queensborough community college faculty

One Community. More impressive than its population, however, is the borough's unrivaled ethnic diversity, with residents from every corner of the globe. Assigned computer workstations to roughly 50 - 100 students, faculty and guests daily. New York State, Kisselev, AlexeiSenior College Laboratory Technician, PhysicsB.A., M.A., Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University, Klein, JenniferHigher Education Associate, Office of Student Affairs; Student Life Manager for Student ConductB.A., Canisius College; M.S., State University of New York at Buffalo; M.S.W., Adelphi University, Klepper, AshlieLecturer, Communications, Theatre and Media ProductionB.A., State University of New York at Potsdam; M.A., State University of New York at Brockport, Kofron, ChristinaHigher Education Associate, Office of the President, Office of Marketing and Communication, Assistant Director of Creative ServicesB.S., CUNY Queens College; M.P.S., City College of New York, Kokkinos, DimitriosAssociate Professor, PhysicsB.A., University of Patras, Greece; Ph.D., The City University of New York, Kolack, KevinLecturer, ChemistryB.S., University of Virginia; Ph.D., Indiana University, Kolios, AnthonyAssociate Professor, BusinessB.S., Athens University; M.B.A., Long Island University; M.A., The City College of New York, Konkel, MatthewHigher Education Assistant, Office of Student Affairs; Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP); Student AdviserB.S., M.S., Dowling College, Koul, SanjayAssistant Professor, Biological Sciences and GeologyM.Sc., Barkatullah University; Ph.D., Devi Ahilya University, Krasner, LinaHigher Education Associate, Office of Finance and Administration; Office of Bursar, Associate BursarB.S., M.B.A., Long Island University, Kueper, RobertAssistant Professor, Engineering TechnologyB.P.S., Empire State College, State University of New York, Kuszai, JoelAssociate Professor, EnglishB.A., Reed College; M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo, Kwok, AshleyHigher Education Assistant, Office of Academic Affairs, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), Office of Educational TechnologyB.A., CUNY Hunter College, Labozzetta, JosephHigher Education Associate, Office of Academic Affairs; Center for Tutoring and Academic Support; Academic Resource Center Manager, Writing CenterB.A., CUNY Queens College, Lackner, ElisabethHigher Education Officer; Office of Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President; Director, Institutional Research and AssessmentM.A., Karl Franzens University, Austria; M.A., The New School, Lago, SusanLecturer, EnglishB.S., Emerson College; M.A., William Paterson University, Lai, WeiAssociate Professor, Foreign Languages and Literatures M.A., University of Chicago; Ph.D.,Pennsylvania StateUniversity, Lall-Ramnarine, SharonProfessor, Chemistry; Faculty Fellow for ResearchM.Phil., Ph.D., The City University of New York, Lam, Raymond K.Assistant Professor, Engineering TechnologyB.S., M.S., University of Hawaii at Manoa; Dr. of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lane, CaryAssociate Professor, EnglishM.F.A., Northwestern University; Ph.D., Capella University, Langbart, Mary AnneHigher Education Associate, Office of Student Affairs; Financial Aid Manager, Associate Director Financial ServicesB.S., M.B.A., St. Johns University, Lash, GlennaHigher Education Associate, Office of the President; Human Resources, Human Resources ManagerB.A., State University of New YorkatFredonia, Lataianu, GabrielAssistant Professor, Social SciencesM.A., Jagiellonian University, Poland; Ph.D., Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lau, MatthewAssociate Professor, EnglishPh.D., The City University of New York, Lawrence, MichaelLecturer, Engineering TechnologyA.A.S., Queensborough Community College; B.S., United States Air Force Academy, Lazaro, AnnetteAssistant to Higher Education Officer, Office of Student Affairs; Special Projects Coordinator, Leary, ChrisAssociate Professor, EnglishM.A., Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus; M.Phil., Ph.D., The City University of New York, Lee, CatherineAssistant to Higher Education Officer, Office of Academic Affairs; Office of Registrar, Enrollment Registrar, Records, Transcripts & RegistrationB.S., State University of New York at Stony Brook, Lee, Whan KiAssociate Professor, Mathematics and Computer SciencePh.D., The City University of New York, Legitime, AshleyHigher Education Officer, Office of Academic Affairs; Academic Program Director, BTECHB.A., Syracuse University; M.A., University of Michigan, Lekic, MirnaAssociate Professor, MusicB.M., Eastman School of Music; M.M., Mannes College of Music, The New School for Music; D.M.A., CUNY Graduate Center, Lennard, SheldonHigher Education Assistant, Office of Student Affairs; Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP), Academic AdviserB.A., CUNY Hunter College; M.A., CUNY Queens College, Leong, BrendaAssistant to Higher Education Officer, Office of Academic Affairs; Center for Tutoring and Academic Support; Academic Resource Center Coordinator, Student Learning CenterB.A., New York University, Leung, WilsonHigher Education Officer, Office of Finance and Administration; Finance Director, Accounting and Related EntitiesB.S., CUNY Hunter College, Levine, RobinHigher Education Assistant, Office of Academic Affairs, Registrar, Project AssistantB.A., State University of New York at Buffalo, Lewis, GailLecturer, Communication, Theatre and Media ProductionB.A., Hofstra University; M.A., CUNY Bernard M Baruch College, Li, LixuLecturer, Mathematics and Computer ScienceB.A., M.A., CUNY Queens College, Li, QinAssistant Professor, Social SciencesB.A., Syracuse University, Poland; M.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University, Lieberman, David H.Professor, PhysicsB.S., Cooper Union; M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, Lin, JasperAssistant Professor, Art and DesignB.S., University of Massachusetts; M.F.A, School of Visual Arts, Lindsay, TwanaHigher Education Officer, Office of Finance and Administration; Director of Accounts PayableB.S., CUNY Hunter College, Liquori, RobertHigher Education Assistant, Office of Finance and Administration, Accounts Payable; Finance SpecialistB.B.A., AdelphiUniversity, Litroff, ScottAssociate Professor, MusicB.A., D.M.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook; M.M., Mannes College of Music, The New School for Music, Liu, WenjianAssociate Professor, Mathematics and Computer ScienceB.A., ShandongUniversity; M.A., Ph.D., University ofCalifornia, Lizzul, IsabellaAssociate Professor, Health, Physical Education and DanceA.A., Queensborough Community College; B.S., CUNY Hunter College; D.P.T., Mercy College, Loeffler, HelmutAssociate Professor, HistoryB.A., M.A., Ph.D., Ludwig Maximiliams University, Longobardi, MariaInstructor; Office of Finance & Administration, CUNY Language Immersion Program (CLIP), Luby, John B.Chief College Laboratory Technician, BusinessA.A.S., Queensborough Community College, Luedtke, AdamAssociate Professor, Social SciencesPh.D., University of Washington, Lukas, VeronicaOffice of Student Affairs; Dean of Enrollment ManagementB.A., M.B.A., Adelphi University, Macaluso, RosalindaLecturer, Social SciencesB.A., Hofstra University, M.A., Adelphi University, Ph.D., St. Johns University, Macea, YsabelHigher Education Officer, Office of the President; HR Director of Recruitment, Data Systems and Reports, Human ResourcesB.S., CUNY Hunter College; M.S. Call responded with a shift in position and tone. This is the form to request PRINT materials (that either the faculty member or the library already owns) to be put on reserve in the library. Queensborough offers a rich liberal arts and science curriculum as well as career and pre-professional courses. Professor Emerita, Foreign Languages and Literature, Arnowich, Beatrice, A.B., M.S., Ph.D.Professor Emerita, Chemistry, Asmundsson, Doris, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.Professor Emerita, English, Asser, Stuart, M.B.A. Queensborough Community College is one of the most diverse institutions in New York City, providing a challenging and stimulating environment for those who work here. If you any questions, please contact Prof. Jeffrey Jia at (718) 281-5594 or jjia@qcc.cuny.edu. At Queensborough, over half of the faculty holds doctorates compared with 21% of faculty in other community colleges nationwide. QCC faculty, staff, students and alumni are granted access with a CUNY ID card. Mack, AnissaAssociate Professor, Art and DesignM.F.A., Temple University. Chat Store hours. Phil., Ph.D., The City University of New York, Graduate Center, Zhao, JiaoHigher Education Associate, Office of Finance and Administration; Office of Accounting and Related Entities, Finance Reporting & Revenue ManagerB.A., Rochester Institute of Technology, Zhelezcheva, TanyaAssociate Professor, EnglishPh.D., Northeastern University, Zhou, ZhouAssistant Professor, ChemistryB.S., Tsinghua University; M.S., Shantou University; Ph.D., Stony Brook University, Zinger, LanaProfessor, Health, Physical Education and DanceB.S., New York University; M.S., Ed.D., Teachers College Columbia University, Zompa, VincentInstructor; Office of Finance & Administration, CUNY Language Immersion Program (CLIP)B.A., Rhode Island College; M.F.A., CUNY Brooklyn College, Copyright 2020Queensborough Community College, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, High Impact Practices and Experiential Learning, Continuing Education & Workforce Development, Accessible Facilities for People with Disabilities, New York State Liberal Arts and Sciences Requirements, Faculty & Instructional Staff-Professors Emeriti, CUNY's Policy on Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination. The Governance Plan Document has been made available for online viewing. Mader, Bryn J.Professor, Biological Sciences and GeologyM.S., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Madera, SusanHigher Education Associate, Office of Academic Affairs, Transfer Resource Unit; Transfer ManagerB.A., CUNY Queens College, Madrigal, Jos LuisProfessor, Foreign Languages and LiteraturesM. . Read Book 2012 Algebra For College Students Custom Edition Package Queensborough Community You've heard about "flipping your classroom"now find out howto do it! Computer Engineering Technology. Using the FTE count for students and staff results in a "student to instructor" ratio of 21 to 1 . The City University of New York/Queensborough Community College is an Equal Employment Opportunity/ Affirmative Action/ Immigration Reform and Control Act/ Americans with Disabilities Act Employer. Infinite Possibilities. We strive to attract and nurture a talented and diverse faculty and staff that proudly reflect the unique character of the local Queens community, the most diverse county in the United States. 5. Comprising one of the most diverse populations of any college in the U.S., over . Employment. 3. Professor Emerita, Nursing, Tauss, Vita C., B.A., M.S., Ed.D.Professor Emerita, Student Affairs, Traetta, Marie, B.S., M.A., M.Ed., Ed.D, R.N.Professor Emerita, Nursing, Trombetta, Michael L., B.Ch.E., M.S., Ph.D.Professor Emeritus, Business, Troyka, Lynn Q., B.A., M.A., Ph.D.Professor Emerita, Basic Educational Skills, Tschinkel, Paul, B.A., B.F.A., M.F.A.Professor Emeritus, Art and Design, Tully, Nora, B.S., M.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., R.I.Professor Emerita, Nursing, Valentino, James, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.Professor Emeritus, Engineering Technology, Wallace, Maureen M., B.S., M.S., Ed.D., R.N.Professor Emerita, Nursing, Walpuck, Kenneth, B.F.A., M.F.A., Ph.D.Professor Emeritus, Art and Design, Weiss, Paul, B.S., M.S., H.S.D.Professor Emeritus, Health, Physical Education, and Dance, White, Frank T., B.A., M.A., Ph.D.Professor Emeritus, Social Sciences, Wieder, Benjamin, A.A.S., B.S., M.S.Professor Emeritus, Business, Wilson, Charles, B.B.A., M.A.Professor Emeritus, Speech Communication and Theatre Arts, Winkler, Bertram, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.Professor Emeritus, Biological Sciences and Geology, Wolfson, Hyman, A.B., B.A., J.D., M.B.A., LL.M., C.P.A.Professor Emeritus, Business, Workman, Harvey N., A.A.S., B.S., Ph.D.Professor Emeritus, Biological Sciences and Geology, Yalof, Helen, A.B., M.F.A., Ph.D.Professor Emerita, Speech Communication and Theatre Arts, Yonis, Leonard, B.S., M.A., Ed.D.Professor Emeritus, Mathematics and Computer Science, Young, Meredith L., B.S., M.A., Ph.D.Professor Emerita, Basic Educational Skills, Young, Victor, A.B., M.S., Ph.D.Professor Emeritus, Physics, Zanger, Henry, B.S., M.S., P.E.Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering Technology, Zinberg, Mildred, B.A., M.S., Ph.D.Professor Emerita, Speech Communication and Theatre Arts, Copyright 2020Queensborough Community College, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, High Impact Practices and Experiential Learning, Continuing Education & Workforce Development, Accessible Facilities for People with Disabilities, New York State Liberal Arts and Sciences Requirements, Faculty & Instructional Staff-Professors Emeriti, CUNY's Policy on Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination. 1.Faculty and students in CUNY are not in the same organization, so if this is meant for students it will have to be set to anyone. New York University; M.A., Columbia University; M.A., C.W. One Community. 3. QUEENSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT In the Matter of the Complaint of Ted Rosen Related to the Election for Chairperson of the Business Department conducted on May 7, 2014 Prepared by Philip A. Pecorino, Ph.D. Chairperson, Faculty Executive Committee Edmund Clingan, Ph.D. Parliamentarian, Faculty Executive Committee Adviser, Math Learning CenterB.A., CUNY Lehman College; M.S.Ed., St. Johns University, Pisciotta, Michael, J.Higher Education Associate, Office of Chief Operating Officer & Senior Vice President; Information Technology, Academic Applications ManagerA.A.S., Queensborough Community College; B.B.A., Adelphi University, Pisciotta, SalvatoreHigher Education Assistant, Office of Student Affairs, Office of Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP), ASAP Student Adviser A.A., Queensborough Community College; B.A., CUNY Queens College, Portnoy, ArkadiySenior College Laboratory Technician, PhysicsA.A.S., Queensborough Community College, Poulsen, JaneAssociate Professor, Social SciencesB.A., CUNY Hunter College; M.A., Ph.D., New York University, Powell, DonnyceHigher Education Associate, Office of Finance and Administration, Purchasing; Finance Procurement ManagerB.A., University of Phoenix; M.A., Nova South East University, Powell, KennethSenior College Laboratory Technician, Art and DesignA.A., CUNY LaGuardia College; B.A., CUNY Hunter College, Prato, ChristopherInstructor; Office of Finance & Administration, CUNY Language Immersion Program (CLIP)M.A., CUNY Hunter College, Prepetit, JessicaAssistant Professor, NursingB.S., Adelphi+ University; M.A., Malloy College, Proteasa, GheorgheAssociate Professor, Biological Sciences and GeologyPh.D., Wayne State University, Puca, Cynthia K.Higher Education Assistant, Office of Student Affairs, College Discovery; Academic CD Student Support SpecialistB.A., Hofstra University; M.S., Long Island University, C. W. Post, Pullin, MichaelDean for Academics, Office of Academic AffairsB.A., Case Western Reserve University; M.S., Ph.D., Kent State University, Puri, Karan MohanAssociate Professor, Mathematics and Computer SciencePh.D., Rutgers University, Pyak, AlexandraAssistant Administrator, Executive Director, Office of Academic Affairs; Director of Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP)B.A.,M.A.,CUNY Queens College, Quan, YimoInstructor; Office of Finance & Administration, CUNY Start ProgramB.A., CUNY Queens College, Quintanilla, FaustinoHigher Education Officer, Office of Marketing & Communication; Executive Director and Curator of QCC Art Gallery and Community OutreachB.A., Wagner College; M.F.A., Pratt Institute, Quiroz, MiguelHigher Education Officer, Office of Finance and Administration; Finance Director, Accounting and Related EntitiesM.S., CUNY Queens College, Rachiele, LauraSenior College Laboratory Technician, Biological Sciences and GeologyA.A.S., Queensborough Community College, Raghunauth Dhanraj, YashodaHigher Education Assistant, Human Resources, Office of Personnel; HR Coordinator for Classified StaffM.A., CUNY Queens College, Ragoub, AliLecturer, Engineering TechnologyB.A., M.A., Saad Dahlab University of Blida, Ramjerdi, JanAssociate Professor, EnglishA.B., M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; D.A., State University of New York at Albany, Ramkishun, DevyaAssistant to Higher Education Officer, Office of Register, Office of Academic Affairs, Enrollment Registrar CoordinatorB.A., CUNY York College, Ramos, PatriciaHigher Education Officer, Director, Office of Admissions, Office of Student AffairsB.A., State University of New York at Cortland, M.S.Ed, Baruch College, Ramos-Byam, EmaniAcademic Student Support Manager, Young Men's Initiative, Office of Academic Affairs;B.S., University of Bridgeport, Ramos, PatriciaHigher Education Officer, Office of Admissions, Office of Student AffairsM.S. Address. CUNY Queensborough is an above-average public college located in Queens, New York in the New York City Area. In 2019-2020, 12,328 students took at least one online class at the school. Check out QCC and John Jay's course equivalencies . This website has been prepared to provide all members of the faculty and instructional staff with general information concerning the College's structure, policies, and procedures, and to introduce new members of the instructional staff to Queensborough . A traditional college student is defined as being between the ages of 18-21. Infinite Possibilities. Student Age Diversity 82.11 out of 100. 4.3. 4.2. Religious affliation. Ed., Baruch College; B.A., SUNY Cortland, Ramotar, RanitaHigher Education Assistant, Office of Student Affairs; Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP); Student AdviserB.A., CUNY Queens College, Raya, EladiaAssociate Professor, Foreign Languages and Literatures Licenciado,Linguistics/LiteratureUniversityof Granada, SpainM.A., CUNY Queens College; Ph.D., The City University of New York, Reesman, LindaProfessor, EnglishB.S. The CUNY Queensborough acceptance rate is 100%. Queensborough Community College (CUNY) 222-05 56th Avenue, Bayside Queens, NY 11364. Professor Emeritus, Social Sciences, Allen, Jules, M.F.A. Introducing a new way to think about higher education,learning, and technology that prioritizes the benefits of the humandimension. The College Archives is a depository for documents concerning Queensborough Community College. . Materials are preserved that reflect the history and organization of the college. Queensborough Community College Sep 2015 - Present 7 years 3 months. Furthermore, you can find the "Troubleshooting Login Issues" section which can answer your . Bayside, NY . Reserves Form. The College has over 775 Instructional Faculty members, with more than 70% of full-time faculty holding doctoral degrees. 27,972.1% Avg Growth Over 4 Years. according to Lonelyplanet.com, which rated Queens the best tourist destination for 2015. If 'all the world's a stage,' head to Queens for front-row seats." Ask a question about working or interviewing at Queensborough Community College. E.E., State University of New York at Stony Brook; M.S. Your decision to invest in QCC helps support students who are trying to earn a college degree; creates an enriched learning environment through the support of the Kupferberg Holocaust Center (KHC), QCC Art Gallery, and Queensborough Performing Arts Center (QPAC); strengthens the College's faculty through professional . As Learning Communities Project Coordinator I assisted in the re . Any applicant who requires an accommodation for a disability in order to apply for a position or proceed with the job search process should contact the Office of Human Resources and Labor Relations (humanresources@qcc.cuny.edu). The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital . When this is adjusted to account for those with part-time status, the result is the "full-time equivalent" (FTE) count. CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College, Yi, JohnLecturer, EnglishB.A., M.A., CUNY Brooklyn College, Yildirim, EsmaAssistant Professor, Mathematics and Computer ScienceB.S., Faith University; M.S., Mamara University; Ph.D., Louisiana State University, Yonker, LiisaAssociate Professor, Communication, Theatre and Media ProductionB.A., Michigan State; M.F.A., Carnegie Mellon University, Yuster, RichardProfessor, Engineering TechnologyB.S.E.E., The City College of New York; M.S.E.E., New York University; P.E., State of New York, Zahavy, ReuvainLecturer, Mathematics and Computer ScienceB.A., M.A., Yeshiva University; M.S., Adelphi University, Zelcer, MarkAssistant Professor, Social SciencesB.A., M.A., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.

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