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Hedley, realizing his defeat, hails a taxi and takes refuge at Graumans Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, where the film, During the Korean War, Col. Henry Blake commands the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH), only miles from the front line. However, the clubs patrons cause another commotion, and King escapes with Victor moments before the police arrive. On her way home, Loretta stops at a salon to have her grey hair dyed and her face made up. Later, a new phone book is delivered to the station and Navin, who is excited to see his name printed in it, gushes that things will begin to happen to him. After the same ritual with the groundhog, again a blizzard traps them in Punxsutawney. Now loosened, Ninotchka buys a silly hat, which she had formerly looked upon disdainfully in the hotel lobby, and dresses stylishly to return to Leon's apartment. Upon returning to his claim, Jim finds a well-fed Larsen, who knocks Jim out and flees but is soon killed in an avalanche. Furious, Dean Wormer organizes a campus tribunal to try Delta House, but he does not let the fraternity members defend themselves. October 27. Meanwhile, Mike apologizes for hurting Rat. When Rita attends the Groundhog Day party at the hotel, she finds Phil at the piano, leading the band. When Macmillan promotes Josh to Vice President of Product Development, two of his coworkers, Susan and Paul, stew over the unfair promotion. Later that morning, Shrevie, Boogie, and David Frazer go to the train station to meet their friend William Billy Howard, who has come home from graduate school to attend Eddies upcoming wedding. After spending the rest of the night with Jill, George drives his motorcycle to the bank where he is baffled by vice president R. J. Pettiss discussion of loan rates. Terrified, Joe and Jerry bolt, but as Bonaparte orders them found, Mulligan and his men close in to make arrests. Because the children are doing better in school and her house is clean when she comes home, Miranda is happier and spends more time with Stu and the children. Learn more here. Devereau now has the Rembrandt letters, and he plans to kill George and Hilly in a staged murder-suicide, leaving evidence that they killed Schreiner. Bertram's ardor saddens and confuses Sugarpuss, but before she can respond, Joe telephones from New Jersey. While Loretta insists on setting a wedding date, Johnny is unsure when he will return, but they agree to wed in exactly one month. Salon owner Norman scolds George for his careless attitude and, frustrated by Georges inattentiveness, Jill leaves. However, Alvys memories of his earlier marriages are not particularly happy. Hoping to drive Otto away, Wanda asks Archie to fetch champagne; however, Wendy and Portia return home early, causing Wanda and Otto to scatter. Appalled, Sugar begs Joe to allow her to help, but after numerous passionate kisses, Joe insists he is unmoved. When Judy discovers that her sweetheart, singer Gil Stewart, has spent his entire life savings of $1,500 on a horse instead of voice lessons, she spurns him. Unknown to the Prospector, Georgia is also on the boat, and after a journalist asks the Prospector to don his hobo clothes for a photo shoot, Georgia assumes he is a stowaway and tries to protect him from the ships guards. Before the house is completed, however, the Blandings are evicted from their apartment. The three women think they have avoided trouble, but Roz overhears their bathroom conversation and reports back to Hart, who threatens to go to the police unless Doralee sleeps with him. Deciding to fight for The General alone, Johnny attaches a car with a canon he finds on the tracks. While driving on the road to Aunt Elizabeth's, a distracted Susan rams into a truck carrying a load of fowl, and its cargo spills out and is devoured by Baby. Meanwhile, Chez Luis Monsieur Labisse, wallowing in his now-empty venue, hires private investigator Charles Bovin to uncover Victors true identity. After weeks of being ignored by Mike, Stacy confronts him and admits she is pregnant with his child. Henri complains that Judy no longer respects him and she apologizes. The next morning, Spicoli secretly parks Charles smashed car in front of the school, adding spray paint to read, DIE RIDGEMONT, LINCOLN KILLS, and disguising the damage as a prank conducted by Ridgemonts rival high school, Lincoln. A security guard also notices the theft and trails the woman. Judy dreams of hunting Hart like an animal and mounting his head on the wall. Later he casually admits that Strawn was his brother. Despite the hysterical advice of Gen. "Buck" Turgidson, who advocates limited nuclear war, the President orders U. S. land forces, under the command of Army Col. "Bat" Guano, to attack Burpelson. Kay calls the tradition "old-fashioned rigamarole," but arranges the meeting nevertheless. Afterward, he says goodbye to Trinh, who thanks him for his kindness. At the same time she is quitting, however, Cobb is revealing her identity to Deeds, who is crushed. Agnes returns the next day, alone and remembering little of her adventure. Feigning indifference to Jackie, Lester calls her a whore, but George insists that she really cares for Lester. Returning home, he scares his mother. She does, and runs off again, but this time much to the pleasure of her father. When Irene's engagement is broken, she and Cornelia go on a lengthy trip to Europe. He gives her a check for $100,000 but Linda refuses the money and asks him to leave. With Roderick's forces now vanquished, the infant king is placed on the thrown of England, and Sir Hawkins' is rewarded with the hand of Jean. He wakes up at 6:00, gets a toaster from downstairs, and electrocutes himself in the bathtub. When she eventually returns to Beekman Place, Patrick, believing Mame needs a project, has arranged for her to write her memoirs, which Lindsay will publish. Though she loves Leon, Ninotchka agrees to Swana's terms because it is her duty, and leaves Paris without saying goodbye. Hilly asks George to join them for dinner, but George declines and heads to the club car. Applauding, Ben reads the comments as wisdom about the fluctuating economy. Angry, Miranda unplugs the stereo and orders the guests out of the house. Also during the evening, Mrs. Doubtfire learns that Stu is allergic to pepper, and sneaks into the kitchen to powder his dish with crushed cayenne. Soon after, Paul presents a new toy at a meeting, and Josh questions the products appeal. Production Company: Columbia Pictures Corp. During a later afternoon, Isaac meets Tracy outside her school, where she gives him a harmonica as a gift. As they engage in a pretentious conversation about Annies photography, they are both distracted by their own insecure inner monologues. Joan wakes from her hypnosis and helps Dr. Stevens set the Monster on fire, allowing Chick and Wilbur to escape by boat. Grover uses shoe polish to disguise George as an African American, and they board the Silver Streak without interference. Whenever the effect of the potion wears off, however, he must dash to his laboratory lest he change back to Professor Kelp. Initially excited about the role, Jill hesitates when Johnny reveals that the film will be shot over several weeks in Egypt. But the Xbox maker has exhausted the number of different ways it has already promised to play nice with PlayStation, especially with regards to the exclusivity of future Call of Duty titles. In a happier moment in their relationship, Alvy and Annie Hall vacation at the seashore, and delight in each others company as they attempt to cook live lobsters for dinner. She and her four associates rob a train carrying the Wolf City payroll, and Shelleen, inspired by his love for Cat (unrequited because she loves Clay), shapes up and kills Strawn. Kip, a friend of the Bonners, quickly sides with Amanda and leaves after singing a new song he wrote for her entitled "Farewell, Amanda." Posing first as house detectives and then as paperhangers, Tony and Stuffy try, but fail, to signal Hackenbush to stay away from Flo. When they try to leave the house, they fall into a nightmarish desert that sends them scurrying back inside, where they discover a book titled. Cast: Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Slim Pickens, Writer: Mel Brooks, Norman Steinberg, Andrew Bergman, Richard Pryor, Alan Uger, Andrew Bergman, Cast: Donald Sutherland, Elliott Gould, Tom Skerritt, Cast: Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert, Walter Connolly. Wilson goes after him, leaving Kelly and Sanderson with Elwood. On hearing Veta's story, Miss Kelly, the nurse, assigns Elwood to a room, but when a confused and upset Veta then tries to explain Elwood's case to Dr. Lyman Sanderson, he commits her instead. Clay and Jed appear and reluctantly offer to help Catherine. After agreeing to Helens admonitions not to smoke or drink, Richard briefly joins the other summer bachelors in ogling a pretty woman, but firmly tells himself that he will not be like other husbands who run amok while their families are away. During the next few months, Jerry does everything he can to break up their engagement, but when Daniel's mother, who is adamantly against the engagement, spreads gossip about Lucy, Jerry leaps to her defense. At Kens apartment, Wanda waits in the car while Archie runs upstairs. After burying the trail boss, the group sets out under Jeff and T. R.s direction. Phil explains to Rita that this is his third Groundhog Day in a row, and she suggests that he get his head examined. Out of desperation, Jean books passage on the same ocean liner on which Charlie is traveling and again trips him to get his attention. In addition, the constant flow of women to the apartment earns Buddy the antipathy of his neighbors, including kindly Dr. Dreyfuss and his wife Mildred, who assume that he is a callous playboy. Later, when Patty discovers Navin and Marie together, she is furious and threatens Marie, who knocks her out with a quick punch that wins Navins heart. Pinky, who is Baravelli's mute partner as well as a dog catcher, gets into the club and makes a nuisance of himself. When they sink, Taggart pulls out the handcart but leaves the men to die. One day, Isaac confronts Jill and begs her not to publish the book and expresses concern about their son, Willy, who is now being raised by Jill and her girlfriend. They make love that night, and afterward Annie smokes marijuana. Later, Tony tries to repair Gil and Judy's broken relationship by having Gil secretly admitted as a patient. The result is that they are both arrested, but manage to escape the police. Talbot then is rushed to see Oliver, who has come to the doctor's office with severe chest pains. Dickerson learns that the road to An Lac is under Viet Cong control, but conceals that fact. He proposes that they kiss before dinner, to get over the awkwardness of a first kiss. Norval escapes in Kockenlocker's car after he sets off the alarm, and Emmy and Trudy tie up their father and knock him out to mitigate his involvement in the break-in. Tommy, who is aware of Irene's intentions, sends the mayor into Godfrey's office in the nightclub, and much to the surprise of a dumbfounded Godfrey, he and Irene are married. Although Loretta points out that Johnny was not at fault, Ronny fumes that his brother should not be entitled to the same joy of marriage that he was denied. When the battle at Rock Ridge escalates and the combatants crash through the soundstage wall, the surprised male dancers join the fight and, in some cases, pair up with the cowboys. Meanwhile, sophisticated former detective Nick Charles and his wealthy wife Nora have come to New York for the Christmas holidays and become enmeshed in the case, despite Nick's protests that he is no longer a detective. Consequently, the Doomsday Device is triggered, and atomic explosions are set off all over the world. The downtrodden men burst into uncontrollable laughter. Seeing an opportunity to fund his education, Danny makes inquiries about the scholarship. As the happy couple discusses their future, they do not notice Otto outside their window, covered in cement. Afterward, their leader gives Curt a chance to join the Pharaohs and orders him to chain the axle of a policemans car to a post. SPACEBAR resumes the slideshow. Unwilling to jeopardize his idealized purchase, Jim refuses to file a complaint, but takes Bill's suggestion to consult a structural expert before renovating the dilapidated farmhouse. The passionate Ed protests, until Mitch points to their other friend, Phil Berquist, already asleep a few seats back. Unexpectedly one day, Patrick arrives, wanting Mame to meet his girl friend, Gloria Upson. The quick-thinking Tony prevents Mrs. Upjohn's departure by lying to her and telling her that Hackenbush has just been hired by the sanitarium. At the Delta initiation, Bluto dubs Larry Pinto, and Kent Flounder. The fraternity celebrates with a wild party. Arriving at the church as the final vows are being spoken, he screams Elaine's name over the heads of the startled guests. Orville backs out of the marriage when he learns the truth from a harem girl who is in love with him, and when the prophet later reveals that his forecast was erroneous because of some insects in his telescope, Shalmar then chooses to marry Jeff. The next morning, Howard is evicted, but the elevator takes him up instead of down, letting him off at a restaurant under renovation. The Shalowitzes want to abandon the herd and return to civilization, but Ed and Phil insist they continue. Oliver confides in Dan about his financial struggles and asks him to take over some of his stocks until his business improves. A year later, in a Union encampment just north of Chattanooga, General Thatcher and his chief spy, Captain Anderson, make plans to sabotage the Confederate railroad: They will enter the South posing as civilians, steal a train then proceed North, burning every bridge along the way to cut off supplies to the southern troops. Trudy learns of Norval's return and insists on returning to Morgan's Creek to publicly state the truth, but her speech is preempted when she goes into labor and gives birth to sextuplets, thereby making national headlines. Jordan was born at Cumberland Hospital in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, New York City, on February 17, 1963, the son of bank employee Deloris (ne Peoples) and equipment supervisor James R. Jordan Sr. Soon thereafter, Gwendolyn publicly proclaims her love for the jester, so the insulted Griswold challenges Hawkins to a duel. Unknown to Jerry, Joe has stolen Beinstocks suitcase of clothes and eyeglasses and, dressing in them, goes to the beach where he stages an accidental meeting with Sugar. Sophisticated New Yorkers Jerry and Lucy Warriner both have cause to suspect the other of having an affair, so they decide to divorce. Wade thwarts Lundegaards plan by insisting on delivering the ransom money, himself. After picking up Marys dog, the two take it for a walk, eventually sitting on a bench together watching the sun come up over the Queensboro Bridge. A few weeks later, the three men arrive at Stone Ranch in New Mexico. Youthful locomotive engineer Johnnie Gray of the Watern and Atlantic Railroad has two loves in his life, his train engine, which he has named The General, and his girl friend Annabelle Lee. Gaffney immediately dispatches an employee, who slips on a newly washed floor and is knocked unconscious. The next morning, at the town square, he approaches Nancy, pretends he sat next to her in English class, and arranges to meet her later. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein. Sitting at Howards table is Judy, who, posing as Eunice, is bewitching Larrabee and other musicologists with her wit, sex appeal and extensive knowledge. The task of paring down the guest list proves too difficult, however, and Stanley reluctantly consents to a 250-person reception. He realizes George has instructed Ken to kill the eyewitness, and bets Ken one pound that he does not go through with the murder. At the television studio where he works, Isaac becomes frustrated with the results of his material and quits his job. As the day approaches and Wynant fails to return, Dorothy worries, while her mother, Mimi, is frantic that her ex-husband is unavailable to give her and her new husband, Chris Jorgenson, more money. A shocked Victor is convinced Harold killed the protestor and stops talking about the young man's induction. After confessing her sins in church, Loretta sees her mother praying. When Mrs. Doubtfire first meets Stu, she is very passive aggressive and suggests that the large size of his car is a compensation for smaller genitals. One evening, after excusing herself for a call of nature, Mrs. Doubtfire fails to lock the bathroom door, and Chris accidentally sees Mrs. Doubtfire standing to relieve him/herself. After Confederate troops are loaded into several railroad cars, Johnnie leaves the station piloting an engine called The Texas; however, he is so preoccupied with the chase that he fails to look behind him until miles down the track, where he realizes that the troop cars are not attached to the engine. When an employee of the New York City Public Library is terrorized by an unseen phantom, library administrator Roger Delacorte consults Columbia University parapsychologists Raymond Ray Stantz, Peter Venkman, and Egon Spengler. Horrified by their age difference, Mrs. Chasen sends Harold to see Victor and the psychiatrist, who caution him against the marriage. Rushing to the beach early the next morning, Lenny frolics in the ocean with Kelly, who is amused when he admits that he is on his honeymoon. One evening, John, who has fallen in love with Gerry, serenades her underneath her balcony to the accompaniment of an orchestra, not realizing that he is providing the romantic background for Gerry and Tom to reunite.

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