digital economy report unctad

Hence, the world is at a critical juncture, not only because we have to overcome more significant challenges to ending hunger, food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition, but also because, with the fragility of our food systems widely exposed, we have an opportunity to build forward better and get on track towards achieving SDG 2. In the long term, without large-scale coordinated action, the combined effects of COVID-19 infection, as well as corresponding mitigation measures and the emerging global recession, could disrupt the functioning of food systems with disastrous consequences for health and nutrition. Global Nutrition Policy Review 2016-2017: country progress in creating enabling policy environments for promoting healthy diets ad nutrition. Hierarchical regression: data for countries not meeting requirements for b-spline but with 1 low birthweight data point from any source meeting inclusion criteria are fitted into a model using covariates to generate annual low birthweight estimates, as well as uncertainty ranges, using a bootstrap approach. )consumption: 10,545,459,000 cubic meters (2020 est. 256 Agencia de Renovacin del Territorio. 120 IFAD. In India, the rights of Adivasi or Indigenous Peoples to forest, land and territorial management are enshrined within the 2006 Forest Rights Act. The Lancet, 396(10258): 12231249. Geneva, Switzerland. In 2021, this number is set to rise to between 143 and 163 million.10 Income inequality increased from 38 to 41 percent in 2020. ad For example, in Africa and Asia, actors of violence during conflict and war often reconstitute themselves in post-conflict periods to take economic and political advantage of fragile and vulnerable environments.1,2. After decades of humanitarian response, the above measures reflect stepped-up efforts over the past five years to strengthen a HDP nexus approach.270 In this context, in late 2020, the Palestinian cabinet endorsed its first National Food and Nutrition Security Policy (NFNSP, 20192030),271 complemented by a National Investment Plan for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (NIP, 20202022).268,272 In spite of the protracted crisis, the NFNSP and NIP formulated by the Ministry of Agriculture, in cooperation with, among others, the Ministries of Health, Social Development, Education and Higher Education, the Palestinian Water and Environmental Authorities, and the Central Bureau of Statistics jointly aim at consolidating policy frameworks and coordinating and prioritizing interventions by different actors. It is important to note that the 2020 PoU estimates are not based on data reported by countries for 2020. In terms of population, it is estimated that between 720 and 811 million people in the world faced hunger in 2020. International Scientific Symposium, Rome, 26-28 June 2002. Smallholders now have greater access to new market opportunities and to increased and more stable sources of income. [Cited 26 May 2021]. Other systems, such as education systems, play a critical role throughout the food system, from providing nutritious school meals, the necessary knowledge and skills in food production to nutrition education for school-aged children and raising consumer awareness towards minimizing the negative impacts of food consumption on human health and the environment. Public awareness and perception of Ghanas restrictive policy on fatty meat, as well as preference and consumption of meat products among Ghanaian adults living in the Kumasi Metropolis. About UNCTAD. At the time, while we understood that the challenges were significant, we were also optimistic that with the right transformative approaches, past progress could be accelerated, at scale, to put us on track to achieve that goal. For countries affected by one or more drivers 41 percent also have high income inequality (38 of 93 countries). Nature Food, 1(1): 35. This analysis provides clear evidence of the need to step up efforts to eliminate child malnutrition if the targets are to be met by 2030. Dakar. Working group on measuring e-commerce and the digital economy, third meeting. In the analysis that follows, countries are categorized based on whether they are affected by a driver or factor, i.e. In particular, Food Consumer Price Indices (CPIs) data for food and non-alcoholic beverages are used to update the cost of a healthy diet in 2019 for all countries except Central African Republic and Guyana, for which the general CPI is used. This unprecedented increase in undernourishment was primarily driven by the equally exceptional economic downturns that hit most countries around the world as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic containment measures (see Box 7). The barriers that countries face in implementing food marketing laws include opposition from powerful vested interests, as well as difficulties in addressing cross-border marketing and monitoring digital marketing. 179 Cavatassi, R., Mabiso, A. 261 Batini, N., Serio, M. Di, Fragetta, M., Melina, G. & Waldron, A. Variability may be due to natural internal processes within the climate system (internal variability), or to variations in natural or anthropogenic external forcing (external variability).309. The distribution of dietary energy requirements of a hypothetical average individual can be assumed to be normal, thus its variability can be estimated if at least two percentiles and their values are known. 262 Resilient Food Systems. Among these households, livestock income increased by 47 percent and livestock ownership by 77 percent. As has been touched upon previously in this report, hundreds of millions of people were already suffering from hunger and malnutrition before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This section presents merely a scenario to illustrate potential repercussions. London. Global action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases 2013-2020. Though many regions have demonstrated progress, two subregions in particular have demonstrated worrying declines in exclusive breastfeeding prevalence, with levels decreasing from 29.7 percent to 25.9 percent in the Caribbean and from 28.5 percent to 22.0 percent in Eastern Asia between 2012 and 2019. Countries without economic downturns (9). Impact Assessment of Policies to support Healthy Food Environments and Healthy Diets: Implementing the Framework for Action of the Second International Conference on Nutrition. UNCTAD is the UNs leading institution dealing with trade and development. Coherence in the formulation and implementation of policies and investments among food, health, social protection and environmental systems is also essential to build on synergies towards more efficient and effective food systems solutions to deliver affordable healthy diets, sustainably and inclusively. (also available at Bonn, Germany. As incomes rise and populations become more urban, diets high in complex carbohydrates and fibre give way to more energy-dense diets high in fats, sugars and/or salt. Fragility is defined as the combination of exposure to risk and insufficient coping capacities of the state, system and/or communities to manage, absorb or mitigate those risks. Methodology: To compute an estimate of the prevalence of undernourishment in a population, the probability distribution of habitual dietary energy intake levels (expressed in kcal per person per day) for the average individual is modelled as a parametric probability density function (pdf), f(x).290,291 The indicator is obtained as the cumulative probability that the habitual dietary energy intake (x) is below the minimum dietary energy requirements (MDER) (i.e. 2020. Evidence already suggests that countries where the unaffordability of a healthy diet increased between 2017 and 2019 also show higher levels of severe as well as moderate or severe food insecurity, especially lower-middle-income countries. 2021. Acuerdos de pesca responsable para el buen uso de los Lagos de Tarapoto., 319 World Bank. Annex III. The full potential of the FIES to generate information to guide policies is realized when applied in large national surveys that allow more detailed analyses of the food insecurity situation at subnational level. YEMEN mVAM Bulletin no.52 (Mar - Apr 2020). Outline of the strategic framework 2022-31 and outline of the medium term plan 2022-25. 2021. Rome. As highlighted in the last four editions of this report, as well as Chapter 1 (see Box 1), conflict, climate variability and extremes, and economic slowdowns and downturns are challenging efforts to end hunger and all forms of malnutrition. Around 130 million, or 90 percent, of the total number of stunted children under the age of five lived in countries affected by one or more drivers (Figure 20B). Normally, changes in CV|y (the component of the CV associated with differences in households economic conditions) are derived from differences in three-year averages of the prevalence of severe food insecurity based on the FIES (FIsev) that are not explained by changes in food supplies. 146 WHO. Projections that consider the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic suggest that, following a peak of more than 760 million people in 2020, global hunger will decline slowly to fewer than 660 million in 2030. World Health Statistics. conflicts or climate shocks) and internal (e.g. 255 French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD). We are aware that transforming food systems so that they provide nutritious and affordable food for all and become more efficient, resilient, inclusive and sustainable has several entry points and can contribute to progress across the SDGs. In: FAO [online]. However, the estimate of accumulated additional cases of wasting from 2020 to 2030 is 16 to 40 million, More than half of low- and middle-income countries experienced increasing PoU change points in correspondence with one or more drivers (conflict, climate extremes, and economic slowdowns and downturns) between 2010 and 2018, The 2020 increase in the number of undernourished was more than five times greater, than the highest increase in undernourishment in the last two decades, and the economic downturn was twice as severe, than previously recorded in low- and middle-income countries, In 2020, most low- and middle-income countries hit by economic downturns exhibit an increase in the PoU, but oftentimes economic downturns occur simultaneously with climate-related disasters and climate extremes, Low-income countries affected by conflict and climate extremes show the largest increase in the PoU, while for middle-income countries, the largest increase occurs during economic downturns, Latin America and the Caribbean feature the highest increase in the PoU from multiple drivers, while Africa is the only region where the PoU increased under the influence of all three drivers from 2017 to 2019, In 2020, Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean witnessed significant increases in the PoU while being hit by economic downturns combined with climate-related disasters, conflict, or a combination of both, Food security and nutrition around the world, Food security indicators latest updates and progress towards ending hunger and ensuring food security, Nutrition indicators latest updates and progress towards global nutrition targets, Ending hunger and all forms of malnutrition by 2030, Major drivers of recent food security and nutrition trends, A food systems lens is critical to address the major drivers of recent food security and nutrition trends, food systems, including food environments, availability, access, utilization and stability, quantity, quality, diversity, safety and adequacy, systems supporting food production, food supply chains, food environments, consumer behaviour, The COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the largest single-year increase in global hunger in decades, food environment, affordability of healthy diets, Impact of major drivers on food security and nutrition. In the case of the no-COVID-19 scenario, the trajectories of the fundamental variables beginning from 2019 were linked to the pre-COVID-19 situation in 2018 (for details, see Annex 2). Food insecurity found in a specified area at a specific point in time and of a severity that threatens lives or livelihoods, or both, regardless of the causes, context or duration. Rome. Roman Catholic 37.2%, Calvinist 11.6%, Lutheran 2.2%, Greek Catholic 1.8%, other 1.9%, none 18.2%, no response 27.2% (2011 est. The number of people unable to afford healthy diets increased in Africa and in Latin America and the Caribbean between 2017 and 2019, The global nutrition targets endorsed by the World Health Assembly and their extension to 2030, Reaching the 2025 and 2030 global nutrition targets remains a challenge. In six of the ASEAN member nations, public-private-producer partnerships (PPPPs) are being supported by country networks and a regional network, composed of more than 520 organizations across the region, representing the public sector, multinational corporations, local agribusinesses, civil society, farmer associations, and academic and research institutions.248, Technology, data and innovation at food production levels, throughout the food value chain, and in the consumer environment represent an essential set of accelerators to speed up transformative change in food systems. 2020. Income inequality in particular increases the likelihood of food insecurity especially for socially excluded and marginalized groups and undercuts the positive effect of any economic growth on individual food security. Assessment not possible: For the five indicators based on country-modelled data (child stunting, child overweight, low birthweight, anaemia and adult obesity), an assessment is possible for all regions because a modelled estimate exists for all countries, meaning there are enough data to generate representative estimates for all regions and for all years. More than 80 development institutions and individuals worldwide responded to a similar call for best practices in transforming food systems through the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum), facilitated by Svetlana Livinets and Elise Polak (FAO). Agricultural Economics, 52: 375390. 161 Cistulli, V., Heikkil, M. & Vos, R. 2016. In: FAO [online]. [Cited 21 June 2021]. Although it is not yet possible to fully account for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic due to data limitations, in 2020, it is estimated that 22.0 percent (149.2 million) of children under 5 years of age were affected by stunting, 6.7 percent (45.4 million) were suffering from wasting and 5.7 percent (38.9 million) were affected by overweight. These are the three regions of the world where most of the undernourished people and stunted children are located and where there are sufficient data for analysis. We first analyse the period 20172019, followed by a focused look at 2020. Is womens empowerment a pathway to improving child nutrition outcomes in a nutrition-sensitive agriculture program? The double burden of malnutrition. 2014. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021 was jointly prepared by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The representativeness of the sample at the admin-1 level enabled a more detailed assessment of the food insecurity situation in the countries surveyed. 17571776. A similar module was used for the data collection in the countries facing food insecurity crises not covered by the GWP (Box 4). 2019. In food supply chains, inadequate food handling and storage,72 poor road infrastructure7 and limited food preservation capacity lead to food losses (especially for highly perishable foods)73 and inefficiencies along the food supply chain that drive up the cost of nutritious foods.7 On the demand side, food environments influence consumer behaviour; moreover, the preferences of consumers also represent an important factor driving the cost and affordability and the availability of healthy diets.7 Rapid rates of urbanization have resulted in more work-away and eat-away-from-home habits, with a direct impact on the demand for easy-to-prepare, highly processed foods or convenience foods that are often energy dense and high in fat, sugar and/or salt. All countries with data contribute to estimates of the overall time trend and the impact of covariate data on prevalence. Indigenous Peoples food systems can serve as an example of how to expand current food bases in acknowledging biodiversity, enabling diverse agri-food systems, building resilience and ensuring positive human health benefits from diversified diets.283 The Tikuna, Cocama and Yagua Peoples in Colombia as well as Khasi, Botia and Anwal Peoples in India sustain food systems counting well beyond 100 edibles consisting of wild, semi-domesticated and domesticated species.112 And the Tzeltal women in Mexico conserve the biological richness of maize, validating sustainable practices and doubling the productivity of their seeds. MAJOR DRIVERS OF RECENT FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION TRENDS. 160 FAO. Latin America and the Caribbean, and Oceania excluding Australia and New Zealand, also show levels above 20 percent. Beginning in 1984, New Zealand began to adopt nuclear-free policies, contributing to a dispute with the US over naval ship visits that led the US to suspend its defense obligations to New Zealand in 1986.In recent years, New Zealand has explored reducing some of its ties to the UK. Thirteen of the 60 countries experienced an economic downturn along with conflict and climate extremes or climate-related disasters; seven of these are food crisis countries with high levels of acute food insecurity that also experienced climate-related disasters (Burkina Faso, Jordan, Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ukraine and Yemen). 2018. The UNAFFORDABILITY OF HEALTHY DIETS (2020 edition of this report) is associated with increasing food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition, including stunting, wasting, overweight and obesity. The largest number of undernourished people live in Eastern Africa more than 125 million. 2020. A food systems lens, therefore, becomes essential to better understand how the negative impacts of these drivers interact, and to facilitate the identification of targeted entry points for interventions to address the significant challenges presented by the drivers. 2021. Respondents were asked whether, due to the COVID-19 situation, they had: 1) temporarily stopped working at their job or business; 2) lost their job or business; 3) worked less hours at their job or business; and 4) received less money than usual from their employer or business. In 2012, the regional and global exclusive breastfeeding estimates were generated using the most recent estimate available for each country between 2005 and 2012. In last years edition of this report, it was shown that the unaffordability of healthy diets in 2017 was strongly associated with undernourishment and different forms of malnutrition, including child stunting and adult obesity. Per capita income rose for 10 consecutive years until 2007 in purchasing power parity terms, but fell in 2008-09. This was possible because the following questions related to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment and income were included in the same 2020 Gallup World Poll as the FIES module: Have you experienced each of the following as a result of the COVID-19 situation? Some African subregions have shown slower progress. Further descriptive statistics and tests of significance suggest that this positive association is attributable mainly to lower-middle-income countries. Notwithstanding the existence of global rules on food marketing,186,201,186,202 no country has yet implemented comprehensive best practice legislation to protect children from birth to 18 years from the harmful impact of food marketing. Carbohydrates, protein and fats, in addition to providing energy, each have very specific functions in the body and must be supplied in sufficient amounts to carry out those functions. )refined petroleum consumption: 180,600 bbl/day (2019 est. )2.8% (2018 est. Furthermore, poor quality of available data with regard to excessive heaping on multiples of 500 g or 100 g exists in the majority of available data from LMICs296 and can further bias low birthweight estimates. Moreover, wider problems in the economy, such as economic slowdowns and downturns that lead to increases in unemployment and declines in wages, could result in more people finding healthy diets unaffordable, irrespective of price trends. Specifically, in reforming its HGSF programme, Ethiopia has been able to address challenges faced by smallholders in accessing schools and other formal markets. The ways we produce food and use our natural resources can help deliver a climate-positive future in which people and nature can coexist and thrive.110 This is important, not only because food systems are affected by environmental degradation and climate events, but also because food systems themselves impact on the state of the environment and are a major driver of climate change. Although severe food insecurity normally correlates with the PoU, it is worth noting that the increase in the number of severely food insecure people from 2019 to 2020 is somewhat greater than the increase in the estimated number of undernourished presented in the preceding section, based on the middle range estimate in Table 2. 2017. 2020. 141 Tirivayi, N., Knowles, M. & Davis, B. In: WHO [online]. It found that the existence of three governance mechanisms created various challenges as the dominance of single government bodies in programme implementation limited flexibility in policy responses and lacked stakeholder participation.247, In Mexico, an inter-sectoral governance mechanism was established in 2020 with multiple objectives to address poverty, inequality, environmental challenges, food insecurity and malnutrition through the sustainable transformation of food systems. The number of people unable to afford healthy diets increased in Africa and in Latin America and the Caribbean between 2017 and 2019, 6 The global nutrition targets endorsed by the World Health Assembly and their extension to 2030, 7 Most regions have made some progress, but not enough to achieve global targets if trends (before COVID-19) continue; no subregion is on track for the low birthweight target, and adult obesity has been worsening in all subregions, 8 Key policy areas and goals for integrating humanitarian, development and peacebuilding efforts in conflict-affected areas, 9 Key policy areas and goals for scaling up climate resilience across food systems, 10 Key policy areas and goals for strengthening resilience of the most vulnerable to economic adversity, 11 Key policy areas and goals for intervening along food supply chains to lower the cost of nutritious foods, 12 Key policy areas and goals for tackling structural inequalities, ensuring interventions are pro-poor and inclusive, 13 Key policy areas and goals for strengthening food environments and changing consumer behaviour to promote dietary patterns with positive impacts on human health and the environment, A1.1 Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and global nutrition targets: Prevalence of undernourishment, moderate or severe food insecurity, selected forms of malnutrition, exclusive breastfeeding and low birthweight, A1.2 Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and global nutrition targets: Number of people who are affected by undernourishment, moderate or severe food insecurity and selected forms of malnutrition; number of infants exclusively breastfed and number of babies born with low birthweight, A2.1 Ranges of PoU and NoU nowcasted in 2020, A2.2 Regression coefficients from three models estimated on historic CVy values (20002019), A2.3 Rules for progress assessment against the global nutrition targets, A4.1 List of countries by combination of drivers, 1 The number of undernourished people in the world continued to rise in 2020. Child wasting, stunting and overweight, low birthweight, adult obesity, exclusive breastfeeding and anaemia estimates exclude Western Sahara. However, not only have measures to contain the spread of the pandemic resulted in an unprecedented economic recession, but also other important drivers are behind recent setbacks in food security and nutrition. Chinas rapidly expanding consumer marketconfident, gradually richer, increasingly sophisticated, and willing to experimentoffers a strong link between China and the world. 180 Bandiera, O., Buehren, N., Burgess, R., Goldstein, M., Gulesci, S., Rasul, I. (also available at (also available at Results show that the project was successful in increasing annual income by 32 percent among its target groups, with crop and livestock income increasing by 47 percent and 44 percent, respectively.162 Results show that project participants experienced lower levels of food insecurity (by 9 percent) and a higher food consumption score (by 4 percent). The projections presented above do not account for the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on malnutrition. Transforming food systemsfor food security, improved nutritionand affordable healthy diets for all. For the 2020 round of data collection, a modified version of the FIES survey module was used, with the objective of also understanding the additional impact that the COVID-19 pandemic might be having on food security. International Journal of Epidemiology, 33(6): 12601270. The World Bank estimates that the COVID-19 pandemic pushed an additional 119 million to 124 million people into extreme poverty in 2020.10 Surveys by the World Bank and others reveal staggering proportions of both urban and rural households that reported a decrease in their income after the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis.11,12, This is despite an unprecedented response by countries worldwide to implement social protection measures. 2021. [Cited 7 May 2021]. ), production: 1,685,020,000 cubic meters (2020 est. But the COVID-19 pandemic is not only having multiple demand-side effects on access to food; there are also supply-side effects that are negatively affecting peoples capacity to access food and healthy diets. 2021. In-kind transfers, especially in places where food markets are not functioning well, could increase access to nutritious foods, in addition to food subsidies, especially those focused on nutritious foods and targeted at the most vulnerable.7, Large-scale investments in social protection systems have served as powerful instruments for strengthening peoples access to nutritious food, particularly for vulnerable groups in both urban and rural settings. This edition of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World uses the 2019 revision of the World Population Prospects.168. New York, USA, UNCTAD. ), total: 3.44 deaths/1,000 live birthsmale: 3.64 deaths/1,000 live birthsfemale: 3.23 deaths/1,000 live births (2022 est. Rome. It is important to recall that the majority of the chronically food insecure and many of the malnourished live in countries affected by insecurity and conflict. However, as more MNCs have entered the Chinese market they have catalyzed the development of homegrown companies and brands. Overall, essential nutrition services coverage declined by 40 percent, and nearly half of the countries reported a drop of 50 percent or more for at least one nutrition intervention. For wasting, the JME country dataset serves as the country estimates themselves (i.e. For example, economic downturns that reduce the affordability of nutritious foods and increase the consumption of unhealthy diets not only negatively affect peoples nutrition and health, but can also (as shown in the 2020 edition of this report) contribute to broader effects on the environment and climate change, through increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Fundacin Omacha. These drivers differ from country to country and even within countries, and in the way they interact. )exports of goods and services: 27% (2017 est. South America: Argentina, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). For severe food insecurity malnutrition towards the transformation of food security and nutrition collection the. Consecutive years until 2007 in purchasing power parity terms, but not shown the. Or painful physical sensation caused by insufficient consumption of dietary energy intake and/or disease could result growing. 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