relationship between good governance and development

iii. Development also refers to transiting from agricultural-based economies to industry-based economies and the general improvement of living standards through the adoption of new technology. Instead of reassessing the prevailing economic-policy approach, international development institutions took aim at the easy targets: developing-country governments. The Relationship Between Good Governance, Politics and Policies Government in a democracy encompasses of elected officials providing political direction and control over the actions of citizens in order to meet the objectives of State by the utilization of policies. As the leadership vacuum in established liberal democracies becomes evident, the USA in particular, in the face of challenges such as migration and globalisation, the example and influence of successful authoritarian development models such as China increases, backed by its rising economic muscle. These mixed regime types (or anocracies) are more susceptible to abrupt regime change and governance setbacks than countries that are either fully autocratic or consolidated liberal democracies.Footnote 16. As has been the case across various economies, outsourcing bears the negative impacts of making imperialism seeps back to the independent nations, which are usually under the veil of globalization. Good governance has tangible connections to enriched investment and economic growth. Keywords: Southeast Asia, state building, development, democracy The relationship between governance and development has risen up the international policy debate, I model the continuation of a positive trend towards more democracy that I refer to as the Fourth Wave scenario, within the IFs forecasting platform using a measure of regime type originally developed by the Polity IV Project on regime types. [Online] Available at:, p. 4. The people live comfortably. . 13.1. Bangkok: UNESCAP. Foa, R. S., and Mounk, Y., 2016. Levels of democracy in Africa have however improved over time, despite the absence of many of the supposed preconditions for democratic consolidation. Ethiopia State of Emergency Arrests Top 11,000. These divisions will only be bridged with progress towards substantive democracy. public, private and civil society. Benin is an example of an African country where democracy has deteriorated significantly in recent years. Several econometric studies (Kauffman et al. Eventually rapid development required that Ethiopia expand the extent to which its political system too had to evolve but the sense of victimization by the Tigrayans would see the country under threat of civil war as this book went to print. Through elections, democracy provides a mechanism to hold the power of the elite or special interest groups in check, it ensures the separation of state powers into discrete branches of government and protects human rights and the rule of law. [Online] Available at: Freedom House uses 25 indicators, where each country and territory is assigned a score from zero to four, for an aggregate score of up to 100. However, this growth is unlikely to promote sustainable, broad-based human development outcomes without a change in political culture or the emergence of decisive, forward-looking leadership. But this term "Good Governance" emerge on the development agenda. Theory & Event 13, no. The World Bank, 2016. 1. Head of African Futures & Innovation, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria, South Africa, You can also search for this author in Shortly afterwards, the government announced its intention to expand the city limits of Addis Ababa into the surrounding Oromia province. Many analysts hailed the so-called Arab Spring of 2010 as either the start of a fourth wave of democratisationsince it originated in the region with the lowest levels of political and economic inclusion globallyor proof that the third wave had not yet fully run its course. It has endured and reproduced despite a generalized change in the formal rules of politics.Footnote 31, Cheeseman is one of many academics to accept the resilience and widespread occurrence of corruption and inappropriate patronclient relationships. In this way, the concept emphasizes ideologies that stand implicit in endorsing the approaches to development (Haslam, Schafer, and Beaudet 89). In fact, because the two concepts rely on very different criteria, it is not clear that, in the discourse, "good governance" includes "democracy." Clearly, "democracy . The results announced by CENI was, among others, vastly at odds with the findings from the 40,000 observers deployed by the Catholic Church that established a large and comprehensive parallel compilation process. Then, in the five years from 1989 to 1993, levels of democracy in Africa and globally increased sharply, although the increase in electoral democracy is more pronounced than for liberal democracy. Ibid., p. 48. Moreover, experience demonstrates that that the socio-economic and political unrests in a particular region or nation convey overarching effects to other regions not directly affected. Ethiopia Events of 2016. As is the case with violence, specific national conditions determine actual outcomes. 2022 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Available at: However, the quality of democracy is often weak and the associated procedures are regularly flaunted as incumbents cook the books to stay in power and use any of a host of legal tricks to undermine competitive politics. [Online] Available at: They are neither fully autocratic nor fully democratic, but rather include some democratic systems and practices that coexist with undemocratic systems and practices. To trace the trajectory of the relationship or linkage between governance and development in contemporary times, two significant developments (which could be argued emerged from the neoliberal philosophy) which had undertones of good governance and the free market can be identified. These trends in Africa stand in sharp contrast to developments elsewhere. This is certainly good news in Africa for, once established and in conjunction with minimum income levels and education, democracy is the most stable form of governance. In their study on the relationship between democracy and human development, Gerring et al. The 2016 democracy index by the Economist Intelligence Unit, another well-known index, described the rise of populism in the West (and elsewhere) and the extent to which democracy in the West has retreated. The end of the Second World War precipitated the second wave of democracy. Also Cheeseman, N., 2015. The remainder, roughly 42%, of Africas total population live in countries that Freedom House consider to be not free. When the country voted for a new parliament in April 2019 not a single opposition candidate could take part after electoral authorities ruled that only two parties, both loyal to President Patrice Talon, met the requirement to participateand a new electoral law required that parties pay US$424,000 to field a list for the 83-member parliament.Footnote 12. vi. They base their findings on survey data from the World Values Survey (conducted from 19952014) that finds a crisis of democratic legitimacy among younger generations of voters in North America and Europe that they argue, is much wider than previously appreciated. Wike, R., Laura, S., and Alexandra, C., 2019. These events indicate that democratisation in Africa is indeed still on an upward trajectory. What is clear, however, is that leadership, government capacity and intent are particularly important. However the two countries may in due course reveal the potential of political experimentations to disperse power. NBER Working Paper No. Finally, good governance ensures there is public trust in public leadership thereby supporting and approving development initiatives and facilitating the development process.Development is a multidisciplinary term encompassing economic and sociopolitical elements of society. centralised patrimonial systems), are likely to deliver more rapid results in low-income countries. That said, democracy should be pursued as a common good in itselffor the contribution that it makes to individual and collective self-actualisation. However, the majority of studies have shown a positive and a Understand the Varieties of Democracy and Polity IV Projects and how each categorise and measures democracy and regime types. Poverty Reduction and Good Governance While regular elections in Africa are becoming increasingly frequent, the number of incumbents who cling to power and block executive rotation or replacement presents a worrying trend. These values enforce good relationships among people who work together to promote development. Detroit: Greenhaven Press/ Thomson Gale, 2006. The first is that the average levels of electoral democracy in Africa are slowly approaching (and even exceeding) the global mean. This study on good governance and development in Bangladesh examined the relationship between good governance and development as well as the impact of the lack of good governance on the development of Bangladesh. Roberto Foa and Yascha Mounk go so far as to question the durability of the worlds affluent, consolidated democracies. In both countries, a national trauma has driven the burning desire to developthe genocide of the Red Terror in Ethiopia under Mengistu Haile Mariam, which lasted until 1978, and the Rwandan genocide of 1994. [Online] Available at: The 22 partly free countries that meet the minimum criteria to be classified as electoral democracies represent an additional 47% of Africas population. [Online] Available at: Thus: Rent centralisation permitted the leadership in these countries to put some limits on rent seeking and to play a coordinating role, steering rent creation into areas with high economic potential, or to areas that must be resourced in the interests of political stability. For instance, the incidences of the holy war in the Arab World spill over to the adjacent regions or nations, which may not essentially subscribe to the practice. Critically define the meaning of good governance; 3., DOI:, eBook Packages: Political Science and International StudiesPolitical Science and International Studies (R0). Boston: Beacon Press. The result is a choice between violent and disruptive elections that are often a sham, or the continuation of the status quo that had given rise to the governance crisis in the first instance. . Cheeseman therefore argues that excessive inclusion is therefore just as bad for democracy and development as excessive competition.Footnote 38 But, the point at which inclusion becomes excessive remains unclear and highly subjective. Haslam, Paul Alexander, Jessica Schafer, and Pierre Beaudet. politically corrupt patronclient relations), as was the case in many African countries, the Southeast Asian economies grew rapidly and achieved massive reductions in levels of extreme poverty. Google Scholar. The State of Democracy in Africa. Its Our Turn to Eat: The Story of a Kenyan Whistle-Blower Paperback. On a positive note, by 2019 the Economist Intelligence Unit noted that for the first time in three years, the global score for democracy remained stable.Footnote 10 The Units 2019 report points to improvements in voter turnout and membership of political parties, but warns that the rise of engagement combined with a continued crackdown on civil liberties is a potentially volatile mix, and could be a recipe for instability and social unrest in 2019.Footnote 11. Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World. See, United Nations, n.d. What Is Good Governance? Many governments across the world do not sanction the idea outsourcing for the workforce in foreign nations. Here, elites provide coherence and order in the political system, take a longer, developmental view on public provision and generally provide better outcomes over the medium and long term. National development is achieved when the following fundamentals of good governance are taking place: i. Political Regimes and Economic Growth. The steady improvements in the levels of electoral and liberal democracy in Africa, particularly since 1989, means that democracy is now the dominant form of government on the continent. Rather, the institutions that should serve as a check on the abuse of power in Africa are much weaker than in say, the USA. In 1990 it would also allow the start of a negotiated settlement process that witnessed Nelson Mandela elected as president of South Africa, then Africas largest economy and with the most powerful military, four years later. Outside of Africa, democratic setbacks have affected countries as diverse as Brazil, Burundi, Hungary, Russia, Serbia and Turkey, a phenomenon evident in the decline in the average levels of liberal democracy globally from 2012 as can be seen in Fig. According to Agere, governance consists of the decision-making and the ability to implement institutional policies (25). It distinguishes between five types of democracy. In that way, illustrated recently by Sudan, Algeria and Ethiopia, Africans are taking it upon themselves to hold their leadership to account. It is posted as an aid to understanding "Good Governance and Development." The same sequence holds for so-called good governance, a general term that is difficult to operationalise objectively, but is often indistinguishable in much writing from broad notions of democracy. In recent years, both countries have made more developmental progress than virtually any other African country. A good example is President John Magufuli of Tanzanianicknamed The Bulldozerfor his apparent no-nonsense approach to corruption and waste. Toronto: Oxford UP, 2012. In this paper we find a relationship between democracy and governance, such that a transition from electoral democracy to liberal democracy tends to improve the level of governance (and conversely, staying at the level of electoral democracy is associated with a lack of improvement in governance). It is also easy to overestimate the ability of political leaders or a particular system such as democracy to deliver improved livelihoods and poverty reduction. Lameira, Valdir and Ness, Walter, The Relationship between Governance and Sustainable Development (March 1, 2010). The experience of Ethiopia helps provide a possible answer to the democracy-development quandary. Therefore, given Zambia and Gabons lack of government capacity, poor leadership and absence of a clear development goal, these two countries will likely bumble along. Governance, Democracy and Development in the Third World. matching your topic, you may use them only as an example of work. Marks, Z., Chenoweth, E., and Okeke, J., 2019. In each of these countries a determined pro-development governing elite is united in their vision to escape debilitating poverty and underdevelopment. (Relationship Between Development and Good Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words, n.d.), (Relationship Between Development and Good Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 Words). The objective of Good Governance in Sustainable Development (GGSD) Program is to assist societies to develop on effective government within a democratic system, and to implement sustainable development principles through global partnership. Diversified economies require innovation and knowledge production to sustain growth, which is quite different to the requirements of an undiversified, single-commodity-based economy largely dominated by informal activity. Mark Robinson recently joined WRI as the Global Director of Governance. In the literature, the relationship between governance and sustainability has been empirically examined in terms of the rule of law, bureaucratic quality and corruption. Through globalization, the international community has been opening up to allow various individuals, corporations, and governments to invest and tap their potentials in the free market economy that globalizations brings forth. Our understanding of the relationship between democracy, development and governance is clearly still incomplete. "Good Governance and Development." ii. The Trump presidency in the USA presents many of the features often associated with the negative characterisation associated with Africa rather than of an established, liberal democracy. In line with standard democracy theory, the authors argue that public policies serve as the key causal mechanism that binds the elected to their electorate. Accordingly, the concept of going global portends a very precarious situation to the average worker living in his/her country (Dunbar 59). Here modern technology is playing an important role in allowing for the establishment of parallel monitoring systems during elections. Good governance will help by fostering an environment for collective action, ensuring that the actors involved are held accountable and dealing with emerging complex trade-offs between the goals. Political Participation, Protest and Democracy. Geopolitics: A Guide to the Issues. In fact, the continent has been buffeted by global shifts in power and influence, most recently by a sense of competition between the West and China. But the essential question for this book is: is democracy improving the living conditions of Africans? Based on this analysis, 58% of Africans live in countries that could be considered democratic, even if the quality of that democracy is uneven. Relationship between Economic Development and Good Governance January 17, 2020 by Sheshan Pradhan The economic development of a country has a various effect on society, politics and the security of the country. The index on the left-hand y-axis in Fig. [Online] Available at: Print. This is 100% legal. Democracy in Africa: Successes, Failures, and the Struggle for Political Reform. Fortunately regular elections and the growing depth of civil society in Africa mean that progress towards substantive democracy is more probable than the reverse. Open Access This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence and indicate if changes were made. DemoEssays. . Many academics have commented on the apparent resilience of neopatrimonialism as part of Africas democratisation processes. More decentralised or competitive neopatrimonial systems, such as Kenya and Nigeria, show the opposite outcomes. Smith notes that the fruits of good governance consist of efficient bureaucracy, which guarantees augmented economic, social, and political performances (63); they are represented in the following models: Effective governance requires capacity for effective functioning to put knowledge into professional use for growth. In the absence of developmentally oriented elites, greater accountability can be facilitated using modern technology. The HDI, on the other hand, measures various aspects of development including education, life expectancy, and income index. Government by Gesture: A President Who Looks Good But Governs Impulsively. (2022) 'Good Governance and Development'. Each crest has raised the high-water mark left by its predecessor, granting momentum to the tide of democracy as it envelops increasingly larger shares of the worlds population.Footnote 1, The first wave surged in the early nineteenth century particularly when the vote was granted to the white, male population of the USA, and ebbed in the turbulent years leading up to the Second World War. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our. (1999, 2005), Knack et al. Also part of the third wave was a rash of democratic transitions in Latin America in the 1980s and shortly thereafter in several Asia-Pacific countries. 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY, 10022. The Economist, 2016. The likely development is that the next global waves of democratisation will be less pronounced than the previous three waves, although a regional wave in the Middle East, which is clearly headed for massive governance changes, seems inevitable. As is the case with violence, specific national conditions determine actual outcomes. - [Online] Available at: Separation of Powers, Checks & Balances, and Federalism, The United States Congress' History and Functions, The Top Lobbying Groups in New York Influence, Tactical Urbanism 2: Short-Term Action, Long-Term Change by M. Lydon, UAEs Authority Youth Empowerment Policy Research, The Supreme Court of the United States: Powers and Limits, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. B., Joshi, D. K., Moyer, J. D., Sisk, T. D., and Solrzano, J, R., 2014. Pierre Englebert and Kevin Dunn find that the degree to which authoritarian neopatrimonial regimes have been able to adapt to the formal trappings of electoral democracy is one of the most remarkable characteristics of contemporary African politics. We explore the theoretical framework linking the level of governance of the countries with their economic performance. Nic Cheeseman understands these preconditions as a coherent national identity, strong and autonomous political institutions, a developed and autonomous civil society, the rule of law, and a strong and well performing economy.Footnote 18, Taking a decidedly pessimistic view of democratisation in Africa, Cheeseman argues that since 1990, democratisation has taken place against the odds in a number of poor and unstable countries that have lacked these preconditions for democracy. These two countries are, however, exceptions in a sea of many poor-performing authoritarian countries. Globalization consists of interacting and integrating between and amongst different individuals, companies, and governments. In this case, the people can afford to buy good food to eat, buy clothes, live in a decent accommodation, and have amenities such as water and electricity available for use. 12128. p. 16. This paper presents a methodological approach to evaluating the relationship between governance and several variables commonly related to the concept of sustainable development and, also, related to financial indicators from various countries. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention: have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property: and have in general been as short . and egalitarian democracy On the other hand, developed countries, have a low poverty level. Two measures of CO2 emissions are utilized: CO2 emissions in kilograms per 2000 US dollars of gross domestic product (GDP) and in metric . 2. 1934, World Bank Group, September 2019, Relationship between Good Governance and National Development. This paper presents a methodological approach to evaluating the relationship between governance and several variables commonly related to the concept of sustainable development and, also, related to financial indicators from various countries. (1999) tested the relationship between Good Governance in the sense of "market . You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Writing in the Journal of DemocracyFootnote 7 they note that trust in political institutions such as parliaments or the courts have precipitously declined as has voter turnout, party identification has weakened and party membership has declined. The problem with the twofold distinction between centralised and decentralised patrimonialism systems is that countries with centralised patrimonial systems do not necessarily produce better outcomes. Cilliers, J. Good governance creates stability and a conducive environment for development to take off by motivating investors.Good governance is also based on integrity and moral values that limit the chances of corruption and other factors that may derail development. electoral, not liberal) it makes little contribution to improvements in well-being or even to the way in which the country is governed. Chapman, Bert. All have clear pro-growth policies and stick to them. The term is widely used to describe a system of politically corrupt patronclient relations that has dominated politics in Africa, particularly in not free and partly free countries. He launched a sweeping political, economic, social and foreign policy reform programme in an effort to undercut the discontent that had led to the violence, even changing the name and character of his party. At the crest of this wave, democracies governed 29 states; at its trough at the height of the war in 1942, only 12 democracies remained.Footnote 2. ) and the remaining 22 as not free in its most recent data release for 2018. By the end of 2017, Public Radio International reported that there were as many as 400,000 internally displaced persons in Ethiopias Oromia and Somali regions.Footnote 25 In February 2018 Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn resigned in response to the escalating unrest. Introduction Between 1950s and 1980s, the approach of development was oriented to achieve high levels of economic growth (Wang et al, 2008). At a global level, Chinas authoritarian post-1978 developmental model is often quoted as proof of a positive relationship between autocracy and development at low levels of income. Easy access to good medical care throughout the country. The problem is the extent to which neopatrimonialism has been able to coexist with the processes of democratisation in Africa and to which incumbents have undermined the core notions of electoral democracy, such as clean elections and freedom of speech. (1999) tested the relationship between good governance in the sense of "market-enhancing governance" (stimulus institutions market) and showed a positive relationship between good governance and economic growth. governance in sustainable human development, at the subnational level. The following year all of Portugals colonies achieved independence, a hasty and chaotic affair that swept from Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique, Angola to So Tom and Prncipe. Jeffrey, J., 2017. Improvement in infrastructure resulting in more good roads for easy transportation of goods and people. Today the relative decline of the West has led to a commensurate weakening of the global impetus towards democratisation outside of Africa. In fact, a number of relatively recently liberated countries in Southern Africa, such as Namibia, Angola, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and South Africa, would probably fit into the category of a centralised patrimonial system, since former liberation parties still dominate politics, but generally with disappointing results. Nigeria has a steadily expanding federal system while Kenya recently introduced a county system that provides for a significant devolution of poweran example now being copied in many African countries such as Mozambique, Angola and South Africa. Objectives: To enhance local implementation actions of the Rio Resolutions and Agenda 21 for real . From a global perspective, the rise of terrorism, populism and the influence of an authoritarian China has turned the early optimism about a rising tide of democracy into a degree of democratic pessimism. The dissolution of the former Soviet Union further allowed a number of countries in eastern and central Europe to break away and establish representative systems of government. Project MUSE. Harper Perennial. Good governance, therefore, is a 'fundamental element', that is with the exception of serious cases of corruption, a state facing governance problems will be offered support and advice to improve its performance (Council of the European Union, Cotonou Agreement, article 9.3). Moreover, there is considerable evidence that the introduction of competitive politics and economic liberalisation in fragile settings can be costly in terms of violence and loss of human life.Footnote 30 This has been most evident in so-called post-conflict fragile states such as South Sudan, Somalia, the Central African Republic, Chad, Cte dIvoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo and others. Nigerian economic development refers to qualitative and quantitative changes in an age of technology and social marginalisation national conditions actual! 903920 ; Raftapoulos, B., 2012 of departure to jump-start economic growth, 14 ( 2,. That is cheating a positive relation between levels of electoral violence in Kenya Nigeria! Meet the goals, governance has been referred to as the Fourth,. The type of patrimonialism that emerges.Footnote 32 date CENI, the final year of the that! Western nations is accelerating this trend human rights, equality, and the general of! 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