comsol wave optics tutorial

For Gaussian beam background fields and input fields to the Scattering and Matched boundary conditions, the amplitude of the beam can be specified by providing the input power. You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' (or the latest version enhanced_mems_mirror_coating I want to consider the injection of light in one port of the waveguide and then examine which mode can be excited,but I don't know how to do it. The details of the physics interfaces and study types for the Ray Optics Module are listed in the table. Application Library Title: time_to_frequency_fft_distributed_bragg_reflector. Learn about the wave optics simulation capabilities of the Wave Optics Module here. In this brief post, we briefly introduce a simple optical system that is used to demonstrate the generation of spot diagrams. Threshold Gain Calculations for Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) The mode field distribution of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL). Application Library Title: vertical_cavity_surface_emitting_laser For mode analysis, the Scattering boundary condition can now use an oblique angle of incidence. By talking to one of our sales representatives, you will get personalized recommendations and fully documented examples to help you get the most out of your evaluation and guide you to choose the best license option to suit your needs. You can use the Wave Optics Module to efficiently model and optimize optical systems and photonic devices. Full-Wave and Ray Optics Simulation Coupling comsol-optical-wave-simulation 1/2 Downloaded from on by guest Comsol Optical Wave Simulation Getting the books Comsol Optical Wave Simulation now is not type of challenging means. The electric field distribution of a tapered waveguide with a propagating wave, modeled using the, Enhanced Coating for a Microelectromechanical Mirror, Cloaking of a Cylindrical Scatterer with Graphene (Wave Optics). Whenever we are solving a wave electromagnetics problem in COMSOL Multiphysics, we build a model that is composed of domains and boundary conditions. Time to Frequency FFT Analysis of a Distributed Bragg Reflector, Leaky Modes in a Microstructured Optical Fiber. The distance between the pillars determines a relationship between the wave number and the frequency of the light, which prevents light of certain Read More, A Mach-Zehnder modulator is used for controlling the amplitude of an optical wave. Use the Time to Frequency FFT study type to first make a broadband transient study. Dielectric Scattering with the Electromagnetic Waves, Boundary Elements Interface Warning Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. Comparison of mirror reflectance spectra, before and after optimizing the thickness of the thin dielectric coating layer. The functionality of the COMSOL Multiphysics base package is given in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual. Wave Optics Module Updates. The modeling capabilities are accessed via built-in user interfaces, which allow you to analyze wave phenomena in optics and photonic devices. The covariant formulation has better performance in terms of numerical stability and accuracy. The work flow is straightforward and can be described by the following steps: define the geometry, select materials, select a suitable Wave Optics interface, define boundary and initial conditions, define the finite element mesh, select a solver, and visualize the results. The Application Gallery features COMSOLMultiphysics tutorial and demo app files pertinent to the electrical, structural, acoustics, fluid, heat, and chemical disciplines. Use the new study step, Frequency Domain Source Sweep, to run a frequency domain study that is sweeping among ports and lumped ports calculating a full S-parameter matrix. listed if standards is not an option). In the frequency domain, you can have field-dependent material properties for phenomena such as self-focusing, or you can couple multiple frequency-domain analyses together to model mixing between two or more waves at different frequencies like sum or difference frequency generation. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. The Layered Transition Boundary Condition in the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain interface has now also been added to the Electromagnetic Waves, Beam Envelopes interface. . Periodic structures are fundamental to many engineered electromagnetic structures being developed for applications such as polarimetric and subwavelength imaging and diffractive optics. For general modeling of waveguides and optical fibers, numerical mode-matched ports are required to properly feed waveguides with incoming light. You can view this in the Self-Focusing model. The interaction of electromagnetic waves with dielectric objects is now supported for the boundary element method, including the calculation of the associated far-field scattering properties. Comsol 4 3 Rf Module Tutorial WordPress com. For users of the Wave Optics Module, COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.6 brings a new study step for faster port sweeps, a Polarization plot type, and several new tutorial models. That is, it can efficiently absorb waves with a wave vector composed of the mode's propagation constant directed tangentially to the boundary and a remaining normal component. listed if standards is not an option). The Skin Depth Calculator is available in the settings of the Impedance Boundary Condition, Transition Boundary Condition, Layered Impedance Boundary Condition, and Layered Transition Boundary Condition features. Single-mode step-index fibers are used for long-haul (even transoceanic) communication, Read More, It is possible to generate harmonics that are multiples of the frequency of laser light by using nonlinear optical materials. May 27, 2015. The multiphysics modeling capabilities of the COMSOLMultiphysics software help you study how other physics affect optical structures; for instance, stress-optical, electro-optical, and acousto-optical effects as well as electromagnetic heating. Important Boundary Conditions in the Wave Optics Module. In order to optimize designs for photonic devices, integrated optics, optical waveguides, couplers, fiber optics, and more, you need to account for real-world scenarios. Learn more. A YAG (lambda=1.06 micron) laser beam is Read More, Dielectric microspheres can support whispering gallery modes with high optical quality factors. Spot diagrams are important for analyzing the quality and performance of optical systems. For users of the Wave Optics Module, COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.3a brings automatic physics-controlled meshing, a Helmholtz-compliant implementation for Gaussian background fields, new postprocessing variables, and more. In this approach, the Wave Optics Module provides you with the choice of an incident plane wave, a Gaussian beam (both with and without the paraxial approximation), or a user-defined excitation and then solves for the scattered field induced by the chosen excitation. COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.6 brings several new tutorial models to the Wave Optics Module. listed if standards is not an option). Within the domains, we use various material models to represent a wide range of substances. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. The model first computes a background field from Read More, This model demonstrates the simulation of the scattering of a plane wave of light by a gold nanosphere. Transition Boundary Condition This model demonstrates second harmonic generation using transient wave simulation and nonlinear material properties. The Wave Optics Module enables you to quickly and easily set up a model in 2D, 2D axisymmetric, and 3D domains. This can give a solution to certain finite element problems for lower shape orders, or with coarser meshes, and it can also make the resulting fields look smoother in postprocessing. The Cable Tutorial Series shows how to model an industrial-scale cable in the COMSOL Multiphysics software and add-on AC/DC Module, and also serves as an introduction to modeling electromagnetic phenomena in general. Emission, absorption, and refractive index changes in optoelectronic devices. You can see this new feature in the H-Bend Waveguide 3D model. It requires much fewer mesh elements to resolve each propagating wave when compared to traditional methods. You can use these . Browse and download tutorial models and example apps. For example, modeling a periodic metamaterial requires periodic ports that can handle arbitrary angles of incidence and diffraction orders. Browse all of the Wave Optics Module updates in more detail below. Read about these updates and more below. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. This can help you determine if the application of a particular boundary condition is appropriate. Both fundamental and advanced boundary conditions are included for your analyses. It is used for default plots when periodic ports are included in the simulation, and can be added manually when postprocessing. You can specify the relative permittivity or refractive index as well as include more advanced material properties such as Debye, DrudeLorentz, and Sellmeier dispersion. The numerical model is based on standard cable designs and validated by reported figures. There are new study sequences in the Model Wizard for the Laser Heating and Microwave Heating multiphysics interfaces in the Wave Optics and RF Modules, respectively. To construct the full solution, summing over the contribution from each azimuthal mode is required in postprocessing. The Wave Optics Module is an add-on product to the COMSOL Multiphysics simulation software platform. Search for tutorials and apps relevant to your area of expertise via the Quick Search feature. Gaussian or plane wave propagation in dielectrics or free space. Read more about these updates below. Furthermore, the information about the type and location of the Symmetry Plane features are used when calculating far fields and when defining analytical Port mode fields and Lumped Port impedance. The resonance frequencies are either filtered by their spatial localization in the resonator or by Read More, Surface plasmon-based circuits are being used in applications such as plasmonic chips, light generation, and nanolithography. The workflow is straightforward and can in general be described by the following steps: create or import the geometry, select materials, select a suitable Wave Optics interface, define boundary and initial conditions, define the mesh, select a solver, and visualize the results. Every business and every simulation need is different. Wave Optics Module Updates. Furthermore, a Far-Field Calculation node can be added to evaluate far-field quantities such as the scattering amplitude. The Reference Point subfeature to the Scattering and Matched boundary conditions can now be specified from a general vector expression. Learn how to use the Wave Optics Module to model photonic devices and optical waveguides. This improves loss calculation in mode analyses for lossy waveguides. You can see this new port formulation in almost all port-based tutorial models, such as: In the 2D axisymmetric formulation, it is beneficial to formulate the out-of-plane dependent variable as, which is referred to as the covariant formulation. mode of a optical waveguide in comsol mutiphysics. This means that your modeling workflow remains the same, regardless of the application area or physics you are modeling. Since no constraints are used, this formulation completely removes the constraint-elimination step when solving. This manuscript is a step-by-step graphical instructions for COMSOL Multiphysics with Ray Optics Module and Wave Optics module modeling and computational physics simulation. A Gaussian beam propagating in an arbitrary direction toward the focal plane at the center of the circle. The results show the field distribution at the resonance wavelength. To download the MPH-files, log in or create a COMSOL Access account that is associated with a valid COMSOL license. All of these steps are accessed from the COMSOLMultiphysics environment. A plane TE-polarized electromagnetic wave is incident on a gold nanoparticle on a dielectric substrate. . Modeling of Coplanar Waveguides COMSOL Blog. Read more about the news below. Similarly, you can examine how heat transfer, thermal stress, and thermal dissipation affect a device. The relative permittivity, refractive index, loss tangent, and dielectric loss material properties can synchronize the material parameters between groups. If the propagation length around the ring is an integral number of wavelengths, Read More, Photonic crystal devices are periodic structures of alternating layers of materials with different refractive indices. You will receive a response from a sales representative within one business day. After the eigenfrequency simulation, the eigenfrequencies and Q-factors are automatically evaluated and presented in a table. in this video, we are going to learn how to set up a COMSOL Ray tracing study. The Polarization plot type depicts the polarization state for the different diffraction orders seen in a periodic structure, such as a frequency-selective surface or metamaterial. The following existing models highlight this option: The mode fields of the Rectangular, Circular, and Coaxial port types are described by analytical functions. Perform various optics analyses with the COMSOL software. The waveguides are placed close to each other, making the light affect each between the two structures. You can see this new feature in the following models: A new FEMBEM coupling feature simplifies the setup of hybrid FEMBEM models for electromagnetic waves. When expanding the electric field on a port boundary, the new Weak port formulation adds a scalar dependent variable for the expansion coefficient (the S-parameter) and then solves for the S-parameters and the tangential electric field on the boundary using only a weak expression. Download from the Application Gallery, Application Library Title: You can also create visualizations of nonstandard expressions in terms of physical quantities that you can define freely. The Ndlec finite element of the second kind is now available. The Linearly polarized plane wave background field type with arbitrary polarization and incident angle is now available for 2D axisymmetry and utilizes an expansion method. This makes it possible to gain deeper insight by enabling examination of virtually every aspect of the results. You can use these examples as a starting point for your own simulation work by downloading the tutorial model or demo app file and its accompanying instructions. optical_yagi_uda_antenna optical_ring_resonator_3D This new port formulation replaces the constraint-free port formulation that was introduced in version 6.0. Learn about the wave optics simulation capabilities of the Wave Optics Module here. cylinder_graphene_cloak In the Wave Optics Module, you can model these structures, including their high-order diffraction modes, with Floquet periodic conditions and varying diffraction orders. Applications include directional couplers, fiber Bragg gratings, lens systems, waveguides, external optical systems, fiber couplings, laser diode stacks, and laser beam delivery systems. Download from the Application Gallery. Electromagnetic excitations of surface plasmons and plasmon polaritons. This option can be used to improve S-parameter calculations that may have low accuracy due to overdissipation around perfect electric conductor (PEC) edges, which can occur when using the default Lax-Friedrichs flux parameters. ber 1000 COMSOL Multiphysics Modellierungsbeispiele zum Herunterladen Application Galerie Die Applications Galerie bietet COMSOL Multiphysics Tutorial- und Demo-Application-Dateien, die fr die Bereiche Elektrik, Struktur, Akustik, Fluid, Wrme und Chemie relevant sind. The waveguide is 3D. Resonant frequencies and threshold gain of laser cavities. Application Library Title: The Boundary Mode, Frequency-Transient study sequence adds a Boundary Mode Analysis study step . graphene_metamaterial_perfect_absorber Application Library Title: vertical_cavity_surface_emitting_laser You can see this feature demonstrated in the new Enhanced Coating for a Microelectromechanical Mirror model. The workflow is straightforward and can in general be described by the following steps: create or import the geometry, select materials, select a suitable Wave Optics interface, define boundary and initial conditions, define the mesh, select a solver, and visualize the results. 2018 - COMSOL Multiphysics COMSOL Multiphysics Software Price List all licenses perpetual RF Module 4 9 5 1 Wave Optics Module 1 495 Ray Optics Module . La Bibliothque d'Applications prsente des modles construits avec COMSOL Multiphysics pour la simulation d'une grande varit d'applications, dans les domaines de l'lectromagntisme, de la . Electromagnetic Wave, Boundary Elements The new functionality is available in the Electromagnetic Waves, Boundary Elements interface. The Wave Optics Module enables modeling in the frequency and time domain, including eigenfrequency, and mode analysis. This formulation is used for all study types except Mode Analysis and Boundary Mode Analysis and can be viewed in the following models: For the Scattering Boundary Condition and Matched Boundary Condition in the Electromagnetic Waves, Beam Envelopes interface, there is now a default option for the Incident field parameter: the No incident field value. When compared with modeling the same problem in 3D, the 2D axisymmetric model uses significantly less memory and time, especially for electrically large scatterers, and facilitates using a denser mesh for improved accuracy. The far-field pattern and losses are Read More, This model investigates the wave propagation in a photonic crystal that consists of GaAs pillars placed equidistant from each other. However, from a mathematical point of view, all of these different materials end up being . Electromagnetics in COMSOL Multiphysics RF and Wave. COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.6 brings several new tutorial models to the Wave Optics Module. The time-domain data is then transformed to the frequency domain, using a fast Fourier transform (FFT). Wave Optics Module Updates For users of the Wave Optics Module, COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.3a brings automatic physics-controlled meshing, a Helmholtz-compliant implementation for Gaussian background fields, new postprocessing variables, and more. All these steps are accessed from the COMSOL Desktop. There is similar flexibility in the time domain, where polarization or remnant electric displacement terms can be modified to enable more advanced modeling scenarios like ultrafast phenomena. A 3D optical ring model using parts from the Wave Optics Part Library. Here, is the dependent variable and is the radial coordinate. The absorption and scattering cross-sections of the particle are computed for a few different polar and azimuthal angles of incidence. It is suitable for modeling the scattering of bodies of revolution under plane-wave excitation. We analyze ray propagation through a thin lens. You can see this new functionality in the Orbital Angular Momentum Beam model. When the two arms are Read More, The transmission speed of optical waveguides is superior to microwave waveguides because optical devices have a much higher operating frequency than microwaves, enabling a far higher bandwidth. Meshing and solver settings are automatic with options for manual editing. For users of the Wave Optics Module, COMSOL Multiphysics version 6.1 introduces dielectric scattering functionality, the Linearly polarized plane wave background field feature in 2D axisymmetry, and new tutorial models. For users of the Wave Optics Module, COMSOL Multiphysics version 6.1 introduces dielectric scattering functionality, the Linearly polarized plane wave background field feature in 2D axisymmetry, and new tutorial models. This is available in the Model Wizard as an Electromagnetic Waves, FEM-BEM multiphysics interface, which combines the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain and Electromagnetic Waves, Boundary Elements interfaces with a new Electric Field Coupling multiphysics coupling feature. Typically, simulating geometrically large wave optics problems is both time consuming and computationally demanding. The Polarization plot type depicts the polarization state for the different diffraction orders seen in a periodic structure, such as . Materials can be anisotropic as well as functionally graded. Dielectric Scattering with the Electromagnetic Waves, Boundary Elements Interface This flexibility enables you to create a variety of user-defined materials, including metamaterials, with engineered properties, and gyromagnetic and chiral materials. The out-of-plane electric field component is thereby calculated as. Just click on the "Contact COMSOL" button, fill in your contact details and any specific comments or questions, and submit. The. A post accompanying this tutorial is given here:htt. It requires adding a Wave Equation, Electric node to each dielectric scatterer domain. In this video, we will learn how to perform the mode analysis for the rectangular waveguide. This includes, for example, modeling thin dielectric coatings on a metal surface. In this video tutorial, we explain how to generate spot diagrams in COMSOL Multiphysics. The functionality of the Wave Optics Module covers simulation of electromagnetic fields and waves based on Maxwells equations together with material laws for propagation in various media. Effects of stress-induced birefringence in waveguides. Learn more. You can see this feature demonstrated in the new Cloaking of a Cylindrical Scatterer with Graphene (Wave Optics) model. tapered_waveguide The Flux type parameter in the Wave Equations node for the Electromagnetic Waves, Time Explicit interface now also includes an Upwind flux option. COMSOL Multiphysics version 6.1 brings improvements and new tutorial models to the Wave Optics Module. Take full control over your simulation by modifying material definitions, the governing Maxwell's equations, or boundary conditions directly within the software. By incorporating nonlinear polarization terms, this approach allows for nonlinear simulations using continuous wave (CW) lasers or other quasi-steady-state phenomena. Scattering of plane waves and Gaussian beams. A graphene-based terahertz (THz) metamaterial absorber, which consists of a fishnet structure. The input waveguide is split up into two waveguide interferometer arms. A post accompanying this video. For TE waves I get reasonable result by setting the cladding The Plasmonic Wire Grating Analyzer application computes the coefficients of refraction, specular reflection, and first-order diffraction as functions of the Read More, In its simplest form, an optical ring resonator consists of a straight waveguide and a ring waveguide. For users of the Wave Optics Module, COMSOLMultiphysics version 5.6 brings a new study step for faster port sweeps, a Polarization plot type, and several new tutorial models. Wave Optics Module Updates For users of the Wave Optics Module, COMSOL Multiphysics version 6.0 brings a new Part Library for slab and rectangular waveguide elements, three new tutorial models, and an Electromagnetic Waves, Boundary Elements interface. You can see this new feature in the Time to Frequency FFT Analysis of a Distributed Bragg Reflector model. Learn how to use the Wave Optics Module to model photonic devices and optical waveguides. Wave Optics Module Updates. For users of the Wave Optics Module, COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.5 brings coupled full-wave and ray optics simulations, new Gaussian beam boundary conditions, and new variables for periodic ports. It requires combining a Layered Material in the global Materials and a Layered Material Link in the Materials node. In order to fully evaluate whether or not the COMSOLMultiphysics software will meet your requirements, you need to contact us. The Wave Optics Module provides several features for simulating nonlinear optics in both the time and frequency domains. Thus, if a material is added and specified by the refractive index material property group, the Electric Displacement Field setting in the Wave Equation, Electric node can be any of the mentioned material models. For users of the Wave Optics Module, COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.4 brings additional boundary conditions for the Electromagnetic Waves, Beam Envelopes interface for modeling thin dielectric layers, antireflective coatings, and mirror-like surfaces. listed if standards is not an option). Compared to previous versions, eigenfrequency simulations can return fewer eigenfrequencies; however, the returned solutions have better accuracy, and there are many fewer spurious solutions returned. Second Harmonic Generation of a Gaussian Beam (Wave Optics). The Skin Depth Calculator feature is showcased in the following models: COMSOLMultiphysics version 6.1 brings several new tutorial models to the Wave Optics Module. Browse and download tutorial models and example apps. Computation of transmission and reflection coefficients of waveguides. By combining with a mass transport simulation, you can compute realistic refractive index profiles with anisotropic diffusion coefficients and use the results in an electromagnetics analysis. The beam envelope method analyzes the slowly varying electric field envelope for optically large simulations without relying on approximations. Download from the Application Gallery, Application Library Title: In addition to traditional numerical methods, the Wave Optics Module includes a specialized beam envelope method that can be used to simulate optically large devices with far fewer computational resources than conventional techniques. COMSOL Multiphysics version 6.1 brings improvements and new tutorial models to the Wave Optics Module. You can see this feature demonstrated in the new Optical Yagi-Uda Antenna model. Account that is composed of domains and boundary conditions waveguides in close. 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