safe and responsible use of social media

Surely, you wont stop using social media but youll limit the time you spend on your phone. Unfortunately, it's also used to bully others. Its the primary means of communication and social validation for her age group, and when all of her friends are using it but she isnt, that becomes an even bigger issue. My passion for writing stems from the desire that everyone should have access to meaningful information. Copyright 2022 Media Leaders, LLC. Keeping the below tips in mind you can easily ensure your safety and become a responsible social media user. Does your friend shares these kind of links or not? Accountability is the key; its how kids learn. user has a false sense of security behind the screen. The theme of this year's social media day was 'Safe and Responsible use of Social Media'. Guides foster parents and relative caregivers through the use of social media and discusses common social media tools, confidentiality, and things to keep in mind when posting on social networks. First and foremost, never put anything online you dont want your educators, future employers, peers, and parents to see. Suggests age-appropriate tips to keep children safe while utilizing the internet. information and entertainment that an electronic device provides. I teach my students about the vacancy of online anonymity and being certain that the persona they are putting out on social media jives with who they are and how they want the world to know them. 25 Easy Tips for Using Social Media Responsibly Watch on 1. It uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis: 3-5 to develop a body of knowledge about social order and social change. A young person that is passionate about social justice or other political cause is permitted to post on social media under the First Amendment Right to Free Speech but there needs to be a consideration when a posting might cross over into a criminal act. Set up your security answers. Thank you! Since 2015, UNESCO Bangkok has implemented the Fostering Digital Citizenship through Safe, Effective and Responsible Use of ICT Project with a wide range of partners and donors including Korean Funds-In-Trust, Intel and Google Asia Pacific. Urge students to ask themselves the following questions before they post anything online: If the post is not any of these things, or you have to question it, you probably shouldnt post it. Sociology is a social science that focuses on society, human social behavior, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and aspects of culture associated with everyday life. If you are experiencing online abuse or stalking from a current or former partner, read our advice on how to deal with tech abuse as part of domestic and family violence. Include the LinkedIn profile URL with the college application. Interpret the tone and content of the posts and what it suggests about their character. This course may not be part of your membership plan. media and technology responsibly to make the most of the positive benefits it Accredited Australian architecture qualification. Social media is a way for everybody to open up and connect with people. The fact that it is such a thoughtful process made it all worthwhile. The worst thing she can do is shut herself away and let everything theyre saying just exist in an echo chamber. If someone says my web cam is broken, this may indicate that they are trying to scam or deceive you. The site includes a link to Resources for Youth in Crisis. Responsible use of social media and corporate electronic communication. There are chances that you may come across unfriendly connections more than once. That way, students have plenty of time to reconsider their posts before they go public. and topic (violence, cyberbullying, and Internet safety). Is their post truthful? picture-perfect and time-worthy can add to feelings of anxiety. The words "social media" strike fear into the hearts of many teachers and parents, yet we have to accept that about 90% of teens will use some form of social media. Cyber Bullying: The Complete Resource Guide If someone is threatening or harassing you online, read our tips and advice about how to deal with cyberbullying (for people under the age of 18) or how to deal with adult cyber abuse. Links to a wide range of resources by issue (blogging, cell phones, safety, and social networking), provides videos on various topics, and offers a multimedia presentation on internet safety. media and technology can help someone develop or discover a community or Right from connecting with friends the social media tools have crossed all barriers and are now one of the most important smart phone applications. But along with social media's many benefits come some challenges. Here are 10 tips to help you know what to do. They want more than just transcripts and an academic ace they want someone who shows passion, who is authentic, and who will contribute positively to their campus. The ultimate research tool is right there in your hands in the form of a web browser. Logged in and still not seeing content? It only takes seconds to check these things out, so dont just use social media blindly. This is great info, thanks for giving me some ideas on how to start a dialogue with my teen! Youth First Does their post/tweet reflect the true nature of the situation? This exercise will help you find your screen time purpose so that social media doesnt become a pastime. Along with the benefits of social media, risks and negative These guidelines apply to all students and their parents when: using ICT provided by the school when using the school's network settings and review them often. Cyberbullying, Social Networking, and You (PDF - 558) It is also a good idea to check your privacy settings regularly, as sometimes updates to social media services or apps may also change the default privacy settings. Social media services and online chat are great ways to stay in touch and find new friends, but there are also risks. Fast Free Delivery, Curbside Pickup, and Easy Returns. The internet moves so quickly that by the time you realize you dont want it out there, its already too late. Facebook, Skype, Pinterest, Vine and Linked In are other popular social media sites that people of various age groups use. Parents and educators should take a proactive approach and help kids find positive ways to use social media before they get their first digital device or social media account. Information for parents and caregivers Information for youth Information for parents and caregivers Cyber Bullying: The Complete Resource Guide Read on to know-how! However just like lithography issues can affect the design of a printed circuit board; the same way irresponsible use of social media can affect your life and can even become a threat to your physical safety. There was a panel discussion on 'Safe and Responsible use of Social Media' with the inclusion of three panellists from different sectors of social networking. Personal information should only be shared with a clear agreement from the person. 2. Be open and honest about how you feel about the whole ordeal and do not belittle the effect it has on you. Students should create a LinkedIn page that is interactive and shows pictures and videos of their accomplishments, interests, and passions. All the social media applications let you install third-party applications and even let you take part in certain contests or quiz with the help of third party tools. learn more about various interests and stay informed about current events. If it would make them feel bad, its probably not okay. Use this MLA format: 25 Easy Tips for Using Social Media Responsibly SmartSocial, 7 July 2020, Find how-tos that you can emulate, and use in your everyday life. Dont avoid having a social media footprint. Students can either post an infinite number of selfies, gossip messages, or, worse, hate messages, which drains the viewer. It is easy to start comparing your life to someone assumes no responsibility for the improper use of and self-diagnosis and/or treatment using these products. You're in control of your feed. Finally, its important for tweens and teens to understand that they are not as anonymous as they think. And its not just you, teens, who are struggling. Social media is a way for everybody to open up and connect with people. Develop and tend to your real life relationships and experiences. Most youth and young adults are quick to defend their socially networked lives, claiming that social media helps them feel more connected to their friends and provides critical support during difficult times. Dont worry if the other kids your childrens age have access to smartphones and social media. The following resources provide guidelines to encourage responsible, safe use of technology and social media. Just as we take care while using our credit cards & other digital products, social media needs to be treated the same way, always use with safety and security at the forefront!! This means taking access away and following through with the rules that were agreed upon. Find out more about image-based abuse. helps 1MM parents, educators, and students each year to be safe on social media so they can someday Shine Online. Offering a remote alcohol monitoring system that is the gold standard because of its technology. The most common is to submit a joint-tender or joint-bid with another architectural firm or a cross- or multi-disciplinary professional services firm such as a firm of engineers or other consultants. Some Students will be much more thoughtful about how they use social media and how they behave online. To manage these services, and retain your privacy, review your privacy settingsto block the function or to limit who sees your location-based information. However using social media at the cost of your safety is not at all recommended. self-assessment of your use. Introduction . Click here to join our membership program. 5 simple tips for responsible and safe use of social media, Elon Musk Might Revive Vine the 6-Second Video Service, Instagram adds improved blocking and pop-up alerts, Trumps Truth Social Owes $1.6 Million to Web Hosting Service, False: Instagram Using Precise Location Feature. Social media platforms are an integral part of many peoples lives, and using social media is an exceptional way to stay connected and access information. We pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, and to Elders past, present and emerging. ~~This requires transparency, but discuss how you, or they, can experience a negative attitude or impulsive reactions online. Social media can certainly offers numerous benefits, but as a therapist, I have more and more parents expressing concern that digital technology is affecting the emotion and social lives of their children. Resources. Sustainability is a societal goal that broadly aims for humans to safely co-exist on planet Earth over a long time. It doesnt take much extra time and effort to stay much safer online. This app is listed in the Red Zone. people report feeling anxious or depressed after using social media. What to do if you experience negative behaviour online, Online harmful sexual behaviours under 18, How to report abuse or content to eSafety. use the computer or mobile device to 2. Learn about privacy So ditch the so-called popularity contests with your friends that who has the more number of friends. Protect your digital reputation think before you share something and ask yourself, would you want anyone to see this in five years time? Does the post inspire someone to take action? When used appropriately, there are so many Excessive use of social media among teens has been associated with various mental health issues, such as depression, loneliness, poor self-esteem and anxiety. if someone is ignoring or not including you. There must be conscious effort to participate sensibly by avoiding to create unnecessary confusion and conflict. Even if they unshare it or ask for it to be taken down. 6. People can take screenshots of posts. Limit your friend list don't 'friend' random people or allow people you dont know to follow your social media accounts. Social media is a great way to stay connected with the world 24/7. This zone can be a great place for family time since many of these apps can be entertaining, and let your students express themselves. Become a member today, login here, or have your district request a partnership to make these resources free for your community. Amy Vernon, Adjunct Professor at New York UniversityParents can teach their children digital safety by going through a sites terms of service, line-by-line, and explaining it to them. The majority of your social media posts should be about the 2-3 things you want to be known for. Standard 4.5 states a graduate teacher must "Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant issues and the strategies available to support the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching.". Sameer Hinduja and Justin W. Patchin, Safe and Responsible Social Networking. Each student should complete a series of exercises that allow them to define who they are, who they are not, and what their biggest fear is when it comes to being misunderstood or misinterpreted. can offer. Perpetrators of cyberbullying hide behind fake names to be cruel towards other people. Connect Safely Platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram can showcase a students aptitude in sports, creative projects, travel, academic pursuits, and overall communication skills. Deleted items can still live on servers. Make sure that you go through the privacy section to check out what options are available for you and which ones are useful for you apart from the default ones selected by the social media site itself. However you should double-check everything before going ahead with the link. Not every interaction needs to be pushing you to take some real world action. ~~This could be awkward, but actually sit with them and look at the posts uploaded both by them and to them. Awards youve won? ZF is a global technology company and supplies systems for passenger cars, commercial vehicles and industrial technology, enabling the . This leads to a constant stream of social media binging you start with one app to switch to another to switch to another and the cycle continues. Additional information includes tips for preventing online accounts from being hacked and guidelines for protection on personal publishing sites and social networking sites. positive benefits that come with technology and using social media. When they goaded a group of neighboring students into fighting on campus by posting mean comments on an Instagram post, we talked about the impact of language and the ramifications that result in inciting violence. Responsible Use of Social Media. Practicing responsible social media is very simple. However, the common theme we see today is a student getting suspended, expelled, and/or reprimanded for their inappropriate behaviors online. Superintendents, Directors and Principals:Request a partnership on this page to unlock our resources for your whole community. Haney (2019) Are you comfortable living with that choice forever? To whom do these Guidelines apply? However you must not share too much and. Students need to assume that any picture, post, or tweet that is posted will be seen by the admissions officer at their dream college. Certainly some forms of social content are for entertainment or important to staying informed. support network too. Pathways to registration. In the case of children - only with knowledge and acceptance of their parents. Tips include think before you post, don't add people you don't know, never send inappropriate pictures or content, and never give your address or other personal information on social media sites. Social However you must not share too much and confidential information online to keep yourself safe from any kind of identity theft or privacy infiltration. Register Here For Only $5, Normally $20/month. What is illegal and restricted online content? Provides information on bullying, including how to identify and respond to cyberbullying, a breakdown of different social media types, and data and statistics. Nothing is 100% private online. Read more below to find out why this app is in the Red Zone or view our list of 100+ Apps to find a safer app with your student. If you notice you feel anxious or irritated after spending time on a certain app or account, thats your bodys signal that you should spend less time there. While social media is a great platform to interact with people you know and build personal and professional connections, you cannot be really sure about their credibility. Natalie Bidnick Andreas, Digital Strategy Consultant. Teach students to only put material out there that can benefit them. Its okay to be silly on social media as long as you keep your posts are positive and full of gratitude. Does the post/tweet encourage and lift up others? Same way, you must strive to keep your social media environment clean and free of any kind of dust or blemishes and behave responsibly online. Social media also provides so many platforms If you keep them busy using technology for learning, they dont have time to use it for other things during class. Social and Educational Strategies for Protecting Children on the Internet . Lesson 2 will expand from this and dive into how these websites should be used in a manner that is responsible and respectful towards others. Excessive use of social media, including exposure to blue light late in the night and obsessive "checking" behavior, is also linked to problems with sleep and sleep problems can . If someone wants to find out who you are, they will. Click here to join. They feel that their child would never engage in any inappropriate behaviors online, and do not want the schools teaching their child any material related to social media. The objective of schools is to prepare students for active and effective participation in society. Rule 8: Block unfriendly connections. These tweets may not qualify as a perfect THINK post, but they do not violate any of the above questions. Is the post helping their audience understand how they feel? Whether this is your first website or you are a seasoned designer . Social Media Guidelines: A Guide for Foster Parents and Relative Caregivers Using Social Media (PDF -219 KB) But what exactly makes an encrypted social media app, for example, Telegram "fully encrypted"? Keeping the below tips in mind you can easily ensure your safety and become a responsible social media user. Mike is an incredible leader, gifted with the ability to connect easily with people across the organization and build cross-functional alignment. Created by Foxfire Multimedia (C) 2014. I also encourage students to follow people and organizations relevant to their major. There are also many risks and potential She knows to disengage and come talk to me or her dad. U.S. Department of Justice The Impact of Risk Behavior on Emotional Well-Being for Teens. If youre a parent, monitor and set limits for your children and teens Guide for Protecting Your Child on the Internet Social media is a living resume that showcases your character. The information and communication resources of the Internet have become an essential . Most of the statistics used are from Hootsuite, and clipped by Third Team Media. Its up to each child and their family to plan ahead and to post accordingly. sustainable living). T here are various legal arrangements that an architect or firm can enter into when collaborating on a project. Look out for things that dont add up such as another user whose online profile is not consistent with what you see and hear when you talk or chat with them. Automotive company ZF (Image: ZF Friedrichshafen AG) More than 100 jobs are likely to be lost with the closure of an automotive plant in Sunderland. Does the post inspire the reader to be their best self? Remember, youre in charge of your content. to stay in contact, they can also feel lonely at the same time. consequences can arise. Start by googling your name and where youre from.Go back and clean up what you can, making sure to remove any inappropriate posts and pictures from you or about you.Keep head shots as professional as possible, especially on sites like LinkedIn, which can be easily found by future employers.Create an alert to see what is posted about you online and on social media in the future.Ultimately, students should think about what is posted online as a digital face tattoo; even if it is removed, it still leaves a scar. But if students learn to use social media responsibly and in a safe way, it can have some big benefits by helping them connect, share, and learn. The concept of sustainability can be used to guide decisions at the global, national and individual level (e.g. Posting unlawful messages or evidence of unlawful conduct can land a tween or teen in hot water. 3. Does the post support others? digital footprint can last forever. Note:Many of our 400+resources now require a low-cost membership to help us deliver great research and expert safety guides. We can't ever control what other people do, but we can control our reactions to it. Parents may outlaw certain platforms due to their potential to cause harm, but my research shows that not existing at all online can actually be more detrimental to a students future college applications and job prospects. When your eyes are exposed to blue light from any of the devices listed, you can suffer from adverse effects like difficulty falling asleep, dry eyes, and headaches as a result of prolonged exposure. A little legwork can go a long way when applying for a PPP loan. Links to a guide for parents on how to protect children on the internet that discusses mobile apps, streaming services, gaming, social media, cyberbullying, and more. Finally (lesson 3) students will each create a poster that shows their understanding of responsible use of online communication. Take an honest We asked 25 experts for tips to teach kids how to stay safe, positive, and responsible online. Due to apps Melanie Squire, Founder of and Therapist with Freedom Counseling. Please register or login to view. Does their post/tweet help someone else understand something? Register Here For Only $15. Ask yourself, why do you like a page, or social community? Download each app and review the Terms of Service, Start a discussion early on and consider using a Social Media Agreement, Inform students that there will be consequences right away if there are any social media mishaps, Remind teens that nothing is private online, Urge students to question each piece of content before they post it, Follow them on all of their social networks, Encourage students to post content that showcases their aptitude, Become a trusted resource for students when they have questions or feel uncomfortable about content they see on social media, Stay involved and ask students what they are doing and who they are chatting with. They discuss Restorative Justice. Analyzing past posts against their answers should put things into perspective for the student. Adjust your privacy settings make your accounts private so that only friends you know face-to-face can see what you post. By Priyanka Kumar April 6, 2020 In Society, Culture, Art & Nature Read Time 5 Mins Offers advice for children about staying safe on social media sites. You can use social media to uplift your life, connect with friends, create content, and entertain. AITSL standards outline what teachers should know and be able to demonstrate. - Created original content and posts up to three times per week during the Fall and Spring semesters. All rights reserved. Learn more about how to protect your personal information. Horror stories about teens and social media often include some serious consequences, like missed job opportunities or college rejections. It is important that you know how the app or service works and how to change the settings to protect your personal information. You can also check-in' from a location to let others know your whereabouts. While nobody is advocating that we give our youngest kids Facebook and Twitter accounts and let them explore the dark underbelly of the web, many educators are starting to teach the basics of responsible social media use in . Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images and voices of people who have died. - Increased following on . These benefits are why its so important to educate new social media users about healthy habits. Its a great way to explore and to easily stay connected through messaging, video chats or photographs. However, it is important to be aware of the content youre consuming, and what that content seems to want from you. Mean, rude, or share this can help someone develop or discover community! Before going ahead with the rules that were agreed upon should create a stunning website for your community Working Incident may occur in your hands in the hours consumed by social is. 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