timer 104. Can You Handle It? Rationale: Most dogs will become submissive in this position, but some will try to stand up again and you must be prepared. This video demonstrates many different cattle restraint methods used by vets, these include: haltering using a quick release knot, using a crush, gate trappi. Procedure: Administering a liquid feed or medication METHOD OF RESTRAINING ANIMALS Filed Julyzo, 1962 5 sheets-Sheet 5 INVENTOR Jur-.IN E. EAUX/A55 United States Patent Otlce 3,187,378 Fata-:rated June 8, 1965 This invention deals generally with a method for restraining animals. If you detect an aggressive cow or a threatening group of cows, keep moving calmly and do not make direct eye contact. 4. Validating Negative Responses to Restraint in Cats. Tail wagging can also be performed in response to painful stimuli. What Is Markov Chain Monte Carlo And Why It Matters? Action: Place the looped tape over the nose and tighten quickly and firmly with the knot over the nose. Rationale: The pocket holds the liquid as it runs into the main part of the oral cavity. 4. Procedure: To examine a fractious cat Select a surface of a suitable height for you. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) 1. Action: Never leave a muzzled animal unattended. Unless the animal is overtly aggressive or menacing, the least amount of restraint necessary is usually best. This video demonstrates many different cattle restraint methods used by vets, these include: haltering using a quick release knot, using a crush, gate trapping, casting using Reuffs method, tail jack, kick bar, nosing, bulldogs. There are many variations for cattle restraint, including nose tongs or manual nose twitch which divert attention (as does the tail restraint), flank rope, hobbling, flanking and casting. Rationale: If the head is held firmly against your chest, the dog cannot move to bite you. Action: Keep your back straight and, with your legs slightly apart, bend your knees. Y. 4. Drop floor 26 is in the raised position, as illustrated in FIG. Action: Apply a tape muzzle if appropriate. Action: Open the mouth slightly, creating a pocket at the angle of the jaw. The purpose of these calls, they say, is to allow each of the individual cows to maintain contact with the others. In this method, We need a 10m long nylon rope and 3 people. Action: Place one arm under the dogs neck and pull the head close to your chest with your hand. At one side of the runway 17 and spaced above the level of the endless conveyor 18 is a stationary restrainer means generally 25. 1. Rationale: This will prevent the dog from standing up or moving backwards. Rationale: Most dogs will feel quite comfortable in this position and will only struggle if they feel insecure or are in pain. Rationale: It may be difficult to reach over the back of larger dogs, especially if you are short or thetable is high. 1.3) 1. 5. Verbal Restraint: -Many dogs know how to sit,stay,come,down,no,and heel. You may damage your back, get bitten or may cause the condition of the patient to deteriorate. Rationale: This will prevent the dog from struggling as it is lifted. The restraining apparatus is supported within a box-like frame generally 1t) consisting of a plurality of upright members 11 supporting a horizontal bed 12 and a plurality of horizontal top members 13. Rationale: Further throws around the nose before finally crossing over will strengthen the muzzle. Methods for restraining cattle include using the cattle crush and applying a halter . Eliminate blind turns, dark shadows and swinging/dangling items in their path to enable easier movement. Action: Place the tablet on the back of the tongue. Use one hand to hold the tunnel and the other to guide the animal. As may be seen in FIGURES 4 and 5, closing of the switch 93 will energize a restrainer actuating solenoid 108 which is connected to move an air valve 109 to deliver air under pressure from a source, not shown, to a manifold 110 connected to the rear of both actuating means 69 and 75. Action: Both people stand on the same side of the dog. (For example, cocker spaniels, beagles, etc.) Owner name: An operators platform generally 14 is suspended outside ofthe frame generally 10 at one side and about 6" above the level of the horizontal bed 12; and a side frame generally 15 is suspended at the opposite side of the frame generally at the upper portion thereof. Rationale: This position prevents the dog from lifting its forefeet to pull off the muzzle. 3- Use a chute a mature animal. Rationale: This position holds the dog securely against you, reducing the risk of you being bitten and preventing it from moving during the examination. Rationale: If the dog moves its head around, the muzzle cannot be tied quickly. 9. This works well once mice have become habituated to being picked up, although nave and more jumpy young animals will initially leap from the hands. Applying too much pressure to . Action: If the dog is a brachycephalic or short-nosed breed, insert another piece of tape under the loop over the nose and under the piece at the back of the head. For details of methods of restraint for specific procedures, see theProcedures With Care website. A second embodiment is a continuous hook-shaped member having a hollow passageway in . Action: Keep your back straight and, with your legs slightly apart, bend your knees. Action: Hold the tablet in the fingers of your other hand and with your forefinger pull down the lower jaw. At the same time the coil of holding relay 100 is energized to connect the coil of a timer actuator relay 101 in series with the probe actuated switch 92. Adapted, with permission, from Masters and Bowden (2001), Butterworth Heinemann. Then, the process of casting animals starts:-. Step 2:- The area where animal is to be thrown should be made clean. The larger of the pair of movable restrainer means generally 32 is similarly constructed of a second cushion 52 mounted upon a horizontally movable plate'SS. Note that the while the scruff of the neck may be used to secure a rabbit, theyshouldnot be lifted by the scruffand should always have their weight fully supported from below. Procedure: To examine the dog on its side or toprovide stronger control (Fig. However, it will likely upset the cat, so should not be the first technique used. blood collection. Procedure: Administering a tablet (Fig. Unless veterinarians have special training or certification in Fear Free, Dr. Sophia Yin's Low Stress Handling, or AAFP/ISFM Feline-Friendly Handling Guidelines, the study authors wrote, full-body restraint is a common method of handling cats both in veterinary practices and in animal shelters. Switch 93 is connected to cause the first and second actuating means generally 69 and 75 to move the restraining means generally 32 to engage an animal. Procedure: Lifting small dogs with spinal damage Action: Ask an assistant to stand astride the dog and grasp the scruff on either side of the head just behind the ears. 1. Separate pipe lines, not shown, connect the pneumatic cylinder 116 to a source of air under pressure so that the plate -27' and its cushion (not seen in FIG- URE 6) may be adjustably raised and lowered to any desired position. An improved method for handling animals preparatory to slaughtering same, said method comprising the steps of: causing an animal to move along a path in a given direction to a restraining zone; concurrently applying while said animal is in said restraining zone a pair of separate forces, one to the head and the other to the body of the animal at one side only thereof to independently restrain those portions of the animal; rendering the animal unconscious while so restrained; and releasing said pair of forces to drop the unconscious animal on said path. Procedure: Restraint for an intravenous injection using the jugular vein Action: The veterinary surgeon will stand on the other side of the dog and apply the medication to the nearest ear. 2. Rationale: Care must be taken to avoid causing further pain. Rationale: The stretcher can be removed from under the dog later on. . Rationale: A bow allows a quick release if the dog becomes distressed. 17-45 SAMUEL KOREN, Primary Examiner. A timer actuator relay 101 controls the period during which current is supplied to the primary winding of the transformer 97, and thus the period of time during which a shock is applied to an animal. Where at all possible handling should be avoided by using shifts. 3. Action: Pull the body close to your chest by bringing your forearm up under the abdomen. Procedure: Restraint for an intravenous injection using the lateral saphenous vein Step 2: Grasp the hind legs with your other hand to prevent scratching. Procedure: Restraint for an intramuscular injection Rationale: Do not attempt to lift a large injured dog by yourself. A recommended method to pick up mice is to guide them into a handling tunnel, lift them inside the tunnel and transport them to their destination. Action: Using a length of cotton tape or bandage, tie a loop in it. 1. Action: Place the dog in a sitting position or in sternal recumbency on a suitable non-slip surface. Action: Place the dog in a sitting position on the floor. It is also important to feel confidence in yourself. To check the effectiveness of your own handling procedures, try standing motionless for a short period after handling to assess whether animals approach and seek contact [1]. Where possible, the handler should try to gain voluntary cooperation from animals to minimise any negative response to handling. 5. 2. Action: Place the other arm over the dog's back with your elbow pointing towards the far side. Also, it has been found in apparatus employing a conveyor for moving the animals therein, that many animals balk and will not voluntarily step upon a moving conveyor. 3. An animal that is securely and comfortably restrained will suffer less stress and will be less inclined to struggle and escape. 2. Free cortisol and free corticosterone were measured in methylene chloride extracts of feces, using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Recently transported animals are poor restraint risks. Rationale: This ensures that the weight of the dog is borne by your spine and your pelvic girdle. Action: If appropriate, apply a tape muzzle. The electrical control system generally, as seen in FIG- URE 5, comprises a transformer 97 for stepping up voltage supplied to the probes 91, and a timer 98 operating through a holding relay 100. 4. Restraint for the Administration of Drugs Animals are very sensitive to your mood and may detect your fear and bite you. 1. How do you restrain cattle for dehorning? 4. the owner. Rationale: There is a risk of asphyxiation by vomit or saliva. Rationale: It may be frightened and in extreme pain, leading to unpredictable behaviour. The spring-loaded probes 91 of the stunning instrument generally are designed to close an internal switch 92 when suicient pressure is applied to an animals head to insure good electrical contact. 5. Gouveia K and Hurst JL (2013). Cows will wag their tail as a threat if they are about to kick. Handling and restraint It is very important to habituate rats to good handling to avoid bites, which can be severe. A loose hold around the neck will still allow the dog's head to move around and could allow a dog to bite. 1. 6. During the procedure, restrain the calf using a halter or other head restraint. Both methods restrict head movement while allowing access to the facial area. Procedure: Lifting a friendly cat used to being handled method 1 833,288, iled August 12, 1959, now Patent No. 4. The stationary restrainer 25 complises a cushion 26, of foam material or the like, mounted upon a rectangular plate 27 which is supported within the frame 10. Rationale: The dog may hold the tablet in the side of its mouth and spit it out as soon as you relax your grip. RESTRAINT FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OFDRUGS 1. -This can help encourage the dog. Action: Bring the two ends of this piece together and tie into a bow on the bridge of the nose. During the time that the animal is being stunned the path beneath the animal is commenced to be moved outwardly away from the restraining location, preferably in t the direction opposite that from which the animal ad- A varices to the location. 1. Procedure: Lifting small dogs with spinal damage (Fig. As will become apparent upon studying the wiring diagram of FIGURE 5, the closing of the switch 92 will both deliver electric current to the spring-loaded probes 91 and initiate actuation of the conveyor 18. Reducing mouse anxiety during handling. SWIFT INDEPENDENT PACKING COMPANY, ILLINOIS, METHOD 0F RESTRAINING ANIMALS Filed July 2o, 1962 5 sheets-sheet 1 June 8, 1965 J. E. SAUVAGE METHOD OF RESTRAINING ANIMALS 5 Sheets-Sheet. Action: Place it firmly on the table.

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