digital ethnography google scholar

Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Key Informant Network. Anthropology News 50(4): 1314. Writing culture: The poetics and politics of ethnography. Available at: Elizabeth A. Buchanan, 219245. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Google Scholar Digital Library; Jacky C. P. Chan, Howard Leung, Jeff K. T. Tang, and Taku Komura. These students do not represent the majority of medical students on Twitter, but a subculture who were often pioneers in their use of Twitter for professional purpose. We identified potential subjects by: 1) searching key words medical student and med student on; 2) searching existing public lists of medical students on Twitter collated by individual users; 3) searching relevant hashtags (#medstudent, #meded); 4) soliciting referrals by current subjects (chain sampling); and 5) hosting a medical education tweetchat. A tweetchat is a public real-time discussion on Twitter run by a moderator. Also, we limited network analysis to key informants (instead of the larger group of superusers) given we had only the informants expressed consent to be included in our study. 13601380. Teoria social, mtodos cualitativos y etnografa: el problema de la representacin y reflexividad en las ciencias sociales. Landow, George. The .gov means its official. The social production of heritage through cross-media interaction: Making place for place-making. Memos captured emerging themes and analytic insights from comparing and contrasting the various forms of data (triangulation). Google Scholar. Medical educators are challenged with guiding medical students along their professional development and giving them the tools to succeed in their future careers. Qualitative analysis included inductive coding of field notes and interviews, triangulation of data, and analytic memos in an iterative process. International Journal of Internet Research Ethics 2(1): 124. Ethnography Matters. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press. London: Sage. In conclusion, medical students who regularly used Twitter as a professional tool were doing so with thoughtfulness and purpose. Accessed 18 Aug 2015. Sandars J. 2004. 958962. Twitter also provided students value by giving them a voice in the domains of advocacy and an enduring digital footprint, and was an equalizer of power. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 3(1): 0. We did not observe any unprofessional content posted. National Library of Medicine While researchers have studied negative professional consequences of medical trainee social media use, little is known about how medical students informally use social media for education and career development. Sociology, (vol.) Following principles of inductive analysis19 and incorporating network analysis results, we constructed a description of the target group. Interviews lasted between 30 and 60min. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips. Accessed 18 Aug 2015. Russo V. (2016c), Urban Mediactivism in Web 3.0. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. 2011. My life as a night elf priest: An anthropological account of world of warcraft. Hanging out in the virtual pub: Masculinities and relationships online. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Professione formatore per la didattica della comunicazione (Koin. The term "digital ethnography" has been used to refer to Internet or cyberethnography (the ethnography of online worlds), including the use of ethnographic research methods in online/digital spaces. The field site. Yet there are no clear standards for how we study online texts from an. Hashtags Used by Medical Student Key Informants in a Subset of 2074 Tweets, *Tweets occurred between January 2013 and July 2014. Washington DC Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 50 Irving Street, NW, Washington, DC 20422 USA, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, George Washington University, Washington, DC USA, Georgetown University, Washington, DC USA, Childrens National Health System, Washington, DC USA. Physician violations of online professionalism and disciplinary actions: a national survey of state medical boards. Digital ethnography toward augmented empiricism: A new methodological framework. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Studies in System, Decision and Control 66. Subnetwork analyses support that students maintain large, diverse networks that have other key informants in them, but otherwise interact with different subgroups of people. CoCreative media: Theorising digital storytelling as a platform for researching and developing participatory culture. 1999. Subnetwork analysis focuses on the characteristics of the network itself. PeruDigital: Ethnographic storytelling through iterative design. Castells M., Himanen P., (2002), The Information Society and the Welfare State: The Finnish Model. Note that these were not patients the students had cared for clinically, but people on Twitter who self-identified as patients with certain disease conditions. Corbetta P. (1999), Metodologia e tecniche della ricerca sociale, Bologna, Il Mulino. In this sense digital ethnography refers to the use or adaptation of traditional ethnographic fieldwork methods to study and interpret digitally-mediated cultures. The rise of digital technologies has the potential to open new directions in ethnography. 2005. The color of each node maps to the clustering coefficient. Part of Springer Nature. Through purposive sampling, individual key informant interviews were conducted to explore Twitter use and values until thematic saturation was reached (ten students). (Average degree =2; clustering coefficient, directed=0.054; clustering coefficient, not directed=0.102; number of nodes=40,101; number of edges=61,602). Students described having a community of medical students that congratulate each other when milestones are reached, help each other study for exams and experience medical school together. Miller, Daniel. We aimed to explore how and why medical students use Twitter for professional development. Andrejevic Mark. Overall, students were active Twitter users who were often early adopters of Twitter use among their medical school classmates. The Second Edition of Doing Visual Ethnography is an excellent resource for students of sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, media studies, and those doing ethnographic and qualitative research. Faculty informants were asked to describe their interactions with students on Twitter, how they felt students used Twitter for educational purposes, and student best practices. Accessed 18 Aug 2015. Austin: University of Texas Press. Careers, GUID:8CA115D0-8D07-4D94-908C-17C13D4D668A, social media, undergraduate medical education, internet, twitter, professional development. Google Scholar Baysen, E., Hokov-Mayerov, ., Cakmak, N., Baysen, F. (2016) Misconceptions of Czech and Turksh Unversity Students in providing Citations. For the ego network analysis, we computed the centrality (ego behavior metrics) degree and clustering coefficient. PubMedGoogle Scholar. I want to make a difference Twitter gave me a community where I could like not like feel alone in doing that. So if I were to see a patient in the office you do share a little bit about your personality so thats where I post things about myself and my personal life. (Key informant 9). New York: Berg. Representative and exemplary quotes were highlighted for each code. . Qualitative inquiry and research design: choosing among five traditions. The presence can be thought of as a phenomenon in which the Internet is providing a unique, Collaboration between ethnographers and subjects has long been a product of the close, intimate relationships that define ethnographic research. In Proceedings of the 2007 Australasian conference on computer-human interaction conference, OZCHI 2007, ed. Using purposive sampling, key informant superusers were identified for interviews. Digital Ethnography Research Centre at RMIT University. The size of the node corresponds to the number of key informant followers the node has. Whitehead, Neil L., and Michael Wesch, ed. sept. de 2013. Kind T, Patel PD, Lie D, Chretien KC. Giaccardi, Elissa, and Leysia Palen. The postings (tweets) of 31 medical student superusers were observed for 8months (MayDecember 2013), and structured field notes recorded. Preview this book . Kind T, Greysen SR, Chretien KC. Twitter allowed them access and voice that supplemented their medical school experience. Available at: 80. Mostaghimi A, Crotty BH. Sociology 42: 837855. Boulder: University Press of Chicago. The posting practices of these superusers align with guiding principles of online professionalism derived from national consensus statements and guidelines,20,21 research on stakeholders perspectives of what is appropriate and what is inappropriate to post,2225 and expert opinion.6,26 These include safeguarding patient privacy, pause before posting, avoiding inflammatory material, and carefully considering material that is to be posted for public consumption. is a tool for online or remote ethnographic research.. Digital ethnography has its origins in traditional ethnography. The metrics we computed were subnetwork density, number of triangles, and subnetwork diameter. It helps keep me up to date on whats going on in the world, in the world of medicine in this country, with healthcare reform, and everything. (Key informant 3), I definitely know about various articles that tend to be of importance in my field before other people. (Key informant 7). Readings in virtual research ethics. A red node indicates a low clustering coefficient a green node indicates a mid-range clustering coefficient, and a blue node indicates a high clustering coefficient. (2012), Networked: The New Social Operating System, Cambridge Mass. Chretien KC, Azar J, Kind T. Physicians on twitter. 2003. Cambridge: MIT Press. Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Digital Ethnography" by Natalie M. Underberg-Goode. Murthy, Dhiraj. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Inuit in cyberspace: Embedding offline, identities online. Cheston CC, Flickinger TE, Chisolm MS. Social media use in medical education: a systematic review. 2005. 78-6, pp. New York: Bloomsbury. The objectives of this training event were as follows: to train the professional figure of the trainer for teaching communication and enrich their professional profile with knowledge about the use of the most advanced communication technologies in educational settings. Digital ethnography, according to Caliandro "is an ethnography grounded by digital methods rather than one based on the internet itself" (2014, 667; italics in original). In Participatory visual and digital methods in action, eds. Twitter provided some students with opportunities for professional collaborations, allowing them to connect with other medical students with similar interests. The key informants posted a median 7371 tweets (range 417221057) since their Twitter debuts (which predated our study in all cases). Access to individuals with different perspectives was of particular value for students, including others opinions about health policy, medical education, and the medical profession in general. Ventres and others (2006), Physicians, Patients, and the Electronic Health Record: An Ethnographic Analysis. We conducted a digital ethnography with the research question, What is the culture of medical students who use Twitter for education? Sub-questions were, How do they use Twitter?, With whom do they interact?, and What do they value?, An ethnography is a qualitative research framework that seeks to provide a description and interpretation of a cultural group or system.13,14 This typically involves prolonged observation of the group, interviews with key informants who can provide insights into the group, and examination of cultural artifacts and documents. "Hanging Out at the Virtual Pub provides a richly detailed and theoretically mediated understanding of gender's significance in online-game playing. The subnetwork of key informants was well-connected, showing evidence of a social network versus information network. (Eds): Recent Trends in Social Systems: Quantitative Theories and Quantitative Models. The practice of conducting a digital ethnography can be broken down into two broad phases: non-reactive and reactive (Janetzko, 2008).The non-reactive phase, sometimes referred to as "lurking," simply requires the ethnographer to inhabit the online field-site, passively observing subjects' behaviors and the platforms' norms to learn the cultural language of the space. 1986. Antonio Maturo et al. London: Sage. 2012. Their eyes were watching god. Students derived value from Twitter in two main domains of Access and Voice (Fig. We share articles, we share study techniques. (Key informant 8). 2022 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Hoboken: Wiley. Many mentioned thinking twice before tweeting to avoid potential misinterpretation of what they meant to say. Through Twitter, students gained access to communities of learning and support. Association for Science Education 2013 conference, Fitness statistics derived from popular fitness app, Disrupting inequality; advocacy for social change. Rieder B., (2013) Studying Facebook via data extraction: the Netvizz application. Berkeley: University of California Press. In Digital Ethnography: Principles and Practices, edited by Pink Sarah, Horst Heather, Postill John, Hjorth Larissa, Lewis Tania, Tacchi Jo, 101-22., DOI:, eBook Packages: Social Science and Law (German Language). How Social Media Understanding Drives Innovation, 2010). This study has potential limitations. This helped to identify students in our target group, and also helped structure our interview guides. 2013. Lugo, Vera, Juan Pablo, and Jefferson Jaramillo Marn. Ethnography is a type of qualitative research that gathers observations, interviews and documentary data to produce detailed and comprehensive . (1973), The Strength of Weak Ties. Translated woman: Crossing the border with Esperanzas story. (Key informant 8). This examination of the, Ethnographic research ethics involved in bridging offline and online modes of action research are the focal point of this chapter, written from an anthropological perspective. Greysen SR, Kind T, Chretien KC. Teorie e applicazioni, Aracne, Ariccia (Rm). What is Digital Ethnography? These communities of like-minded others have helped students maintain their ideals. Google Scholar. 2007. Building upon pioneering work . Four investigators, including two expert Twitter users (KC and TK) and two novice users (MS and MT), observed tweets of the 31 superusers and of the general list of medical students for 8months (MayDecember 2013), taking structured field notes, guided by key dimensions of descriptive observations (Space, Actors, Activities, Objects, Acts, Events, Time, Goals, Feelings).17,18. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Like the Dewey Decimal classification system, LC is used both as an unique identifier for each book in the library and as a way to group books with similar subjects together on the shelves. 2015. We used a semi-structured interview guide designed to explore their use of Twitter, the nature of their interactions with other users, and what they valued from their use (Appendix). Nardi, Bonnie A. Rainie L., Wellman B. This article argues that social researchers cannot afford to continue this trend. Figure2 visually highlights the connectivity between key informants from the ego and subnetwork analysis. This case study on mobility in healthcare demonstrates how ethnography and design research helped Intel meet the business challenge of redressing market share. Higher clustering coefficients indicate a well-connected neighborhood and potential for rapid information dissemination. Online medical professionalism: patient and public relationships: policy statement from the american college of physicians and the federation of state medical boards. Superusers included parts of their personal lives on their accounts and felt this added to their authenticity. We were particularly moved by students interactions with patients. The aim of this chapter is to define the boundaries of digital ethnography. This knowledge may help future and current physicians succeed in the digital age. Translating multisensory experience: An introduction. Sharing credible health content, advocacy, career networking, and staying up to date with ones field can all be achieved through use of social media.5,6. 2013. Ethical decision-making and Internet research recommendations from the AoIR ethics working committee. A guide for anyone in the social sciences who seeks to enrich ethnographic techniques, Digital Ethnography offers a groundbreaking . Cambridge: Polity. Farnan JM, Snyder Sulmasy L, Worster BK, et al. Ascenzi-Moreno L., Espinosa C. M. (2018). The learning community detected is part of the project Master 2011. Forte, Maximilian. GranovetterM.S. Hine, Christine. 2013. They, in turn, were followed by a median of 1770 (range 40311169) users. They used it to stay up to date with general news and their fields of interest. Hurston, Zora Neale. Available at: As of July 2014, the student key informants followed a median of 489 (range 566425) Twitter users. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Cambridge: MIT Press. 2010. government site. Altmetric. Hypertext 3.0: Critical theory and new media in an era of globalization. Chretien KC, Kind T. Social media and clinical care: ethical, professional, and social implications. At its essence, ethnography is about storytelling, and the data are collected . Chretien KC, Greysen SR, Chretien J-P, Kind T. Online posting of unprofessional content by medical students. The digital ethnography, as new methodological syncretism, offered an useful tools for reading and understanding the digital social field. Expert Twitter user faculty investigators may have carried pre-existing assumptions about student use; to test these assumptions, the team also included novice users and a medical student. Medical student superusers gained access to information, to experts, to a variety of perspectives including patient/public perspectives, and to communities. 42-5pp. Buchanan M. (2004), Nexus. At the conclusion of each interview, major themes were reviewed with the participant for member-checking. Its mission is, To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.7 Twitter has 271 million active users monthly, and 500 million tweets are sent each day.7 Among US online adults ages 1829 years, 37% use Twitter, and the majority of users have public accounts.8 Users write 140 character-limited messages called tweets that can contain links to webpages or other content. 2009. La puesta en escena de la realidad cultural. It is a digital transformation of in-person Ethnography that leverages the power of smartphones, video and computers to help Researchers . Interviews continued until saturation of themes was reached (n=10). Play between worlds: Exploring online game culture. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 2006. 16 Key informants may not have disclosed fully in interviews if concerned about anonymity, though efforts were made to reduce this possibility. How Twitter has influenced me is that it really connected me to other people that believe that we can make things better. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. what is ethnography in sociology . Available at: Murthy D. Digital ethnography: an examination of the use of new technologies for social research. 2005. Developing competences for learning in the age of the internet. 2012. For this group of students, Twitter served as a professional tool, giving them access and voice. Google Scholar. Healthcare communications and social media; weekly Twitter chat. Digital Ethnography Lab, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA, You can also search for this author in Department of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Military Technology, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic, Department of Business Administration, University G. Three faculty key informant interviews were also conducted. Sign In Create Free Account. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 3(2). 2015:112. Pediatric clerkship directors social networking use and perceptions of online professionalism. 2000. Guimaraes, Mario J.L. Abstract The coronavirus pandemic has made ethnographic fieldwork, as traditionally conceived in anthropology, temporarily impossible to conduct. Miller, Daniel. 2002. However, there is, This paper discusses the complexities of investigating the experiences of participants in hybrid (online/offline) learning communities through educational ethnography. Socap Health conference; goal is to examine the roles of entrepreneurs, investors, and funding bodies in the larger public health ecosystem. Twitter is a way that these students accessed information. They followed other medical students, medical faculty, medical journals, medical and news organizations, and other health professionals, among others. Finally, with the help of the comparison between empirical cases we will try to understand which are critical points, limits and research prospects for digital ethnographers. 2008. C. Hine, 141156. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Nature, 393 (6684): 440442. Cambridge, MIT Press. Other key informants described having access to medical content experts during Twitter chats or following experts who tweeted clinical pearls. Oxford: Berg. This suggests an opportunity for extensive information dissemination (access to different groups to share information with). 183191. Castells M. e AAVV, (2006), Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective. Social media has transformed the way we communicate as a society. Oxford, Oxford University Press. UCF Digital Ethnography Lab. It also provides valuable reading for researchers and postgraduates. Horst, Heather A., and Daniel Miller, ed. Boellstorff, Tom, Bonnie Nardi, and Celia Pearce. Student key informants had a high number of followers. Twitter served as a professional tool that supplemented the traditional medical school experience. Accessed 30 Mar 2016. Mishori R, Singh LO, Levy B, Newport C. Mapping physician twitter networks: describing how they work as a first step in understanding connectivity, information flow, and message diffusion. Communities of play: Emergent cultures in online games and virtual worlds. Various opportunities that the digital medium has to offer in terms of redefining and constructing a social space within an ethnographic field, establishing a connection and trust with the participants and the ethical considerations are discussed. The ability and desire to use Twitter as a professional tool may be specific to certain students. American Journal of Sociology, (vol.) For this study, two authors (KC and TK) hosted a 1h tweetchat in April 2013 on how medical students use Twitter for educational or professional purposes, using the established #meded tweetchat. Wang, Tricia. Packer, Randall, and Ken Jordan. Internet ethnography: Online and offline. Google Scholar. 2009. Twitter served as a professional tool, something that supplemented their medical school education. The field site is not a single, discrete geographical place but is a "stage on which the social processes under study take place" (Burrell, 2009).This stage may be digital, or it may be part of broader configurations, straddling digital and face-to-face interactions (see Box 2). Qualitative Research 6(1): 7796. Little research has addressed how to leverage social media use for educational and career development.1 The goal of this research was to describe how and why medical students are using Twitter for their professional development. To be included, users had to be current medical students in the US. Perch la natura, la societ, l'economia, la comunicazione funzionano allo stesso modo, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. London: Bloomsbury. Boellstorff, Tom. Students interacted with faculty on Twitter who provided advice, encouragement and virtual mentorships. Digital Ethnography Project. Accessibility Online professionalism and the mirror of social media. The concepts of space and a field site are reconceptualised in digital ethnography. Hine, Christine, ed. Megan Kelleher is a PhD candidate and one of RMIT's Vice Chancellor's Indigenous PreDoctoral Fellows in the School of Media and Communication. Baysen, E., Hokov-Mayerov, ., Cakmak, N., Baysen, F. (2016) Misconceptions of Czech and Turksh Unversity Students in providing Citations. Profession trainer for teaching communication). The chapter will consider these multiple meanings of digital ethnography and consider some possible future directions for the field. Anthropological Quarterly 83(1): 1745. Twitter allowed medical students a way to craft their digital footprint in a positive way. Connectivism is a learning theory that supports the use of Twitter for learning.32 Connectivism relates learning as a process of connecting information sources; nurturing these connections is needed for continual learning. Australia: Adelaide. Chretien KC, Tuck MG. Online professionalism: A synthetic review. Below is the link to the electronic supplementary material. Results are organized around how students use Twitter (practices), their interactions (network analysis), and why they use it (value). DeCamp M, Koenig TW, Chisolm MS. Social media and physicians online identity crisis. Golub, Alex. Ethnographic fieldwork, as well as pilgrimage, can be looked at as a 'rite of passage' (van Gennep 1909) where the researcher embarks on a transformative journey and is in a constant state of being "betwixt and between" (Turner [1969] 1977: 95) personal and academic worlds.The interaction between the researcher and the field is a creative process of . Traditionally, ethnographers listen to, observe, and directly communicate with the. This paper suggests that, in order to step, The aim of this article is to introduce some analytical concepts suitable for ethnographers dealing with social media environments. New York: W.W. Norton. The team met monthly to discuss observations and review interview transcripts. With the development of the Web were born the first, VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, Ethnographies involve the exploration of social phenomena in the field, typically for an extended period of time. Kendall, Lori. . [. They are not the center of a broader community structure, although they may participate with multiple separate overlapping communities. Multimodal ethnography. We answer all your questions at the website in category: +15 Marketing Blog Post Ideas And Topics For You.You will find the answer right below. The title of her thesis is 'Blockchain Mapping and Indigenous Knowledge Systems: Observations at the interface between distributed consensus technology and Indigenous governance . Watts D.J., Strogatz S.H. Accessed 30 Mar 2016. Students practices and guiding principles can serve as best practices for other students as well as faculty. Codes were compared and any discrepancies were resolved through discussion; subsequent modification of codes resulted. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 4, 2 (April 2011), 187--195. Beyond the patient perspective, Twitter also allowed them a broader context by which to understand medicine, outside of the patientphysician dynamic. 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