why did dr wells want to kill barry

[18] He also used the wheelchair to store a flash drive in which he kept his personal notes. Unknown to anyone, Thawne rigged a hologram of himself as Reverse-Flash that would answer only to Wells. He was bemused when all the CSI wanted to know about was about a robbery from a chemical lab. Ah, you were dazzling. [93] Eobard, with Swigert's appearance, is on Apollo-13 and ventures into space. Doing so would send Barry back to any time desired and create a wormhole behind which could be used by Thawne to return to his own time. And I'm done being patient. After Barry failed to stop Tony Woodward, Thawne told Barry they'd find a way to stop Tony, but told Barry to rest and heal for the time being. During his imprisonment, Eobard was visited by Cisco Ramon/Vibe, asking how his ring worked. I taught you everything you know. After Barry returned to S.T.A.R. Eobard sped himself and Damien into Malcolm's apartment. I was never going to be the Flash. Reverse-Flash fell on the ground, and when he got up, he got punched by the two speedsters who gathered enough speed inside the portal in order to perform a super-sonic punch. [2] From this point forward, Eobard underwent massive changes in his personality, behavior and mental health due to his exposure to the negative tachyons that it made him more dangerous and unstable every time he abused it, to the point he rendered himself nearly invulnerable to timeline changes. [7][88][89] He had fallen so low on morals that he had zero compunctions about allying with, and later double-crossing or even slaying the Nazis in 1942 with his own hands, furthermore, it was Eobard who assisted with Damien's plans to nuke New York City in the first place for no discernible reason other than the possibility of gaining a part of the Askaran Amulet. Thawne then told Barry could stop Girder if only moving fast enough as any material can be struck at a high enough velocity. After that, Reverse-Flash's time remnants were also erased from existence.[95]. Thawne then moved to Central City to carry out his plan and build S.T.A.R. When the team later learned that Bette's condition couldn't be reversed, Thawne met with Plastique, and manipulated Plastique into killing Eiling. Labs. That's why he was so hellbent on getting the Spear of Destiny in order to warp reality in a way that he can still get his powers, but can still kill Flash. Because Cisco vibed this event 3 hours and 52 minutes in advance the Flash was given enough time to locate them.[4]. In exchange, Capone would aid them against the Legends, and the intrigued crime lord agreed. Later when the Trickster made another broadcast, Barry showed further signs of angst towards Thawne but he surmised it must be because of Barry's previous visit with James Jesse in prison brought back memories of Henry's incarceration. [58], Since Barry left Nora in 2049, Nora met up with Thawne and asked him how he managed to go back in the past without any speedster feeling any disturbance in the Speed Force to which he replied that he created the Negative Speed Force but with various negative effects. Knowing Nora was still watching him from the lab, Thawne waved at the camera before Nora left.[17]. and our However, Thawne would eventually be destroyed by his nemesis in battle, with his entire body being disintegrated by his own negative energies. [100] Harry often found himself targeted by other people who weren't aware of Eobard's deception. [65] On December 10, 2019, when an antimatter wave hit Earth-1 and the multiverse was destroyed,[64] Thawne's body was also obliterated, reducing his existence to nothing more than negative tachyons, though his consciousness was preserved within the Negative Speed Force. At S.T.A.R. [88] He was also ready to provide Nazi Germany with his meta-human biomolecular enhancer that could allow the Nazis to win the war, all just to get a part of the Askaran Amulet from Baron Krieger. So it's that sort of well, that absence of love, that absence of acceptance that drives him to be greater, smarter, faster, better than the Flash, and it's kind of a sad loop that he finds himself in". [20], After Shawna Baez broke Clay Parker out of Iron Heights, Joe deduced Clay was a meta-human, however, Thawne corrected Joe, stating there was a woman's DNA matched with Clay's. Without the explosion he would never gain his powers, and without his powers he would never be able to accomplish the things that he is able to as The Flash. Try rewriting destiny.Eobard Thawne to Damien Darhk, After being pulled out of the year 2000 and thrown into the Flashpoint timeline in 2016, Eobard has displayed contempt and ridicule toward Barry Allen. Both are responsible for the main character's parent's death and are the reason main hero become who he is, Thawne created the particle accelerator, Merlyn is responsible for Oliver's shipwreck. [84] He was proven to be in true terror, describing Black Flash as "one of history's worst monsters." Know that his enemy would not be contained for long, the trio departed the bank but not before Eobard acknowledged Damien and Malcolm as fully equal partners. When Barry started losing memories, Eobard gets questioned about this. Gideon reports being unsure how longer the tachyon device is viable and Thawne told Gideon that it was only meant to be a temporary fix and the real end game was coming.[34]. But toWells who hails from the distant future, and whose real name is Eobard Thawne Cisco has been dead for centuries. Labs, determined to subduing Clyde. DECLARATIONS OF LOVE | Barrys trip to the past threatens to undo the progress he and Iris made this week, but no matter how the timeline is changed, at the root of how she feels is she loves Barry, Patton affirms. Eobard also gloated of winning again, mockingly speaking in the past tense for all his future actions. When Damien gets inside, Eobard sped around the Time Sphere to open a portal into the Speed Force where he traveled to his next destination with Damien. However, Barry knew that their fight was very far from over as arch enemies. When Oliver-as-Flash and Barry-as-Green-Arrow are both exposed to fear gas, they see each other as Eobard and Merlyn respectively. After doing so, Eobard helplessly screamed while being vaporized along with the Spear of Destiny. In this new clip for the Season 1 finale, Wells (whose real name is Eobard Thawne) tells Barry why he killed his mother. Labs. [82] His nemesis then took Reverse-Flash back to the new version of 2016, took his ring from him, and constructed a speed-dampening cell using carbine material to imprison him in an abandoned factory. Back at S.T.A.R. In the show The Flash, Harrison Wells dies in an explosion that caused the Central City Museum to collapse. So let me start from the beginning. After getting incapacitated by Cecile Horton, Thawne was locked up in the pipeline. [103] As Grodd continued to grow in intelligence and size, Harry used the second suit to impersonate Reverse-Flash in order to save Caitlin from Grodd. On board the Waverider, Eobard began searching for the Askaran Amulet's second half which he could not find but caught Jefferson Jackson's attention with his actions. In 2049, he began mentoring Nora West-Allen, claiming to be working towards a less villainous legacy, as he was scheduled for execution. Thawne screamed at Flash, urging his nemesis to finish him; whether out of genuine desire to fall at the Flash's hand or as part of some reverse-psychology scheme. For more information, please see our Flash Adds Batwoman's Javicia Leslie to Final Season Cast -- But as Who? [7], Locating Rip in 1967, Eobard sent Malcolm and Damien to capture Hunter so they could acquire Rip's piece of the Spear of Destiny while Eobard went on the run from Black Flash. Eobard eventually realized that Black Flash was after him because Eddie's suicide was supposed to erase him from existence in 2015, yet he continued to exist due to coming back to 2016 together with Barry to which the Black Flash was trying to erase Eobard to eliminate the paradoxical threat and restore the ruptured timeline.[84]. Barry, however, ignored Thawne's advice and went and captured Mark anyway before Mark could commit these crimes. Just after Barry left his cell, John Diggle visited him to ask about a mysterious object, Thawne attempted to use this object to his advantage to find a way to escape. After escaping, Eobard used the Mnemonic Archive to restore Rip's memories, but reprogrammed his hostage's mind as his syndicate's fourth member, sending his new associate to 1776 to kill George Washington on Christmas Day to cause an aberration to alert the Legends to lure out. As the trio did this, Eobard went to get back up and created dozens of time remnants. Oliver left, felling that something was off about Thawne.[37]. As Eobard panicked, he attempted to flee only for Black Flash to swiftly catch up and stabbed a hand into Eobard's chest. This proves that he had become a ruthless pragmatist at some point in his life during his corruption into a power-hungry madman. As a thank you for their help, Barry gave Thawne, Cisco and Caitlin a Christmas present each, but Thawne declined Barry's offer of eggnog. Eobard exasperatedly remarked on his associates' results (referring to Malcolm as a washout and Damien as a dead man) and sped off. They reach Thawne and in doing so, they become the lightning bolt that turns Barry into the Flash as they are able to stop Thawne from killing Iris. Only reluctantly stopping himself from delivering a death blow, the Flash instead knocked him out and placed him in S.T.A.R. Eobard was then sent to an A.R.G.U.S. While Apollo-13 is in space, Eobard knocked the other astronauts out and dropped Swigert's form and made the preparations for landing. Hypocritically, he referred to Barry as "the villain" and chastised Barry for changing time despite Barry's actions being an attempt to fix the wrongs of Eobard's timeline alterations in the first place.[13]. Rege-Jean Page is sticking with Netflix for his next film role. Thawne later went into his secret room and checked up on the future and was relieved to see the future was intact.[30]. [34][32], Due to hiding behind Wells's identity for 15 years, Eobard adapted and evolved every situation to better suit his agenda under his disguise. A massive fan obsessed with the twenty-first century's Flash all his life, Eobard recreated the accident that was behind the Flash's powers, becoming a speedster himself. Knowing that Barry's 2016 self would be waking up soon, Thawne reluctantly agreed to help while offering Nora water. Eobard plotted to use Harrison's reputation and his own futuristic knowledge to recreate the particle accelerator himself as quickly as possible. [54], In late 2017, the Fhrer captured dimensional transporter technology from rebels led by a vigilante, and the New Reich made plans to invade and take over Earth-1. Thawne brought how everything fell apart for the original Fhrer, to which Overgirl replied that their leader is ten times what Earth-X's original leader was, and wouldn't allow passions to cloud a sense of duty. And then and then you saved the crowd. Meena wanted more tests to which Eobard urged caution, but the Flash arrived to assume Meena's life at risk because of Eobard. Labs, intending to weaken Kara with a simulated red sun, cut out Kara's heart and transplant to Overgirl's body. He also somehow learned that Savitar was ironically a version of his nemesis from an alternate future who had an amusing "pizza face. After Barry, Cisco and Caitlin arrive, Thawne told them he won't require help with the case. If you recall, Barry encountered Eobard again when he traveled back in time and created Flashpoint, stopping Eobard from killing his mom and keeping Eobard trapped in a prison. When Damien returned and learned of what happened, Eobard gets scolded for his recklessness, but Eobard realized that the Legends now had all the Spear of Destiny's fragments so they no longer had to hunt for the holy object piece by piece. Before he could investigate, he was stopped by Cisco and Caitlin. Did Professor Wells kill Barry's mom? [12], Thawne, Cisco, and Caitlin continue to train to improve Barry's speed using a drone to fire at. And it was in that moment that I knew that I had to get faster than you.Eobard Thawne to Barry Allen, As a young man,[6] Eobard greatly admired the twenty-first century hero known as the Flash, searching for ways to gain similar speeds. He mocked Barry Allen by wearing Wells's likeness once again just "for old time's sake," and appeared to have a deeper and more focused hatred of the Flash than before. Eobard forced Barry to ask to kill Nora and Barry reluctantly did so, expressing hate. Eobard smirked and said that they would meet again before he sped off. [36][37] He knew Stagg wasn't really a philanthropist but a greedy and corrupt man famous for others' scientific achievements. The enraged Eobard then killed Nora Allen and framed Henry Allen for the crime instead, being known as the Man in Yellow after the incident. Sometime afterward, Barry visited him to get answers, addressing him by his real name, and asked why he killed Nora. Joe noted that they would have to find somewhere to hold a meta-human as Iron Heights was less than ideal and Cisco suggested the particle accelerator, Cisco and Thawne went down to the particle accelerator's core chamber. [17] The particle accelerator was then switched on. Ironically, similar to his victim Harrison Wells, Eobard would show to be careful toward Meena as much as Harrison is toward Tess: Harrison only tend to check Tess' wounds; Eobard was only concerned about Meena's safety. Noticing that the Flash hesitates, Thawne tried to convince this at all cost and mentioned that Nora will be lost forever if the Flash doesn't decide. Both has a relative with the same last name. Also, in the same episode, Eobard running back to 2013 to be struck by the lightning that gave Barry his powers is similar to his comics counterpart where he attempted to do the same, but soon found out that he was starting to fade away from existence so he instead ran away from Barry's lab, frustruated that he couldn't kill Barry and be the Flash instead. In this moment, Eobard gained a lifelong hatred and made it his life's work to be faster and destroy the Flash's life,[8] as an archenemy. The Reverse-Flash spitefully charged at the Flash and the two speedsters fought. He noted how he got his powers "just in time" while regenerating Wells's likeness. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Barry quickly confirmed his theories about the new speedster's powers and Thawne replied that the new speedster from earlier is using the BLOC, but Thawne replied back that he has never heard of the individual "and neither has history" and his alternate self wants to make sure of that. So I became the reverse of everything that you were. Thawne then told Iris that Nora's back in 2019, and offered advice: Nora needs both parents united instead of fighting. The Flash was unable to retrieve all the civilians before the fire burnt out of control to which Thawne told the Flash to rotate his own arms at high velocities which extinguished the flames.

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